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Wikimania 2016 bids/Esino Lario/History

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The bidding process of Wikimania Esino Lario stated in mid August 2013, after Wikimania 2013 Hong Kong. The process began by checking the potential feasibility of such a proposal and the interest of people and institutions. A feasibility study was produced to verify opportunities and challenges of organizing Wikimania in Esino Lario, and to review requirements and the possibility of this location to respond to them and in which way. The process of developing the feasibility study implied the review of the available documentation and of previous experiences, which lead to the production of a series of new documents on meta related to the history of the Wikimania editions and its different aspects. Wikimedia Italia supported since October 2013 the bid and a project manager was involved part-time for few months at the beginning of 2014 to facilitate the work (collecting pre-invoices, facilitating meetings). The Wikimania Esino Lario bid was presented in Spring 2014 (always proposed for 2016). July 18th 2014 the location was at the centre of a site visit of two members of the Wikimania Committee. In Winter 2014 an updated proposal was resubmitted (changes between the first application in Spring 2014 and the application in Winter 2014). In December 2014 Esino Lario was selected to host Wikimania 2016.

Timeline of Wikimania Esino Lario steps

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Preliminary work: establishing the working group of Wikimania Esino Lario and collecting support from people and institutions

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Date Where Input Who Output
2013年08月15日 Online Launch of the idea in Wikimania it mailing list and first reactions. The idea comes from Matteo Crespi; Iolanda Pensa has checked the feasibility, developed the draft proposal and then submitted it to the potential working team.
2013年08月15日 Online First notes on meta User:Iopensa/Esino Lario
2013年08月16日 Esino Lario First informal meeting in Esino Lario Elisa Dell'Era, Iolanda Pensa. Decision to present the proposal to the city council.
2013年08月19日 Online Drafted feasibility study on meta. Esino Lario/Feasibility study
2013年09月03日 Esino Lario Presentation of the proposal to Esino Lario city council. Elisa Dell'Era, Giovanni Dell'Era, Nicola Nasazzi, Carlo Borgia, Giovanni Viglienghi, Carlo Maria Pensa, Iolanda Pensa. Interest and support.
2013-09 Esino Lario Preparation of the first visit to Esino Lario with members of Wikimedia Italia
  • Varenna: Exchanges with Villa Monastero and Villa Cipressi to visit the locations.
  • Esino Lario: Exchanges with Elisa Dell'Era, Nicola Nasazzi, Giovanni Viglienghi, Elvezia Bertarini, Giusy Nasazzi, Tecla Bertarini, Ester Maglia, Silvia Pensa to visit Villa Clotilde, old and new Museo delle Grigne, Primary School, Sport Hall/multifunctional space, La Rota.

Programme of the first visit (Italian).

2013年09月07日 Esino Lario First visit to Esino Lario with members of Wikimedia Italia Participate to the visit Frieda Brioschi, Giulia Sepe, Roberto Corda, Ilario Valdelli, Mauro Cassina, Iolanda Pensa.
  • Varenna: Exchanges with Villa Monastero and Villa Cipressi to visit the locations.
  • Esino Lario: Exchanges with Elisa Dell'Era, Nicola Nasazzi, Giovanni Viglienghi, Elvezia Bertarini, Giusy Nasazzi, Tecla Bertarini, Ester Maglia, Silvia Pensa to visit Villa Clotilde, old and new Museo delle Grigne, Primary School, Sport Hall/multifunctional space, La Rota. Programma of the first visit.
2013年09月11日 Wikimedia Italia mailing list Proposal of Esino Lario for Wikimania 2015 un'idea nuova per Wikimania Freida Brioschi launches the threat on the mailing list. Feedback from some members. Decision to present the proposal during Wikimedia Italia general assembly in Bologna.
2013年09月12日 Online/phone First contacts with relevant institutions to present the idea and to see if it is possible to establish partnerships or to apply for grants. Comunità montana (Giacomo Camozzini), Fondazione Cariplo (Andrea Rebaglio), Fondazione Banca del Monte di Lombardia (Daniela Ruffino), Norda (general e-mail), Pro Loco Esino Lario (phone call), asking letter of the support from the Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center (Pilar Palacia) - Iolanda Pensa.

Letter of support from the director of the Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center (18/09/2013)

2013年09月13日 Phone First contacts with local service providers and prices. Busses Bellano-Varenna-Esino Lario (LT Lecco Trasporti website] SAL Servizi Automobilistici Lecchesi S.r.l. - administration service Journey/Transportation
2013年09月16日 E-mail First feedback from Fondazione Cariplo. It can be more efficient to apply for the new grant programme which will be published in January next year. There is also the possibility of apply outside the regular application system but funds are more limited. New contacts planned in December 2013.
2013年09月18日 Milan Meeting at Politecnico di Milano related to the Interreg project The Alps on Wikipedia. Presentation of Wikimania Esino Lario bid and possible synergy with the project. Comunità Montana (Giacomo Camozzini), Silvana Lo Russo, Rossella Salerno (Politecnico di Milano), Daniele Villa (Politecnico di Milano), Iolanda Pensa. The Alps on Wikipedia, calendar of projects related to the Alps.
2013年09月19日 Phone First contacts with Telecom Italia. Frieda Brioschi. First presentation of the idea and concept, relevant contact.
2013年09月19日 Phone Requests of maps of the Sport Hall, Primary School, former museum. Technical administrator of Esino Lario City Council - Iolanda Pensa. Maps available next week.
2013年09月19日 Esino Lario Meeting with some members of the community of Esino Lario and representatives of local associations. Elisa Dell'Era, Giovanni Dell'Era, Giovanni Viglienghi, Nicola Nasazzi, Ester Maglia, Tecla Barindelli, Giusy Nasazzi, Piercarlo Barindelli, Matteo Maglia, Serena Nasazzi, Massimo Dell'Oro, Carlo Maria Pensa, Iolanda Pensa.
Template to ask people to provide available apartments.

Programme and report of the meeting (Italian).

2013年09月24日 Phone First contacts with Provincia di Lecco to present the project. Phone call by Catherine de Senarclens. Meeting to plan.
2013年09月25日 Meeting in Milan Meeting with Chiara Somajni (journalist, focus on culture and ICT, she has been working for Sole24Ore - major economic national journals - for many years. Brainstorming about potential keynotes, possibility of organizing a side-conference before the event about urban regeneration, culture and ICT. Chiara Somajni and Iolanda Pensa. Chiara Somajni joins the team as a volunteer.
2013年09月26日 Phone Presentation of the project to Pietro Pensa - architect and engineer specialized also in building safety and procedures. Pietro Pensa and Iolanda Pensa. Pietro Pensa joins the team as a volunteer. Visits to Esino Lario to check the venues and identify data needed and issues.
2013年09月27日 Phone First contacts with the Catering services: CFP Alberghiero. località Piazzo - 23831 Casargo (LC). Tel. +39 0341 840250. They are school providing catering services; they are based in Valsassina. They can manage the catering and we will ask for different kind of estimate budgets to identify which is the best solution for Wikimania Esino Lario. Discussion with the head of the school - Catherine de Senarclens. Preparation of a brief and request of estimate budget
2013年09月29日 Milan Dinner with some members of Wikimedia Italy in the occasion of Nicole Ebber and Kira Kraemer in Milan for the Chapters Dialogue project. Updates and a little discussion about Wikimania Esino Lario and Certificating training. Frieda Brioschi, Federico Leva, Lorenzo Losa, Giampaolo Dell'Acqua, Giulia Sepe, Roberto Corda, Iolanda Pensa, Federico, Nicole Ebber.
2013年09月30日 Online Discussion about Wikimania Esino Lario. Possible involvement of the graphic designer Vincent Plisson (on linkedin) in working on the logo and brand of Wikimania Esino Lario. Vincent Plisson and Iolanda Pensa. First proposal for the brand

Vincent Plisson joins the team as volunteer. He will work on a mood board on Wikimania Esino Lario and some proposal for the brand.

2013年09月30日 Online Wikimedia Italy applies for the Wikimedia Conference 2014 in Varenna. Wikimedia Italia board, Giulia Sepe (event manager), Frieda (rolling pin manager), Laurentius (international affairs), Francesca Lissoni (secretary), Alessandra Gasperini (secretary), Emma Tracanella (volunteer coordinator) This is a first attempt to allow members of the Wikimedia members to consider the territory of Lake Como as a possible location for Wikimedia events. The application allows to bring also Wikimania Esino Lario in the conversation and to start considering it. Members of Wikimania jury might have the chance to visit Wikimedia Esino Lario location and venues, excursion to Esino Lario, possibility of Wikimedia Italia team to test and manage the challenge of the location, start organizing the logistics, acquiring all the necessary expertise and network to gain the ability to properly implement Wikimania Esino Lario with the necessary envisioned impact.
2013年10月02日 Email Contacts with possible members of the team. Presentation of the project and discussion about possible involvement according to availability and interests. Wikimedians. Contacts with Wikimedia Foundation Global Learning & Evaluation to see if they can join the evaluation working group. Marco Chemello, Michele Lavazza, Fabio Baioni, Shani join the team.
2013年10月05日 Esino Lario Visit to the venues of Esino Lario with Pietro Pensa - architect and engineer specialized also in building safety and procedures. We are collecting the building plans. The expertise on security will allow us to define the number of people allowed for each space, to check current security issue, to prepare for inspections. Security is also a major issue for a tensile structure, for authorizations and for the inspection of the firemen. Pietro Pensa, Giovanni Dell'Era, Carlo Maria Pensa, Elisa Dell'Era, Nicola Nasazzi, Iolanda Pensa. Discussion about buildings, mobility and security with the floor plans (Sport Hall, former museum, primary school and Villa Clotilde). Different possibilities for the Sport Hall/Multifunctional space. Possible synergy with Expo 2015. Next steps: digital floor plans of the buildings (Giovanni Dell'Era, Elisa Dell'Era, Alessandro Dell'Oro) - drawings/numbers/security requirements (Pietro Pensa); maps of Esino Lario - selected buildings as venues, numbers, circulation (Pietro Pensa).
2013年10月14日 Esino Lario First presentation of the project Wikimania Esino Lario to the sottosegretario (secretary for Lombardy Region) Expo Milan 2015 during an event in Esino Lario. Fabrizio Sala, Giovanni Dell'Era, Catherine de Senarclens Plan of a meeting with Fabrizio Sala at the beginning of November 2013.
2013年10月15日 Lecco Meeting and discussion about the estimate budget for busses and transport (airports-Esino Lario; increase of public transport from Varenna-Esino Lario). Valentina Astori, 2 collaborators of S.A.L. Servizi Automobilistici Lecchesi S.r.l., Catherine de Senarclens Estimate budget S.A.L. Servizi Automobilistici Lecchesi S.r.l.
2013年10月15日 Lecco Requests of estimate budgets for busses and transport (airports-Esino Lario; increase of public transport from Varenna-Esino Lario). Catherine de Senarclens Estimate budget Zani Viaggi ed Autoservizi Zani (01/11/2013).
2013年10月19日 Bologna Presentation of the proposal Wikimania Esino Lario at Wikimedia Italia general assembly. Wikimedia Italia board and members of the association. Absolute majority and good discussion. 1 person didn't support the bid, inviting us to include more locations within the proposal (sites on Lake Como and the province); few people abstained. Support by Wikimedia Italia general assembly.

Next steps and check list:

  • Done Meeting with Esino Lario city council. Very positive reactions. Support to the proposal; collaboration in collecting the necessary information; some of the city council already involved in the preparation of the first visit.
  • Done First visit to Esino Lario with people interested in contributing to Wikimania Esino Lario. According to the feedback we will decide if it is possible to candidate Esino Lario as a Wikimania Bid and if we can proceed with the other meetings.
  • Done Presentation of the possibility of proposing Esino Lario for Wikimania 2015 on Wikimedia Italia mailing list. Discussions on the mailing list.
  • Done Decision of Wikimedia Italia to support or not Esino Lario bid. Supported.

Preparation of the bidding process

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Date Where Input Who Output
2013年10月22日 Online and phone Giaccai proposes to involve librarians in the project. Giaccai, Iolanda Pensa, Silvia Ponzoni (reference person of the library system of the Province of Lecco) Phone call to Silvia Ponzoni (reference person of the library system of the Province of Lecco); presentation of Wikimania Esino Lario and proposal of a series of events related to Wikipedia, the Wikimedia projects and libraries. Interest and request of a written proposal to present it to the network.
2013年10月30日 Barzio Discussion with the Comunità montana della Valsassina, Valvarrone, Val d'Esino e Riviera to release the content of the website http://www.valsassinacultura.it under cc by-sa within the frame of the project The Alps on Wikipedia and to support Wikimania Esino Lario (ideas and proposals for events, program of excursions in the park, botanic and geological excursions - June is the perfect period for blooms in the territory; support both from the comunità montana and the Regional Park of Northern Grigna mountains). Giacomo Camozzini (director of the comunità montana), Maria Conte (person in charge of the comunità montana websites) and Iolanda Pensa. Next step support letter.
2013年10月30日 Barzio Presentation of the project and request of support for the space Meeting (conference venue) and for the accommodation and meals; COE owns and manages Hotel Montanina (45 rooms and restaurant space for 200 people), Hotel Rosa Delle Alpi (18 rooms and restaurant space for 80 people, 3 stars) and Meeting; all buildings are right in the middle of Esino Lario. Maria Airoldi and Iolanda Pensa. Next letter support letter and pre invoice for the accommodation and meals.
2013年11月04日 Online Technical committee. Discussion about the possible involvement of Simone Sala as chair of the technical commitee. Simone Sala and Iolanda Pensa. Simone Sala is chair of the technical committee.
2013年11月05日 Milan Organization and planning. Frieda Brioschi and Iolanda Pensa. Check list and discussion about next steps and possible involvement of Wikimedia Italia staff in the preparation of the bid.
2013年11月07日 Online Short description of the project made because in Esino Lario people asked to have a summery of what Wikimania is about. Presentation distributed in Esino Lario; editing Iolanda Pensa. Summery of Wikimania Esino Lario in Italian.
2013年11月19日 Online Wikimedia Italia board decision to involve Giulia Sepe as a staff member (consultant) to support the preparation of the bid. Lorenzo Losa, Frieda Brioschi, Cristian Consonni, Andrea Zanni, Claudio Guidetti. Short job description and board resolution (access for Wikimedia Italia members)
2013年11月20日 Milan Technical Committee. Discussion about needs, outcomes, necessary support, options. Simone Sala and Iolanda Pensa. Next step: plan for the connectivity and more precise definition of the team by January.
2013年11月21日 Online Wikimania Esino Lario mailing list (to support the preparation of the event in Italian). Giovanni Fasano. http://mailman.wikimedia.it/listinfo/esinolario (admin access http://mailman.wikimedia.it/admin/esinolario; iopensa admin)
2013年11月21日 Milan Organization and planning. Discussion about the overall plan (transport, calendar, food, accommodation, venues, team). Preparation of the next steps. Giulia Sepe and Iolanda Pensa. Documentation shared, list of contacts, update of files (budget, accommodation, food, venues).
2013年11月26日 Monza Organization and planning. Giulia Sepe and Frieda Brioschi.
2013年11月26日 Monza Organization and planning. Giulia Sepe, Frieda Brioschi, Iolanda Pensa.
2013年11月26日 Esino Organization and planning. Discussion about potential suppliers, budget, locations and management of accommodation, food and special events. Giulia Sepe, Iolanda Pensa, Serena Nasazzi (Pro Loco Esino Lario).
2013年11月26日 Esino Lario Meeting with Esino Lario city council to discuss specifically the needs for the bid and to have official support. Esino Lario city council, Carlo Maria Pensa, Catherine de Senarclens and Iolanda Pensa. City council resolution.
2013年12月17日 Esino Lario Afternoon of Wikipedia games for Esino Lario kids (10-14 years old); public presentation in the evening of Wikimania Esino Lario. Esino Lario city council, Catherine de Senarclens, teachers of the Esino Lario elementary school, Michele Lavazza, Serena Nasazzi, Giulia Sepe, Iolanda Pensa, Esino Lario. Esino Lario/Wikipedia game 2013 in Italian, posters, slides.
2014年01月25日 Esino Lario Visit to Esino Lario. Presentation of the project to restaurants, bar and hotel owners (estimated budget) and overview of the situation related to connectivity and electricity. Simone Sala (technical chair), Elisa Dell'Era, Stefano Acquistapace, Giulia Sepe, Carlo Maria Pensa, Iolanda Pensa and meetings with restaurants, bar and hotel owners.
2014年01月31日 Wikimedia Italia, Monza. Updates. Discussion about venues, accommodation, food and transport. Giulia Sepe, Frieda Brioschi and Iolanda Pensa.
2014年01月31日 Milan, Università Statale, Facoltà di Agraria. Maps and connectivity. Hypothesis for a wireless mesh network (main venue spots, range, location for the servers, uninterruptible power supply). Simone Sala and Iolanda Pensa.
2014年02月24日 Online, Switzerland. Wikimedia CH supports Wikimania Esino Lario as co-promoter. Board resolution Wikimedia CH board. [1] (Wikimedia CH members). Wikimedia CH supports Wikimania Esino Lario bid in 2015 or 2016 and co-promotes it with Wikimedia Italia. The role of co-promoter of Wikimedia CH will be mentioned in all communication. The in-kind contribution of Wikimedia CH staff members and financial support will be eventually decided after the results of the bidding process (15th April 2014); the reference person --- is identified to follow up and report on the event.
2014年02月25日 Online, Italy. Wikimedia Italia votes to revoke the support to Wikimania Esino Lario. The board resolution is requested by the president of Wikimedia Italia Frieda Brioschi. The resolution receives 2 votes in favor of revoking the support and 3 votes against revoking the support. Wikimedia Italia board. Page and discussion page (members only), plus discussion on Wikimedia Italia mailing list.
2014年02月27日 Online, Italy. The president of Wikimedia Italia Frieda Brioschi resigns. March 3rd 2014 Andrea Zanni is nominated president by the board. Wikimedia Italia.
2014年03月08日 Monza, Italy. Meeting on Wikimania Esino Lario. Wikimedia Italia board. Board resolution with details on the support of Wikimedia Italia to Wikimania Esino Lario.
2014年03月09日 Monza, Italy. Meeting on Wikimania Esino Lario organized March 1st 2014 meant to discuss the project and the role of Wikimedia Italia. Cristian Consonni, Alessio Guidetti, Lorenzo Losa, Iolanda Pensa, Andrea Zanni. Discussion about March 8th board resolution.
2014-04 Online. Press release about Wikimania Esino Lario. Distributed to local press. Wikimania Esino Lario in the press.
2014年04月05日 Florence, Italy. Wikimedia Italia general assembly. Discussion in two sessions of the day: in the morning presentation of the arguments against and the doubts about Wikimedia Esino Lario by Frieda Brioschi; rely by Iolanda Pensa with the presentation of the executive project online. Discussion in the afternoon with general assembly resolution. Wikimedia Italia general assemble (in the afternoon with the new elected members of the board). The general assembly does not support the idea that Wikimedia Italia is the institution directly organizing Wikimania Esino Lario or the fiscal sponsor. The points listened in the support of Wikimedia Italia in the Wikimania Esino Lario bid are all supported by the general assembly (41 votes in favor; 6 against; 5 abstained). In case Wikimania Esino Lario is selected by the jury another institution will lead the project and be a fiscal sponsor or Wikimedia Italia will join a consortium (the details will be defined after the decision of the jury)
2014年06月14日 Milan, Lake Como, Varenna, Esino Lario, Italy. Visit of Ilenia Atzori to Lake Como, Varenna and Esino Lario. Ilenia Atzori, Iolanda Pensa, Carlo Maria Pensa, Catherine de Senarclens.
2014年07月03日 Esino Lario, Italy. Visit of Domenico Berardinelli to Esino Lario. Domenico Berardinelli, Iolanda Pensa, Carlo Maria Pensa, Catherine de Senarclens. Program and report of the visit.
2014年07月03日 Esino Lario, Italy. Meeting with the prefectural commissioner in Esino Lario to present the project Wikimania Esino Lario. Prefectural commissioner Panebianco, Carlo Maria Pensa, Iolanda Pensa. Presentation of Wikimania Esino Lario in Italian.
2014年07月09日 Online. Updated summery of Wikimania Esino Lario. Distributed to stakeholders. Summery in Italian.
2014年07月18日 Esino Lario, Italy. Visit of Deror Avi and Manuel Schneider to Esino Lario. Deror Avi, Manuel Schneider, Iolanda Pensa, Carlo Maria Pensa, Catherine de Senarclens, Fabex, Ilario Valdelli, Mauro Cassina, Simone Sala, Pietro Pensa, Lorenzo Losa, Elisa Dell'Era, Giovanni Dell'Era. Program of the visit of members of the Wikimania commission to Esino Lario.
2014年08月05日 Esino Lario, Italy. Visit of Remulazz to Esino Lario. Remulazz, Iolanda Pensa.
2014年08月10日 London, UK. Meeting at Wikimania London 2014 about Wikimania Esino Lario. Ellie Young, Stuart Prior, Iolanda Pensa, Luca Martinelli, Ginevra Sanvitale, Fabex, Lorenzo Losa, Dario Crespi, Lara, Piero, Cristian. Presentation of the status of the bid Wikimania Esino Lario. Financial strategy, analysis of issues and proposal of solutions (i.e. backup of the hackaton in Milan, possibile offline session, offline calendar with a big board, suggestion to define clearly the conference content at the very beginning to facilitate communication, suggestion to engage at the beginning a small working team).
2014年11月06日 Milan, Italy. Preliminary presentation of the project Wikimania Esino Lario to Fondazione Cariplo. Chiara Bartolozzi, Andrea Rebaglio, Iolanda Pensa, Carlo Maria Pensa. Discussion about the project, the project appears to eligible, discussion about the applicant (the applicant will be Associazione Amici del Museo delle Grigne Onlus)
2014年11月29日 Milan, Italy. General assembly of Wikimedia Italia. Updates on the bid Wikimania Esino Lario. Wikimedia Italia members. Updates on the bid, questions and discussions. Presentation of the possible partnership of Wikimedia Italia for a Wikimania project for Cariplo Foundation.
2014年12月03日 Pavia, Italy. Submission of the project Wikimania Esino Lario - Renovation of the former cinema to Fondazione Banca del Monte di Lombardia. First preliminary review. Iolanda Pensa, Michele Marconato (architect who worked on the project) The project has been submitted.
2014年12月04日 Barzio, Italy. Meeting with the Comunità Montana della Valsassina Valvarrone Val d'Esino e Riviera for Wikimania (new administration) and for the project we are submitting to Fondazione Cariplo. Iolanda Pensa, Giacomo Camozzini (executive director), Carlo Signorelli (president and major of Perledo), Guido Agostoni (vice-president and major of Pasturo) Presentation to the new administration of Wikimania and the project for Cariplo Foundation. The project has to be sent by December 9th for the official approval of the board. https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B_Qyy_nzLhZEWkRXTzZ6QkJFMGs&usp=drive_web
2014年12月11日 Online. Social media - twitter for Wikimania Esino Lario Lara Mar (with the graphic assistance of Vincent Plisson) https://twitter.com/WikimaniaEsino
2014年12月12日 Barzio, Italy. Renovated support from the newly elected president of Comunità montana della Valsassina Valvarrone Val d'Esino e Riviera and Regional Grigne Park, December 2014 Carlo Signorelli, president of Comunità montana della Valsassina Valvarrone Val d'Esino e Riviera and Regional Grigne Park Letter of support in English

2014年12月16日 Milan, Italy. Letter of support of Politecnico di Milano to Wikimania Esino Lario in the frame of the project we are submitting to Cariplo Foundation Gabriele Pasqui, director of the Department of Architecture and Urban Studies, Politecnico di Milano Letter of support in Italian

2014年12月18日 Online. Francesco Tarantini joins the team as coordinator of the nursing and medical services and coordinator of the accessibility (thanks Francesco!). Francesco Tarantini https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimania_2016_bids/Esino_Lario/Team/Biographies, profile on linkedin
2014年12月22日 Milan, Italy. Christmas and Wikimania aperitif and dinner with people, but without news :( Attendees Raduno a Milano dicembre 2014
2014年12月24日 Online. Ellie Young informed us that Esino Lario will host Wikimania in 2016. The decision is a provisional approval. The location will be confirmed after a site visit of Ellie Young and Garfield Byrd.

After the decision

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Date Where Input Who Output
2015 January Online Movements on the Wikimania Esino Lario pages on meta: structure, procedures and working group. Iolanda Pensa is preparing the documentation to facilitate the work of the working groups.
2015年01月18日 Esino Lario, Italy. First "Wikimania Esino Lario meets": Presentation of Wikimania Esino Lario, Q&A Focus of the Esino Lario community.
2015年02月01日 Sesto San Giovanni, Italy. Strategy and objectives of our work related to Wikimania Esino Lario in the next 2 years. Focus on the Wikimedia movement and participation of reference persons from Esino Lario.
2015 May Esino Lario, Italy. Esino Lario site-visit for Wikimania Esino Ellie Young and Garfield Byrd.

In the press

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Digital copies of the articles.

Social media

Wikimania Esino Lario on facebook.

Other references

Esino Lario and Wikimania Esino Lario on the Wikimedia projects


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Meeting rooms

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