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Stewards/elections 2011/votes/Eptalon

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English: The 2011 steward elections are finished. No further votes will be accepted.
Suomi: Vuoden 2011 ylivalvojien vaalit on loppu. Uusia ääniä ei hyväksytä enää.
العربية: انتخابات المضيفين لعام 2011 انتهت. لا أصوات أخرى سيتم قبولها.
Deutsch: Die Stewardwahlen 2011 sind beendet. Weitere Stimmen können nicht mehr berücksichtigt werden.
Español : Las elecciones a Steward del año 2011 han concluído. No se aceptan más votos.
فارسی: .رای‌گیری در مورد انتخابات ویکیبدهای جدید پایان یافته است.رای‌های جدید مورد قبول واقع نخواهد شد. [update needed: en]
Français : Les élections Steward de 2011 sont terminées. Il n'est plus possible de voter.
Gaeilge: Tá na toghcháin Maoir 2011 dúnta anois. Ní féidir aon vótaí eile a glacadh as an am seo amach.
Galego: Xa remataron as eleccións a steward do ano 2011. Non se aceptarán máis votos.
Alemannisch : D Stewardwahle 2011 sin umme. Du chasch nimmi abstimme.
עברית: בחירות הדיילים לשנת 2011 הסתיימו. הצבעות נוספות לא תתקבלנה. [update needed: en]
Magyar: A választás lezárult, további szavazatokat nem fogadunk el. [update needed: en]
Italiano: Le elezioni del 2011 a Steward sono terminate. Nessun voto ricevuto dopo questa data sarà preso in considerazione.
日本語: 2011年のスチュワード選挙は終わりました。今後の投票は受け付けられません。
Nederlands: De stewardsverkiezingen van 2011 zijn gesloten. U kunt niet meer stemmen.
Polski: Wybory stewardów w 2011 roku zakończyły się. Nowe głosy nie będą akceptowane.
Português : As eleições para Steward de 2011 estão encerradas. Nenhum voto lançado a partir desta data será computado.
Русский: Выборы стюардов — 2011 завершены. Дальнейшие голоса не будут приняты.
Svenska: 2011 års val av stewarder är avslutat. Ingen ytterligare röstning kommer att accepteras.
中文: 2011年监管员选举已经结束。逾期投票将会作废 [update needed: en]
中文(简体): 2011年监管員选举已经结束。逾期投票将会作废 [update needed: en]
中文(繁體): 2011年監管員選舉已經結束。逾期投票將會作廢 [update needed: en]
Tiếng Việt: Cuộc bầu cử tiếp viên năm 2011 đã kết thúc. Không có phiếu bầu nào tiếp tục được chấp nhận.
Ελληνικά: Οι εκλογές επιτρόπων για το 2011 έχουν τελειώσει. Δεν γίνονται δεκτές άλλες ψήφοι. [update needed: en]
Türkçe: 2011 kâhya seçimleri tamamlanmıştır. Daha fazla oy kabul edilmeyecektir.
Azərbaycanca: 2011 stüard seçkiləri tamamlanmışdır. Daha səslər qəbul olunmur.

Eptalon talk · contribs · SULutil (globalcontribs · crosswiki-ness · confirm eligibility
translate: translation help, statement, template, headings

  • Languages: de, en-4, fr-4, la-3, es-3, it-3, pt-3
  • Personal info: Hello, I am Eptalon; I have been active mostly on the Simple English Wikipedia, where I hold the status of checkuser, oversighter, bureaucrat and admin. I am a well-experienced editor there, with over 30.000 edits in about four years. I regularly use IRC, and I think I could put my language skills to the benefit of the project as a whole. For this reason, I would like to nominate myself as a candidate for the 2011 steward elections.
  • Sprachen: de, en-4, fr-4, la-3, es-3, it-3, pt-3
  • Informationen zur Person: Hallo, ich bin Eptalon. Ich bin bisher vor allem in der Simple-English-Wikipedia („einfaches Englisch") aktiv, wo ich die Rollen Checkuser, Oversighter, Bürokrat und Admin habe. Ich bin ein erfahrener Editor und habe in etwa vier Jahren etwas über 30.000 Edits auf Simple zusammengebracht. Ich bin öfters im IRC anzutreffen, und dachte, ich könnte meine Sprachkenntnisse dem Projekt als Ganzem zur Verfügung stellen. Aus diesem Grunde kandidiere ich bei den Steward-Wahlen 2011.
  • Idiomas: de, en-4, fr-4, la-3, es-3, it-3, pt-3
  • Información personal: Hola, soy Eptalon. Estoy mayoritariamente activo en la Wikipedia en Inglés simple (Simple English), donde soy administrador, burócrata, checkuser y oversighter. Me considero un editor muy experimentado con más de 30 000 ediciones en 4 años. Uso el IRC habitualmente y pienso que puedo usar mis dotes políglotas para beneficiar a los projectos. Por esta razón, me nomino para las elecciones a steward de este año 2011.
  • Kielet: de, en-4, fr-4, la-3, es-3, it-3, pt-3
  • Henkilökohtaiset tiedot: Hei, olen Eptalon; olen enimmäkseen aktiivinen selkokielisessä Englanninkielisessä Wikipediassa, missä toimin osoitepaljastimen käyttäjänä, häivyttäjänä, byrokraattina ja ylläpitäjänä. Olen kokenut käyttäjä siellä ja tehnyt yli 30 000 muokkausta noin neljän vuoden aikana. Käytän IRCiä säännöllisesti, ja uskon että kielitaidostani voisi olla hyötyä hankkeelle kokonaisuudessaan. Tästä syystä haluaisin asettua ehdolle vuoden 2011 ylivalvojavaaleihin.
  • Langues : de, en-4, fr-4, la-3, es-3, it-3, pt-3
  • Renseignements personnels : Bonjour, je m'appelle Eptalon, et jusqu'à présent, mon activité etait focalisé sur le projet "Simple English", où j'ai les privilèges de "checkuser", "oversight", "bureaucrat", et administrateur/sysop. J'ai accumulé de l'éxperience, avec plus de 30.000 modifications dans un peu plus de quatre ans, sur "Simple English". Il est facile de me trouver sur IRC. Je pense que je pourrais mettre mes connaissainces de langues á disposition du project; pour cette raison, je postule pour les élections "Steward" de 2011.
  • שפות: de, en-4, fr-4, la-3, es-3, it-3, pt-3
  • מידע אישי: דיבור כאן
Bahasa Indonesia:
  • Bahasa yang dikuasai: de, en-4, fr-4, la-3, es-3, it-3, pt-3
  • Informasi pribadi: tuliskan pernyataan Anda di sini
  • 言語: de, en-4, fr-4, la-3, es-3, it-3, pt-3
  • 候補者の情報: 所信はこちら
  • Taalvaardigheid: de, en-4, fr-4, la-3, es-3, it-3, pt-3
  • Persoonlijke informatie: Hallo, ik ben Eptalon; ik ben het meest actief op de Eenvoudig Engels-Wikipedia, waar ik checkuser, oversighter, burocraat en moderator ben. Ik ben een ervaren gebruiker daar, met meer dan 30.000 bewerkingen in ongeveer vier jaar. Ik ben regelmatig op irc en ik denk dat mijn talenkennis het gehele project ten goede kan komen. Om die reden wil ik me kandidaat stellen voor de stewardverkiezingen van 2011.
  • Języki: de, en-4, fr-4, la-3, es-3, it-3, pt-3
  • Informacje osobiste: Cześć, jestem Eptalon; Aktywny byłem głównie na Simple English Wikipedia, gdzie posiadam uprawnienia checkusera, oversightera, biurokraty i admina. Posiadam tam duże doświadczenie jako edytor, z ponad 30 000 edycji w około pięć lat. Regularnie używam IRCa i myślę, że mógłbym wykorzystać moje zdolności językowe na korzyść projektu jako całości. Z tego powodu chciałbym zgłosić się jako kandydat na wybory stewardów 2011.
  • Línguas: de, en-4, fr-4, la-3, es-3, it-3, pt-3
  • Informações pessoais: Olá, sou Eptalon. Sou mais activo na Wikipédia em Inglês simplificado (Simple English),onde sou administrador, burocrata, checkuser e oversighter. Considero-me um editor experiente, e tenho mais de 30 000 edições durante os meus 4 anos de contribuição. Uso o IRC habitualmente e penso que posso usar meus dotes como poliglota para beneficiar os projectos. Por esta razão, estou a candidatar-me para as eleições a steward esse ano.
  • Языки: de, en-4, fr-4, la-3, es-3, it-3, pt-3
  • Личная информация: Привет, я - Eptalon; в основном я активен в Википедии на упрощённом английском, где я являюсь чекъюзером, ревизором, бюрократом и администратором. У меня большой стаж редактирования в этом разделе - более 30 000 правок примерно за 4 года. Я регулярно использую IRC и думаю, что могу использовать свое знание языков в целях улучшения проекта в целом. По этой причине я и решил выдвинуть свою кандидатуру на выборах стюардов 2011.
  • Gjuha: de, en-4, fr-4, la-3, es-3, it-3, pt-3
  • Informacion personale: Çkemi, unë jam Eptalon; kam qënë aktiv kryesisht në Wikipedia Anglisht të Thjeshtë, ku mbajë statusin e një checkuser (kontrol përdorës), burokrat dhe administrator. Jam një redaktues më eksperiencë atje, me më shumë se 30,000 redaktime brenda 4 vitesh. Unë zakonisht përdorë IRC, dhe mendoj që aftësitë e gjuhës mund të bëjnë mirë projektin si i tërë. Për këtë arsye, unë dua të nominoj veten si kandidat për zgjedhjet kujdestarëve e 2011.
српски / srpski:
  • Језици: de, en-4, fr-4, la-3, es-3, it-3, pt-3
  • Лични подаци: Здраво, ја сам Eptalon. Углавном сам био активан на Википедији на једноставном енглеском, где сам имао статус чекјузера, оверсајтера, бирократе и администратора. Веома сам искусан корисник тамо, са преко 30.000 измена у периоду од 4 године. Редовно користим IRC, и мислим да бих могао да ставим на располагање своје језичке вештине целокупном пројекту. Због тога бих желео да номинујем себе као кандидата на изборима стјуарда 2011. године.

Questions: See Stewards/elections 2011/Questions#Eptalon

Accounts checked till now, see result here. For the ElectCom, —DerHexer (Talk) 14:24, 27 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]


[edit ]
  1. μ 00:05, February 7 2011 (UTC)
  2. Jafeluv 00:23, 7 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  3. -- Hoo man (talk) 00:26, 7 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  4. DerHexer (Talk) 00:27, 7 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  5. I feel his linguistic skills will be a real asset. And I trust him. --Gordonrox24 | Talk 00:28, 7 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  6. FASTILY (TALK) 01:49, 7 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  7. -- I trust Eptalon implicitly. I have confidence that he will use the steward tools wisely. Maximillion Pegasus 04:32, 7 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  8. Support Support --Cekli829 05:09, 7 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  9. Support Support--Torin 05:33, 7 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  10. --Jan eissfeldt 08:13, 7 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  11. --BG 7 09:14, 7 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  12. --Rovshan.95 09:32, 7 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  13. I don't know him but I like his statements and previous contributions to Meta (all simple-related), so let's try. --Nemo 10:28, 7 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  14. Support Support - --Krassdaniel 10:33, 7 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  15. Per Gordonrox24. CasteloBranco msg 10:44, 7 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  16. Gytha 11:04, 7 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  17. Support Support micki t 11:22, 7 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  18. Enzo^ 11:26, 7 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  19. Support Support. Ruy Pugliesi 12:52, 7 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
    (削除) 1ForTheMoney 13:13, 7 February 2011 (UTC) (削除ここまで) no SUL account, links from meta to enwiki but not vice versa --Jyothis 00:31, 28 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  20. Support Support Tempodivalse [talk] 16:27, 7 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  21. I don't know him but I support him because of his multilingualism. We don't need only English speaking stewards. Viel Glück in Deiner Arbeit! --Flopy 16:39, 7 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  22. Support Support VR-Land 16:51, 7 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  23. Support Support RafaAzevedo 17:27, 7 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  24. Support Support Very good! Alexis Damián Rossi 18:08, 7 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  25. Obviously Diego Grez return fire 18:17, 7 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  26. Support Support --WizardOfOz talk 19:06, 7 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  27. Support Support mc10 (t/c) 19:36, 7 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  28. ChristianH 20:04, 7 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  29. Davecrosby uk 20:24, 7 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  30. --Emes 20:59, 7 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  31. Support Support --Anton 008 21:38, 7 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  32. Support Support --Cbyd 22:38, 7 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  33. Eddylandzaat 01:18, 8 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  34. Support Support -- බිඟුවා සාකච්ඡාව 04:23, 8 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  35. Support Support Cherurbino 10:47, 8 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  36. --Skydrinker 12:42, 8 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  37. Support Support - Vinicius Lima 16:13, 8 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  38. Support Support promising capacities, let him proof them. --Havang(nl) 18:17, 8 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  39. Support Support I believe he is trustworthy. Crosswiki work is a bit low, but his knowledge of languages would be a tremendous asset. J.delanoy gabs adds 22:32, 8 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  40. Support Support--Shizhao 00:28, 9 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  41. fr33k man 01:43, 9 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  42. Support Support - Multilingual. Tiptoety talk 03:04, 9 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  43. Support Support Junius 03:10, 9 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  44. Kenrick95 09:08, 9 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  45. --Nolispanmo 09:50, 9 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  46. Support Support--Jusjih 10:21, 9 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  47. Support Support O.K. FrankyLeRoutier 15:00, 9 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  48. rubin16 17:45, 9 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  49. Support Support USchick 22:56, 9 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  50. --Alex Esp 23:12, 9 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  51. Support Support Fully relevant experience. We need such users as stewards. --Millosh 23:26, 9 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  52. Support Support - Although I have had no interaction, Eptalon has my support and confidence. In my personal capacity, and not as an action of the Foundation, --Philippe 05:31, 10 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  53. Support SupportAncient Apparition 06:51, 10 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  54. Support Support--Galazan 10:08, 10 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  55. Good luck! — Tanvir11:22, 10 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  56. --Ziko 19:17, 10 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  57. Support Support I assume he is familiar with the role of stewards. He may gain more xwiki experience after getting elected as a steward.--Tomo suzuki 22:05, 10 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  58. --Holder 08:41, 11 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  59. Strong support Strong support--This sounds like a good one. Marauder09 Long live the thrash Marauder09 17:27, 11 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  60. Support Support --Steef 389 19:31, 11 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  61. Support Support --Gamma127 00:40, 12 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  62. Peter Ellis 00:43, 12 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  63. Support Support --Brandon 5485 21:54, 12 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  64. Support Support. --Bff 22:21, 12 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  65. Support Support --Zeljko 02:31, 13 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  66. --FollowTheMedia 12:42, 13 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  67. Support Support -- Mar del Sur 22:19, 13 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  68. Support Support --Berny68 05:10, 14 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  69. Support Support --High Contrast 09:48, 14 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  70. Support Support - expert user, filled many different roles, multilingual, good choice for Steward ---Peterdownunder 12:45, 14 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  71. Foxie001 17:54, 14 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  72. Support Support language skills and experience with CU and oversight are definite pluses.--chaser - t 20:53, 14 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  73. Support Support Ok for me. --Floflo 21:44, 14 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  74. Support Support - Ok for me too. Spoladore 02:43, 15 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  75. Njaelkies Lea 15:20, 15 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  76. Support Support Ok for me too. Zifra 02:43, 15 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  77. Redlinux 22:26, 15 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  78. Support Support --Joergens.mi 05:56, 16 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
    (削除) Support Support Thewiikione 23:51, 16 February 2011 (UTC) (削除ここまで) does not have 50 edits between 01 August 2010 and 31 January 2011 --Jyothis 00:31, 28 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  79. Support Support Kadellar 12:08, 17 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  80. Support Support --Bullenwächter 14:17, 17 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  81. Support. AGK 20:22, 17 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  82. Support Support --Erik Frohne 22:25, 17 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  83. Support Support -- varied experience, contributes to many other wikis. --Visik 01:23, 18 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  84. Support Support No problems here Worm TT 10:15, 18 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  85. Support Support Udufruduhu 20:40, 18 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  86. Support Support axpde Hello! 22:19, 18 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  87. --Sergey Semenov talk 02:56, 19 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  88. Support Support --Slon02 05:55, 19 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  89. --Zinnmann 09:42, 19 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  90. Support Support --Poco a poco 16:55, 19 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  91. Elvaube 03:19, 20 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  92. Support Support Well... Not a lot of crosswiki experiences, but hey ! why not, il he's motivated for the job. VonTasha 10:49, 20 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  93. Support Support --Itti 19:10, 20 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  94. Kleuske 01:25, 21 February 2011 (UTC) No serious objections.[reply ]
  95. Support Support --Lucas Nunes 02:33, 21 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  96. Support Support Comte0 15:34, 21 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  97. Support Support Rubicon 12:07, 22 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  98. -- Dferg ☎ talk 21:33, 22 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  99. Support Support The Three Headed Knight 04:43, 23 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  100. Support Support Béria Lima msg 17:29, 23 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  101. --Outback the koala 05:50, 25 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  102. Support Support M Zaplotnik (contribs) 09:11, 25 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  103. Blanket Support Support for all candidates as opposition to the blanket opposition by User:Riffic, in support of open balloting. --Yair rand 21:40, 25 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  104. Support Support Kubek15 T C 13:47, 26 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  105. 32X 18:06, 26 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  106. Support Support Andreas Werle 17:11, 27 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  107. Support Support Zyephyrus 17:46, 27 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  108. Yes --Dalibor Bosits © 17:51, 27 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  109. LeinaD (t) 19:14, 27 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]


[edit ]
  1. Lolsimon 23:59, 7 February 2011 (UTC) Trusted, but a little bit more steward-related experience (ie on meta and crosswiki vandalism etc.) would be appreciated in my opinion.[reply ]
  2. Oppose Oppose - Per Lolsimon. Neelix 17:13, 9 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  3. Oppose Oppose after the discussion in the "comment" section below, I've some serious doubts about his capacity to self-evaluate. Boasting a level of "almost native speaker" of French is not compatible with committing basic grammar mistakes, besides boasting an "advanced" level of Italian, Spanish and Portuguese implies being able to write in those languages. An user with "de-M, en-4, fr-3, it/pt/sp-1" as language skills can still be a good steward, but I think a more honest and mature approach is necessary in a good-faith-based community. Noieraieri 11:35, 10 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  4. Blanket 'NO' votes for all candidates as a form of protest against open balloting. riffic 18:05, 11 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  5. Per Lolsimon and Noieraieri. odder (talk) 17:07, 13 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  6. Oppose Oppose I find this user's steward statement to be too short and his self-description on his Simple Wikipedia page to be an insufficient description of his work. I oppose due to his intentionally presenting a small amount information about himself as I would prefer a steward who is more open, self-descriptive, and presenting of whatever community ties he has. Blue Rasberry (talk) 16:15, 25 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  7. Oppose Oppose, as per Bluerasberry's statement above. –Tommy Kronkvist, 20:30, 27 February 2011 (UTC).[reply ]


[edit ]
  1. I trust Eptalon a lot, but the lack of crosswiki experience prevents me from supporting. Just increase your crosswiki activity, and I'll definitely support you. Pmlineditor (t · c · l) 14:02, 7 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  2. per Pmlineditor. 98% of edits in simplewiki... --MF-W 18:46, 7 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
    (削除) despite his claim to speak 7 languages at advanced or native level, he only published his statement in English, German and French, the latter with a grammar mistake. I would like him to clarify on this matter Noieraieri 11:28, 8 February 2011 (UTC) (削除ここまで)[reply ]
    Let me first clairify: There was a revision of French orthography in the 1990s. The result was a change of many forms of the French language; If the "grammatical error" is what I think it was, I would rather label it a "typo" (Yes, I know, connaître (know, vb) -> connAIsance (knowlede, noun, I wrote connEsance). The reason I didn't write my statement in Spanish, was that the Spanish language uses many accents; and that I haven't figured out how to create some of these with my keyboard); As to "some" of the "languages", they are in fact dialects of German; all speakers of these languages also speak German.--Eptalon 21:02, 8 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
    I'm sorry to insist, but that's not what I'm referring to: in the sentence "avec plus de 30.000 modifications dans un peu plus de quatre ans" you have used the preposition "dans", which I feel is not correct. I'm not very proficient at French myself, so I could easily be wrong. This are skills you claim: "de, en-4, fr-4, la-3, es-3, it-3, pt-3".; I'm no less than astonished to discover that Spanish, Italian and Portuguese are dialects of German. Noieraieri 09:54, 9 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
    The other option there is in this case is en, however, since the apposition is qualified, dans is probably correct; en may be correct, however, we are not talking about en quatre ans; en un peu plus de quatre doesn't sound right; however I do not have a grammar handy, so I may be wrong. As to my knowledge of Italian and Portugese: it is passive, those people usually understand Spanish; for this reason, I did not write my statement in those languages. And yes, Alemannic is a dialect of German... --Eptalon 22:03, 9 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
    Actually "en" is the correct option, "dans" is not correct here. Capsot 11:13, 10 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  3. Per above. Carolmooredc 14:56, 8 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  4. Almost no cross-wiki activity even in the wikis in the languages user knows on 3 or 4 level looks strange — NickK 17:21, 8 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  5. Neutral Neutral After reading Noieraieri's comments, I have to admit that he made a real interesting and good point since Eptalon insists with some kind of bad faith in order to explain his mistakes, which are recurring since "connaissance" needs two -s- and even though the sentence "en un peu plus de quatre" might not sound correct to you, it absolutely is (the rest is not at all!)! So, my conclusion is that your skills in French should be 3 and not 4, but most importantly you do not seem to accept corrections from others and I do not like at all the following statement "those people usually understand Spanish" which in my opinion is quite far from courteous, what do you mean with it, that Spanish is more important than their languages (an underlying conclusion is that your skills in Spanish are higher than in Portuguese (with a -u-) and Italian which should then deserve 2 or less)? Capsot 11:25, 10 February 2011 (UTC) PD: After this I would normally vote no, but since you seem to show interest in languages and that so many users trust you, I won't be so negative, good luck![reply ]
    If you classify "language skills" into six levels, what exactly constitutes the difference between two such levels? Suppose an editor is able to determine his or her mother tongue, what about editors who are bi-lingual? - One of the two languages will be worse than the other. As to my French skills, I have actively learnt the language in school, have lived in the French-speaking part of the country for many years; I have done half of my "higher education" in that language. - So rest assured, I know French. As it is not my native tongue, it is certainly not fr-N; as to the other levels, who/what determines the difference between the levels? --Eptalon 21:38, 10 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
    As to the difference between languages: When written, Portuguese "looks very similar to" Spanish - there are extra letters or accents here and there, but someone speaking Spanish should have no trouble understanding Portuguese; note: I say "when written" - this is not the case for spoken Portuguese; similarly someone who learnt Portuguese should have little trouble understanding written Spanish. As to Italian: someone who learnt Latin will have no toruble recognising the written forms, even though Latin is a language that works with suffixes, and Italian is a language that works with prepositions. A word about French perhaps: In France, there is a body that regulates the language; the French-speaking communities in Belgium, and Switzerland do not recognize that body. "Septante","Huitante", "Nonante" (70;80;90) are perfectly fine forms (in Switzerland, and Belgium, but not recognised by this regulatory body); besides "quate-vingt-dix-neuf" (99) is harder to parse than "nonante-neuf"...--Eptalon 10:14, 11 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
    This does not change the fact that "dans quatre ans" means "starting in from years" while "en quatre ans" means "during four years"; it's the same in every flavour of French. You could have checked it yourself in any grammar. I see that admitting you have made a honest mistake is not part of your nature. Noieraieri 09:21, 12 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
    Man, I live in the French state and I am a native speaker so please don't try to patronize me/us with a few linguistic thingies (I think I could teach you a few things...), just recognize overtly you made a wrong statement once and for all! Is this beyond your capacity? It is not the end of the world to be wrong from time to time, not being able to recognize it, well... no comment... especially for a Steward (you are lucky I don't change my vote...). Bye now! Capsot 15:11, 12 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  6. No matter how I trust you, you don't seem to have much cross-wiki experience. Maybe next year. --Mercy 14:39, 15 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  7. The language problem explained by Noieraieri and Capsot is, to me, an important handicap. --Demonaire Rai 17:09, 16 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  8. per Pmlineditor. --Emaus 02:56, 19 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  9. --Soenke Rahn 10:48, 19 February 2011 (UTC) [reply ]

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