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This page is a translated version of the page COVID-19 and the translation is 91% complete.
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Boeh tàu-san-kāng hoan-e̍k--bô? Lâi hoan-e̍k khiàm-koat ê bûn-jī.
Tshiánn tsù-ì, tsū 2020-nî 9-gue̍h 10-ji̍t khai-sí huē-uân hām kò-jîn kí-pān-tsiá lóng ē-tàng kin-kì COVID-19 Hong-hiám Phîng-kóo Hia̍p-gī lâi tsìn-hîng bīn-tuì-bīn ê tsū-huē. Tsit-ê hia̍p-gī tsong-tsí sī ē-sái liú-lia̍h tuì-ìng tsit-tsióng tuā-liû-hîng sóo tì-sú ê piàn-huà bô-siông tsi tsōng-hóng, lî-tshiánn ún-tsún tsiâm-tsāi ê siū-tsīng-tsiá hām siā-khu sîng-uân phîng-kóo ka-kī kám ē-tàng an-tsuân kí-pān ua̍h-tāng. Tsiánn kè-sio̍k ua̍t-tho̍k tsit-ê ia̍h-bīn, án-ne ē-tàng tit-tio̍h koh-khah tsē etsu-sìn.

COVID-19 tuā-liû-hîng sk tn̂g-té huat-sing ê tuā-liû-hîng i̍k-tsìng, tī 2019-nî 12-gue̍h tē-it pái pò-tō, tī 2020-nî 3-gue̍h 11-ji̍t hōo Sè-kài Uē-sing Tsóo-tsit suan-pòo uî Kok-tsè kuan-tsù ê tu̍t-huat kong-kiōng uē-sing sū-kiānn. Wikimedia ua̍h-tāng tsi-lāi ê thuân-thé uì 2020-nî ê nî-tshe i-kīng khai-sí kuan-tsù sū-kiānn, mā tshaitsu tsi̍t hē-lia̍t ê tsôo--sí, hia̍p-tsōo kiám-bān i̍k-tsìng ê thuànn-khui.

Uī-tshú, Wikimedia Ki-kim-huē i-kīng Tshòng-li̍p tsit-ê ia̍h-bīn, tioh ē-tàng tuì kong-tsiòng hun-hióng guán tuì i̍k-tsìng suà-lo̍h-lâi ê ìng-tuì tshòo-si, thê-kiong siong-kuan ê tsu-guân, í-kip hia̍p-tsōo guán ê tsì-guān-esiá kûn-thé huē-pò, tui-tsong hām sím-sī i̍k-tsìng tuì wiki ua̍h-tāng ê íng-hióng. Tsiánn ka-ji̍p ki-kim-huē, koh thinn-ka iú-kuan lí-ê Wikimedia siā-khu, hù-sio̍k ki-kòo í-kip qithann iú-kuan tsóo-tsit kûn-thé beh an-tsuân ìng-tuì tsit-tsióng tsîng-hóng ê sìn-sit; tuì muî-thé ê tshiau-tshuē, tsiánn liân-lo̍k press(_AT_)wikimedia.org. (追記) (追記ここまで)

Bo̍k-tsîng ê kái-hòng

Tsiat-tsí 2020-nî 5-gue̍h 4-ji̍t, Wikimedia ua̍h-tāng i-kīng tshái-tshú hā-lia̍t ê tshòo-si lâi ìng-tuì i̍k-tsìng:

  • Si̍t-thé kong-khai ua̍h-tāng (hiān-tiûnn ua̍h-tāng) bo̍k-tsiân ē-tàng thong-kuè Wikimedia Ki-kim-huē ê póo-tsōo kè-uē tit-tio̍h tsàn-tsoo, tsiân-tê sī sin-tshíng-jîr ing-kai sing uân-sîng COVID-19 Hong-hiám Phîng-kóo hia̍p-gī, tò-lâi khak-tīng tsàn-tsoo ua̍h-tāng siong-kuan tsíng-thé hong-hiám phîng-kóo ta̍t-kàu ū-kàu kē ê tsuí-pênn. 2020-nî 9-gue̍h 10-ji̍t, [1]
    • 2020-nî 9-gue̍h 10-ji̍t tsìn-tsîng sóo-ū iû Wikimedia Ki-kim-huē tsàn-tsoo ê si̍t-thé kong-khai ua̍h-tāng (hiān-tiûnn ua̍h-tāng) kah huē-gī lóng hông tshú-siau hi̍k-tsiá thè-uànn. Kî-tiong pau-kuat Wikimedia Ko-hong 2020 huē-gī Wikimania 2020.[2] [3]
  • Wikimedia ki-kim-huē ê pān-kong tē-tiám i-kīng kuainn--tiàm-á, tio̍h-ài tán-kàu tsìn-tsi̍t-pōo ê thong-ti.[4]
    • Wikimedia Ki-kim-huē sóo-ū ê kong-tso̍k jîn-uân lóng tsīn-khó-lîng teh hn̄g-pîng kang-tsok.[4]
    • Tsuân-gia̍h ê tshing-kiat jîn-uân tng-teh tuì pān-kong-sik ê tē-tiám tsìn-hîng siau-to̍k.[4]
  • Wikimedia Ki-kim-huē i-kīng tiâu-tsíng kàu kiám-tsió kang-tsok tsiu.[4]
    • Tsi̍t-kuá uân-kang ē kè-sio̍k in-ê tsìng-siông khang-khuè tsìn-tōo, m̄-ku bo̍k-tsiân ê ū-kî tio̍h-sī, nā-ū pit-iàu, uân-kang ē-tàng ta̍k-lé-pài kang-tsok 20 tiám-tsing.[4]
    • Sóo-ū ê uân-kang tioh kin-kù in thong-siông ê khang-khuè sî-kan-pió tit-tio̍h pò-siû.[4]
    • Tsìng-siông ê pēnn-ká kui-tīng ē bián-tû tiau; phuà-pīnn hi̍k-tsiá tng-teh phuà-pīnn hi̍k-tsiá ka-sio̍k phuà-pīnn ê uân-kang ē-tàng àn-tsiàu su-kiû tshíng-ká, í-lâi tsiàu-kòo kaooki hi̍k-tsiá ka-jîn.[4]

Līng-guā, lán ê siā-khu sîng-uân ē teh lán-ê kè-uē í tsiânn-tsē tsióng gí-giân kè-sio̍k tsiàu-siông king-sin, uî-hōo í-kip huan-i̍k iú-kuan i̍k-tsìng ê tsu-sìn.

(追記) (追記ここまで)

Tsuân-kiû tsu-guân kah tsu-sìn

Siā-huē ê kī-lî tuì hông-tsí kám-jiám ko-hong iú-sóo tsōo-ik ("giú-pênn liû-hîng khiok-suànn"), tio̍h ē-tàng pang-tsōo i-liâu ho̍k-bū ìng-tuì su-kiû, koh iân-tn̂g tsing-ka hām kái-siān i-liâu pó-kiān ho̍k-bū ê sî-kan.

Tsuân-kiû tsoo-tsit

Wikimedia kè-uē

Uân-tîng kang-tsok hām huē-gī

Sì-pîng tsai-iau (guân-kó)

Helpful steps to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus

Animated GIF showing pathogen propagation without, and with, pandemic containment measures
  • Sanitize yourself by cleaning your hands often, by either using soap and clean water for at least 20 seconds, or using a hand sanitizer consisting of 80% alcohol.
  • Always cover your mouth when you sneeze, cough and yawn. Viruses can likely be spread elsewhere from little droplets of cough/sneeze.
  • Maintain a safe and secure distance from other people, at least 2 meters (6 feet) from others.
  • Refrain from touching parts of your body and your face and any other objects surrounding you.
  • Everyone is encouraged to stay at home, you should only go when something is important to you. If you either have illnesses, such as fever, cough, headache and diarrhea, or have symptoms of COVID-19, you should immediately head to the nearest hospital if possible.
  • If you have an essential task, and must leave your home to go somewhere, don't forget to bring a face mask or any type of face shield with you, and wear it.
  • Maintain a fit and healthy lifestyle, by exercising and doing yoga on a regular basis, and also eating and drinking healthy meals, such as fruits, vegetables and vitamin-C.
  • Sanitize your home by cleaning the floor and other surfaces on a regular basis using disinfecting tissues.

(追記) (追記ここまで)

Ta̍k-ê Wikimedia kè-uē iú-kuan hông-i̍k ê ìng-tuì tshò-si

Hông-tsí COVID-19 pēnn-to̍k thuân-pòo ê tsi̍t-kuá ū-lōo-iōng ê pōo-sòo

Tshiánn huat-pòo jīm-hô iú-kuan Wikimedia kè-uē beh án-tsuánn ìng-tuì in-tsîng ê tsu-sìn, hi̍k-tsiá guā-pōo khòng-i̍k lóo-li̍k beh án-tsuánn lī-iōng uì Wikimedia lâi ê tsu-sìn.

Khuà-wiki ê hia̍p-tsok



Wikimedia Commons


Ing-gí Wikipedia
Macedonian Wikipedia


Lī-iōng Wikimedia data ê sòo-kì

(追記) (追記ここまで)

Wikimedia Ki-kim-huē ê sìn-sit

Tsiat-tsí 2020-nî 3-gue̍h 24-ji̍t, Wikimedia Ki-kim-huē i-kīng kong-khai hun-hióng iú-kuan COVID-19 tuā-liû-hîng ê sìn-sit:

(追記) (追記ここまで)

Iú-kuan wiki ua̍h-tāng ê hù-sio̍k ki-kòo kah ū-tsoo-tsit ê kûn-thé tsu-sìn

Tshiánn huat-pòo jīm-hô iú-kuan Wikimedia ua̍h-tāng hù-sio̍k hi̍k-tsiá tit-tio̍h sìng-jīm tsoo-tsit ê suan-pòo hi̍k tsu-sìn.

  • Se West Bengal Wikimedians iōng-tsiá kûn-tsoo: Iōng-tsiá tsoo-tsit hām/hi̍k tsi-tshî ê sóo-ū suànn-hā ua̍h-tāng kah hāng-bo̍k lóng-tsóng tsiām-tīng, ū-hāu kî-hān uî 2020-nî 3-gue̍h 13-ji̍t kàu 2020-nî 9-gue̍h 15-ji̍t (hi̍k-tsiá tán-kàu tsìn-tsi̍t-pōo thong-ti).[5]
  • Uikiphedia Bangladesh: Uī-tio̍h hông-tsí tshiám-tsāi ê COVID-19 thuân-pòo khó-lîng-sìng koh khak-pó Uikimidia siā-kûn sîng-uân ê kiān-khong an-tsuân, sóo-ū suànn-hā ua̍h-tāng (tsū-huē, kang-tsok-hong, gián-thó-huē) kah Uikimidia Bangladesh hun-huē ê bīn-tuì-bīn ê kong-tsiòng sū-bū, hām i-ê hā-siok siā-kûn ê ua̍h-tāng lóng i-kīng tsiām-thîng kàu līng-hîng thong-ti, uì 2020- nî 3-gue̍h 14-ji̍t kah-sī sing-hāu. Ū-tshí tông-sî, ū-tīng tī 4-gue̍h kí-pān ê Bangla Uikiphidia nî-huē iah i-kīng tshú-siau.[6]
  • Hiongkáng: Uí 2020-nî 2-gue̍h 3-ji̍t khai-sí tsiām-thîng sóo-ū iû iōng-tsiá kûn-tsoo sóo tsoo-tsit ê suánn-hā ua̍h-tāng hām hāng-bo̍k, tán-kàu līng-guā thong-ti. Tsi-tshî ê ua̍h-tāng tio̍h hōo tsú-pān-tsiá khuànn-pāng-sì lâi kuat-tīng. Hiongkáng ê WikiEDU bô-siū íng-hióng. Tong-tē tsú-pān-tsiá tio̍h-ē liân-hē ta̍k-ê ê tsoo-tsit án-ne lâi tit-tio̍h iú-kuan Hiongkáng WikiEDU ê king-sin.[7]
  • Wikimedia Sepangâ: In-uī Sepangâ tshut-hiān COVID-19 ín-khí ê uî-ki, sóo-ū pau-kuat nî-huē tsāi-lāi ê suànn-hā ua̍h-tāng i-kīng uì 2003-nî 3-gue̍h 20-ji̍t khai-sí thè-uànn hi̍k-tsiá tshú-siau kàu līng-guā thong-ti. Kóo-lē tsì-guān-tsiá, kang-tsok jîn-guân hām kî-thann ê siā-kûn sîng-uân tiàm--teh tshù-lāi-té, tsiàu-kòo hó ka-kī, thong-kuè tsi̍t-ê Wikipedia ia̍h-bīn pian-tsi̍p Wikipedia hi̍k-tsiá kî-thann jīm-it ê tsí-buē tsuan-àn kè-uē.[8]
  • Levant ê Uikimitian: Sóo-ū ê suànn-hā ua̍h-tāng lóng tshú-siau, uì 2020-nî 3-gue̍h 20-ji̍t khai-sí tsiām-thîng, tāng-kàu līng-hîng thong-ti. Pian-tsip gián-thó-huē tio̍h beh teh suànn-tíng kí-hîng, lî-tshiánn kàu-io̍k kè-uē ê khìng-tián tio̍h kan-na pan-huat tsìng-su niā-niā. Nî-tōo tsióng-tsōo kè-uē tio̍h beh tī 3-gue̍h kàu 4-gue̍h tsìn-hîng tiâu-tsíng, án-ne tio̍h-lâi thê-kiong kah tong-tsiân tsîng-hóng siong hû-ha̍p ê tsu-kim tsu-tsōo (pí-jû internet ê tin-thiap). Suànn-tíng tsū-huē tio̍h-beh tī ta̍k-kò gue̍h kí-hîng (gue̍h-tōo tsè).[9]
  • Uikiphitia Náui: Uikiphitia Náui uì 2020-nî 3-gue̍h 12-ji̍t tshú-siau sóo-ū ê lí-hîng, ua̍h-tāng hām si̍t-thé huē-gī. Tsi-uân-tsí tio̍h-ē ta̍k-kò-gue̍h kí-pān suànn-tíng wiki tsū-huē. Uikiphitia Náui ê kóo-guán ē teh Náui Kiān-khong kuán-lí ki-kòo thui-tsiàn sî tio̍h ē teh tshù-lāi pān-kong.[10]
  • Wikimédia Huatkok: Hun-huē tsoo-tsit hām/hi̍k tsi-tshî ê sóo-ū suànn-hā ua̍h-tāng kah hāng-bo̍k tio̍h tsiām-thîng tsì 2020-nî 9-gue̍h 15-ji̍t.

(追記) (追記ここまで)

Kiû-tshuē hia̍p-tsōo

Guán kóo-lē lí sú-iōng tsit ia̍h-bīn ê thó-lūn ia̍h lâi thó-lūn lí hām lí-ê hù-sio̍k ki-kòo hi̍k-tsiá ū tsoo-tsit ê thuân-thé tī tsit-ê kî-kan su-iàu siánn-mih. Tioh tiam-tsia hun-hióng iú-kuan teh tsia thó-lūn lāi-té khak-tīng ê su-kiû tsi tshián-tsâi uān-tsōo ê sìn-sit.

(追記) (追記ここまで)

Tsia̍p-mn̄g ê būn-tê (TMB)

Wikimania tshái-tshú siánn-mih tsôo--sí?

Wikimania Bangkok thè-uànn kàu 2021. Pn̄g-tiàm hām tiûnn-tē tio̍h pó-tshî put-piàn. 2020 Wikimania tsú-pâng-hong bô tsoo-tsit hi-gí suànn-tíng ua̍h-tāng ê kè-uē.

It was decided that Wikimania 2021 was to be held virtually. This took place on the 14th to 17th of August. The program can be seen here.

Kám-ū jīm-hô tuì tsu-tsōo tsiap-siū-tsiá í-guā ê kiàn-gī?

Uîkimitia Ki-kim-huē kóo-lē sóo-ū ê tsham-ú Uikititia ua̍h-tāng ê lâng sím-sī in i-kīng pài-tîng ê ua̍h-tāng, iû-kî-sī tsi̍t-kuá ua̍h-tāng khó-lîng tuì COVID-19 i̍k-tsîng khok-sàn ū tsō-sîng jīm-hô. Sui-jiân guán iau-kiû put-tik kā tsīng-khuán tsu-kim iōng teh tsia-ê ua̍h-tāng, m̄-ku guán kiông-lia̍t kóo-lē sóo-ū ê hù-sio̍k ki-kòo hām ū tsoo-tsit ê thuân-thé kâng-khuán tshú-siau hi̍k-tsiá thè-uànn in uì tsit-má khai-sí kàu 2020-nî 9-gueh 15-ji̍t tsi-kanan-pâi ê jīm-hô ua̍h-tāng, ti̍t-kàu sè-kài uē-sing tsoo-tsit suan-pòo COVID-19 tuā-liû-hîng ê i̍k-tsîng kiat-sok.

Tuì Wikimedia Ki-kim-huē ua̍h-tāng ê an-pâi?

Sóo-ū Uikiphitia Ki-kim-huē ê lí-hîng inking tsì-tsió tsiām-thîng tsì 2020-nî 6-gue̍h 1-ji̍t. Guân-tīng 2020-nî 9-gue̍h 15-ji̍t tsìn-tsîng kí-hîng, iú-kuan Uikiphitia Ki-kim-huē guân-kang, sîng-pau-siong, táng-sū-huē í-kip tiû-khuán ua̍h-tāng an-pâi ê sóo-ū ê ua̍h-tāng , tiûnn-guā hām bīn-tuì-bīn ê tsū-huē i-kīng hōo thè-uànn iah-sī tshú-siau.

Tsit-má Wikimedia Ki-kim-huē ê hāng-bo̍k hām kè-uē tng-teh huat-sing siánn-mih?

The Wikimedia Foundation Leadership Team is reviewing all work for the Wikimedia Foundation and attempting to postpone or put on hold all non-essential work pending further assessment of the situation. We are aware that the needs and obligations of the Foundation may shift dramatically in the coming weeks and potentially months. We are taking this step in order to free up capacity and provide the necessary flexibility to address whatever demands may arise and ensure the public has access to the knowledge that can help everyone in these uncertain times. We are not abandoning any longterm commitments or goals. We will return to them and adjust our timelines accordingly as soon as the current situation allows.

Wikimedia Ki-kim-huē beh án-tsuánn teh ta̍k-lé-pài tsò 20 tiám-tsing ê khang-khuè?

Guán kan-na iau-kiû ta̍k-ke sîng-lo̍k teh thong-siông kang-tsok sî-kan ê 50% sî-tsūn lâi tsò-sit. Tse m̄-sī ká-kî. Lia̍h-tsún ta̍k-ke ē-tàng teh koh-khah tsìng-siông ê sî-kan tsò-sit, guán-ê sú-bīng tio̍h-sī su-iàu in. M̄-koh guán bô tui-tsong in-ê sî-kan. Guán siong-sìn ta̍k-ke ē hù-tshut in sóo ē-sái hù-tshut ê sî-kan.

Why? We knew schools would be closing around the world, and a childcare stipend will not help when caregivers are unable to leave their homes. It is unreasonable and unrealistic to expect someone to be fully present, eight hours a day, when they have a three-year-old with crayons drawing on the wall, or an elderly parent who needs help navigating the stairs. We all have loved ones who need care, groceries that need purchasing, doctor’s appointments to keep, neighbors who need a phone call. And you know what? We trust our colleagues. People will work when they can, and when they can not, we trust they will be right.

Wikimedia Ki-kim-huē tng-teh tshái-tshú siánn-mih tsôo--sí lâi hia̍p-tsōo ta̍k-ê wiki siā-khu?

Tû-liáu tuì guán-ê hù-sio̍k thuân-thé hām liân-tshù tsu-tsōo ê tsoo-tsit thuân-thé thê-kiong tsi-uân, guán hiān-tsāi tng-teh sím-sī bô kâng-khuán ê hong-huat tsì-guān suànn-tíng ê hia̍p-tiau, thè-tāi guán pîng-siông ê hia̍p-tiau.

The work of the Wikimedia movement is perhaps more important now than ever before. However, our full potential in supporting the world during this time can only be achieved and maintained by a healthy and vibrant community. That will not happen if we do not all take into consideration what is necessary to support both ourselves and each other as individuals. While this good faith approach to communal support has always been a goal of our movement, the current circumstances require us all to make an even more intentional effort at self and community care.

Wikimedia Ki-kim-huē bo̍k-tsîng beh an-tsuân tsò khah ē-tàng lâi tsi-tshî in-ê uân-kang hām sîng-pau-siong?

The Wikimedia Foundation takes the responsibility of care for its over 375 staff and contractors very seriously. It has been a core value of the organization since our founding over fifteen years ago. Additionally, as an organization we have a responsibility to keep Wikipedia online and available for the world, especially in moments of crisis. A world that is changing requires changing how we work. In order to care for our staff and contractors as well as adapt to change as needed in the weeks and months ahead, we have taken a series of steps:

  1. Guán tng-teh tsiap-siū guán pit-su sik-ìng pu̍t-tuânn piàn-huà ê tsîng-hóng. Kū siông-thài i-kīng bô-huat-tōo koh hó-khuán, lî-tshiánn siông-chhì hōo hiān-si̍t hû-ha̍p tíng-lé-pài hi̍k-tsiá tíng-kò-gue̍h ê tsîng-hóng sī bô pang-tsōo, hi̍k-tsiá hù-iú sîng-hāu. Guán tng-teh kui-tóng tsing-sim siat-kè ê nî-tōo kè-uē, OKR í-kip lôo-suann-tôo. tshì-tôo kah in uî-tshî lo̍h-khì ē tshuā-lâi ah-lik hām bô-khak-tīng sìng, tuì lán tsi̍t-tiám-á lóng-bô pang-tsōo.
  1. We are focusing on the most mission-critical work. Wikipedia is a website, but Wikimedia is a community. There’s a saying, "come for the articles, stay for the people." We thrive on meeting in person, haggling over our future, hugging it out, and closing down every social venue in sight. We have cancelled all near-term, in-person gatherings until WHO declares this pandemic over. These were painful decisions, but essential for public health and to give everyone certainty and clarity. No need to worry if that Hyderabad summit will be on in four months, and what visa needs people might have — we can all focus on more immediate concerns.
  1. We are protecting our health. The Foundation has been a distributed-work organization for years, with 70 percent of our colleagues working outside of our main office in San Francisco. As soon as we became aware of community transmission in California, we instituted a full work-from-home protocol. Our Washington, DC, office followed within a week. Our goal was to reduce staff exposure and improve health outcomes for the communities in which we work and live.
  1. Guán tng-teh kiám-khing kang-tsok-liōng. Tsit-má ta̍k-ke teh náu-hái-té m̄-sī kan-na khang-khuè niā-niā. In-ê ka-tîng, sing-kè, gín-á ê pó-io̍k hām ha̍k-hāu ê thîng-khò, king-tsè tsîng-hóng...guán lóng teh suà-sì tshú-lí tsiânn-tsē tāi-tsì. Guán ǹg-bāng ē-tàng kiám-khing guān-káng ê kang-tsok ah-lik, hōo ta̍k-ke ē-sái tsiàu-kòo hó ka-kī hām pó-tshî kiān-khong. Uī-tio̍h ta̍t-sîng tsit-ê bo̍k-piau, guán tshái-tshú í-hā ê tshòo-si:
    • Guán pó-tsìng sóo-ū ha̍p-iok-tsè hām sî-sin guān-káng ē àn kè-uē khang-khuè sî-kan tit-tio̍h tsuân-gia̍h ê póo-sióng.
    • Guán i-kīng bián-tû sóo-ū ê pēnn-ká, hōo guān-káng bô su-iàu khàu-tú hi̍k-tsiá sú-iōng in ê iú-sin hiu-kà.
    • Guán i-kīng tsuán-î sîng puànn-kang-sî khang-khuè tsìn-tōo ê iau-kiû.

Wikimedia Ki-kim-huē ê pān-kong-sik ē khuài-guā-kú?

Wikimedia Ki-kim-huē ê San Francisco hmā Washington DC ê pān-kong-sik tio̍h-beh tsì-tsió pì-só kàu 2020-nî 6-gue̍h 30-ji̍t. Kàu-sî guán ē tuì tsia--ê tsōng-hóng tsìn-hîng phîng-kóo, khó-lū tsit-ê tsìng-tshik kám-ū su-iàu koh khan-tn̂g.

Wikimedia Ki-kim-huē ê tshut-hîng-huē ē-hông tsiām-uān kàu tang-sî-á?

Wikimedia ki-kim-huē i-kīng kā sóo-ū ê hîng-tîng tsiām-uān tsì-tsió kàu 2020-nî 6-gue̍h 1-ji̍t. Guán tio̍h-beh tī 5-gue̍h té phîng-kóo tsit-ê kuat-tīng, jiân-āu sím-sī tsit-ê kuat-tīng khuànn kám-ū su-iàu koh iân-tn̂g.

On 30 November 2021, it was announced by the Foundation that travel and convening could commence again, for staff, board members and volunteers, who would all be expected to adhere to the COVID-19 Travel & Expense Policy.


  1. "uī-tio̍h kûn-tsū ín-ji̍p sin-ê hong-hiám phîng-kóo kang-kū hām tsí-lâm"
  2. "Wikimedia Ki-kim-huē kong-kiōng ua̍h-tāng Tsu-tsōo", 20920-nî 3-gue̍h 12-ji̍t
  3. "Wikimania Bangkok tio̍h-beh thè-uànn kàu 2021-nî kí-pān", 2020-nî 3-gue̍h 18-ji̍t
  4. a b c d e f g "Pàng-hā hū-tam, tián-bōng bī-lâi" (Tì tsuân-thé Wikimedia Ki-kim-huē ê uân-kang hām sîng-pau-siong ê tsit-tiunn phue), 2020-nî 3-gue̍h 14-ji̍t
  5. Ìn-tōo Wikimedian jîn ê siā-kûn iû-kiānn tshing-tuann thong-ti, 13 March 2020-nî 3-gue̍h 12-ji̍t
  6. Wikimedia Bangladesh blog tíng-kuân ê kong-kò, 2020-nî 3-gue̍h 15-ji̍t
  7. [1ドル Wikimedia Siā-khu Iōng-tsiá Kûn-tsoo Hong Kong Facebook kong-kò], 2020-nî 2-gue̍h 3-ji̍t
  8. Wikimedia España blog tíng-kuân ê kong-kò, 13 March 2020-nî 3-gue̍h 13-ji̍t
  9. Wikimedia Levant iû-kiānn tshing-tuann ê ua̍h-tāng siu-kái thong-ti hām kong-kò.
  10. Wikimedia Norge blog tíng-kuân ê kong-kò, 12 March 2020-nî 3-gue̍h 12-ji̍t

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