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Мостове между културите/Страни

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
This page is a translated version of the page Bridges across Cultures/Countries and the translation is 60% complete.
Мостове между културите
3-ро издание, 1-31 декември 2019 г.

Участващи страни

For this contest, the following countries will be considered in each one of the participating regions. The countries or divisions marked with ⭐ are prioritized and will receive a bonus:

Латинска Америка
  • Аржентина
  • Боливия ⭐
  • Бразилия
  • Чили
  • Колумбия
  • Коста Рика ⭐
  • Куба
  • Доминиканска република ⭐
  • Еквадор
  • Салвадор ⭐
  • Гватемала ⭐
  • Хаити ⭐
  • Хондурас ⭐
  • Мексико
  • Никарагуа ⭐
  • Панама
  • Парагвай ⭐
  • Перу
  • Пуерто Рико
  • Уругвай
  • Венецуела
Middle East and North Africa
  • Алжир
  • Бахрейн
  • Коморски острови ⭐
  • Джибути ⭐
  • Египет
  • Ирак
  • Иран
  • Йордания
  • Кувейт
  • Ливан
  • Либия ⭐
  • Мавритания ⭐
  • Мароко
  • Оман ⭐
  • Палестина
  • Катар
  • Саудитска Арабия
  • Сомалия ⭐
  • Судан ⭐
  • Сирия
  • Тунис
  • Турция
  • Обединени арабски емирства
  • Йемен ⭐
  • Russia:
  • Bashkotorstan ⭐
  • Chechnya ⭐
  • Dagestan ⭐
  • Мостове между културите ⭐
  • Kabardino-Balkaria ⭐
  • Karachay-Cherkessia ⭐
  • North Ossetia ⭐
  • All other administrative divisions

List of proposed articles

The articles to be considered for the contest should be related to one of the countries mentioned before and be part of one of the following categories:

  • Literature
  • Music
  • Visual arts, cinema and TV
  • Cuisine and traditions
  • Monuments

Any created or improved article that meet that criteria will be considered for the contest, if it is created by a registered participant in the period of the contest. However, the organization has proposed a list of proposed articles for some countries that meet the criteria and are important for its local communities. Any participant can create or improve one of the articles listed below. Before creating the missing articles, please make sure no one else have created that article with a similar name before you.

Middle East and North Africa Latin America Russia

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