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Steward requests/Permissions

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
This is an archived version of this page, as edited by Yanksox (talk | contribs) at 17:03, 14 December 2006 (→‎English Wikipedia: organize and move Lar's comment). It may differ significantly from the current version .
Requests for permissions
This page enables stewards to handle permissions requests, including the giving and taking of administrator, bureaucrat, checkuser, and oversight access, for all Wikimedia wikis which do not have a local permissions procedure. If your wiki has a bureaucrat, please use the relevant local request page instead.

This page is not intended for permissions debates; please only make a request here after gaining the approval of your local community. For urgent access requests, such as to combat large-scale vandalism on a small wiki, you may contact a steward in the #wikimedia-stewards IRC channel (see also a web-based version). If you are in urgent need of assistance, and only in that situation, enter the command !steward in this channel to ask us for help

Requests for steward assistance which do not belong on this page include requests for bot status, spam whitelist/blacklist requests, and requests for CheckUser queries.

When requesting permissions, please copy and paste the following boilerplate text, filling in the three required items (language code, link to local request, link to local userpage) as well as any other salient information. Without this information, a steward cannot process your request.

Please only make requests here after gaining the approval of your local community.

==== Project name ====
I request sysop access on ''xx.wiki??'':
*'''Language Code:''' xx
*'''Local Request Link:''' [[xx:Project:wiki??]]
*'''Local User Page:''' [[xx:User:Example]]
Thank you. ~~~~

Please also add this if you request this to stay sysop instead of becoming one;

I have currently already temporary granted sysop status on this wiki.

Quick navigation: Oversight | CheckUser | Admin | Bureaucrat | Removal of access | Temporary permissions | Username changes | Other requests

Stewards: all requests presented here should be archived when fulfilled.

List of local request pages

If your wiki has one of these, you should not use this page to request permissions.

  • Wikipedias:

af - als - an - ar - as - ast - av - ay - az - map-bms - be - bg - bn - br - bs - bug - ca - ceb - cs - csb - da - de - eo - el - en - es - eu - fa - ff - fi - fj - fo - fr - ga - gu - gv - he - hi - hr - hu - hy - ia - id - ie - is - it - iu - ja - ka - ki - kk - kn - ks - ksh - lad - lb - li - lmo - ln - lt - mg - mk - ml - ms - mt - nds - nl - na - nn - no - oc - pih - pl - ps - pt - ro - ru - ru-sib - sco - scn - sa - sd - se - sh - simple - sk - sl - sq - sm - sr - sv - sw - ta - te - tk - to - tr - uk - ur - uz - vi - vo - wo - yi - zh - zh-min-nan - zh-yue

  • Wiktionaries:

an - ang - ar - bg - ca - cy - da - de - el - en - eo - es - et - eu - fa - fi - fo - fr - gl - gu - hi - he - hr - hu - ia - ie - id - is - it - ja - ka - kn - la - lx - mg - mk - ms - nah - nds - nl - nn - no - oc - pl - ps - pt - qu - ro - sc - sd - scn - simple - sk - sl - sq - sr - [[wikt:sv:Wiktionary:Beg%E4ran_om_administrat%F6rsskap|sv]] - sw - tr - uk - cy - vi - vo - yi - zh - zh-min-nan

  • Wikiquotes:

ang - ar - bg - bs - cs - de - he - el - en - eo - es - eu - fa - fr - hu - id - is - it - kn - ko - ja - la - nn - pl - ps - pt - ro - simple - sl - sq - sk - tr - uk - (see also Other language Wikiquotes)

  • Wikibooks:

ang - ca - bg - bs - cs - da - de - en - eo - es - fa - fr - hu - hy - id - ie - is - it - ja - kn - nl - no - oc - pl - ps - pt - simple - sl - sr - sk - tr - uk - ro - vi -

  • Wikinews:

bg - de - en - es - fr - it - ja - nl - no - pl - pt - ro - sr - uk

  • Wikisource:

bs - cs - de - en - en - id - it - nl - pt - sk - tr

  • Wikiversity:

de - en

Oversight requests

At present, this is only available on the English Wikipedia.

Note to Stewards: When you give someone Oversight, please list them on Hiding revisions. Thanks.

Note to those requesting Oversight: Do not initiate an Oversight request here; this is where the Arbitration Committee makes usergroup membership requests once they have agreed to give someone Oversight access. Thanks.

CheckUser requests

To ask for a steward to answer one of your requests, see Request for CheckUser information.

Note to Stewards:When someone asks for CheckUser status, please check the current policy regarding bestowal of status before giving this status. When you give someone CheckUser, please list them on CheckUser. Thanks.

Any checkuser request made in a different section than this one will not be considered.

According to policy, there is no TEMPORARY status of checkuser. Either there are already checkuser on a project and these people must be asked to do the checkuser. Or there is nobody and a steward must do it. Giving a temporary status to anyone just simply asking it to a steward, with no agreement from the local community is against the checkuser status rules. Giving it with no request mentioned anywhere is even more problematic. Breaching these rules should imply removing the status of the steward if he can not be trusted to follow commonly accepted rules. If any one has a problem with this rule and wish that from now on, checkuser status be given to anyone without any community discussion, he must have the current rules changed, not breach them. Thanks Anthere 03:24, 23 December 2005 (UTC) [reply ]

Note: When giving someone checkuser, please (a) ask them to subscribe to checkuser-l and (b) email checkuser-l-owner@wikipedia.org so that the listadmins know the person is allowed on the mailing list. (The list may contain confidential information.) - David Gerard 15:22, 31 January 2006 (UTC) [reply ]

Apology: No-one's been adding new people to checkuser-l for a while. (Kelly Martin was but she's taking a longish break.) I'm going to try to clear the backlog this weekend. My sincere apologies for this, and I'll try to keep up with list requests in future. (It's really not a very interesting or active list, so you're not missing much ;-) - David Gerard 19:05, 6 October 2006 (UTC) [reply ]



Administrator requests

Requests for removal of access belong in a different section.


The Test Wikipedia

I request sysop access on test.wikipedia.org:

There isn't a local request process, but I'd like to be a sysop for testing.

Thank you. Werdan7 01:53, 12 December 2006 (UTC)

The project has local bureaucrats. Ask them to grant you. -Romihaitza 14:01, 12 December 2006 (UTC) [reply ]

Quechua Wikipedia

I request sysop access on qu.wikipedia.org: I am the only registered qu-3 speaker on this wikipedia so far.

Thank you. AlimanRuna 11:23 13 december 2006 (UTC)

Done, but as temporarly. Please run elections when a community occures. -Romihaitza 15:02, 13 December 2006 (UTC) [reply ]






Bureaucrat requests


Pashto Wikipedia

Please add more information -Romihaitza 20:33, 11 December 2006 (UTC) [reply ]

Türkmen Wikipedia

There is no bureaucrat or steward in Turkmen Wikipedia. Can I be? I have sysop rights currently. Thanks.tk:User:Parahat-- 13:21, 11 December 2006 (UTC) [reply ]

On hold. Asked the user to open a vote, get the support and link the page [1]. --Paginazero - Ø 14:22, 11 December 2006 (UTC) [reply ]

Scots Wikipedia

I have been a Wikipedian since 2001 and I am an administrator on the English Wikipedia, an administrator and co-founder of the Scots Wikipedia and a bureaucrat on the Scots Gaelic Wikipedia. Once again I am requesting bureaucrat access on sco.wikipedia for sco:User:Mendor. This was previously refused because we are too small despite unanimous support for him and despite the fact that size has is only loosely correlated with level of activity or the need for a bureaucrat. However we have been swamped by bots for the last few months and can do nothing about them because we lack a bureaucrat. It is essential that we have one. Thus I am making this request again:

Thanks -- Derek Ross 22:09, 10 December 2006 (UTC) [reply ]

You can block users as an administrator, too, and both of you seem to be active (sco:Special:Listusers/sysop). As explained on bureaucrats, a bureaucrat does only have the ability to grant bot status, sysop & bureaucrat status and can rename users. At the moment, there seems to be no special need for that; if such things are required, you can ask here. I'd recommend you to make a vote, as far as I can see there has not been a bureaucrat vote for you yet. Greetings, —Pill δ 05:50, 11 December 2006 (UTC) [reply ]
I understand that I can block people but the bots do useful work so I don't particularly want to block them. They just need to be hidden and there definitely is a need for that as you can confirm if you look at the recent changes for the last few weeks. -- Derek Ross 19:03, 11 December 2006 (UTC) [reply ]
I've understood so far but nevertheless you could make a vote for bureaucratship, I guess. The interwiki bots that are operating right now should be granted bot status, but I don't think this is really urgent so you should make a new vote. Greetings, —Pill δ 20:33, 11 December 2006 (UTC) [reply ]
I don't mean to be difficult and I completely agree that the need for a bureaucrat is not urgent but I must point out that I have already organised a vote, received unanimous support for the candidate, and still been refused (because, apparently, the Scots Wikipedia is "too small"). Nothing much has changed on the Scots Wikipedia in the intervening period, so if I organise another vote, and receive unanimous support for the candidate again, I doubt that we will have any more participants in the vote than last time. Thus I would expect that once again we would be refused. Even if we were to have more participants than last time, I have no idea what the minimum number is supposed to be (because none has been specified on this page). Yet the need for a bureaucrat on the Scots Wikipedia, urgent or not, still persists. In this situation is it really surprising that I wish to appeal to the common sense of the stewards rather than relying on a process which has proven to be time-consuming, arbitrary and unpredictable when I have tried to follow it to the letter on a previous occasion ? -- Derek Ross 05:45, 12 December 2006 (UTC) [reply ]
Required number of votes for bureaucrat elections is fixed by the local project community, very small projects often do not even have a minumum number of votes required for granting the status, the decision whether the candidate is given the status required is made by the stewards then. Nevertheless, since community seems to be quite small so far, possibly he will be granted (temporary) bureaucrat status. —Pill δ 14:50, 12 December 2006 (UTC) [reply ]

Kapampangan Wikipedia

I request bureaucrat access for pam:User:Katimawan2005 and pam:User:Val2397 on pam.wikipedia. The Kapampangan Wikipedia has neither sysops nor bureaucrats. These users are native speakers of Kapampangan. pam:User:Katimawan2005 is the one who proposed this project and pam:User:Val2397 is one of the most active contributors to this project. Here is the other relevant information:

Thank you. Harvzsf 01:05, 4 December 2006 (UTC) [reply ]

The bureaucrat flag enables a user to appoint sysops and bots, but it does not automatically imply the activation of sysop functions for the user him/herself. I suggest these users to be given a sysop access first. --Paginazero - Ø 12:58, 9 December 2006 (UTC) [reply ]






Other projects

Requests for bureaucrat rights in other projects than those listed above, including Wikiversity and Wikispecies, belong here.

Removal of access

You may request self-de-adminship here; stewards will grant such requests immediately if you provide proof that you are the same user on meta as on your local wiki. This may be accomplished most easily by placing a note in English on the talk page of your local wiki confirming your request for de-adminship.

To request the another user's de-adminship, please gain consensus on your own wiki first. All discussion must be kept on your local wiki. When it is finished and there exists community consensus that the user should be de-adminned, a trusted person from that wiki should just provide a link here to the discussion and a very brief explanation of the reason for de-adminship and results of discussion.

Do not begin or continue de-adminship discussions here.

English Wikipedia



Simple English Wikipedia

I am going on a holiday from the 12th of December to the 21st of December. During that period, I would like to request desysopping on the Simple English Wikipedia. Here are my credentials:

Thank you.-- Tdxi an g 09:55, 1 December 2006 (UTC) [reply ]

Sorry, but I can't see the reason why you want to get rid of your admin-status. I think if we would start doing things like that, we get an overhead of deadmin/admin, that just creates more work and less transparency (why was this admin deadmint/admint again), If you would be away 6 months, ok, but some days I think there is no problem staying admin. Would it be ok if we let you stay admin? Fantasy 13:58, 5 December 2006 (UTC) [reply ]

deCheckUser Wikimol

Discussion was moved to Requests for comments/Cswiki issues 3. No further talk on this issue here unless the community builds its consensus. Thank you. --Aphaia 02:18, 11 December 2006 (UTC) [reply ]

Temporary permissions for emergency or technical purposes

Please add new requests here.

Currently active temporary permissions may be found at /Approved temporary. Stewards, when granting, please copy the request to the appropriate place at /Approved temporary, and state clearly the date of removal. Do not archive granted requests until their expiration.

If you are requesting sysop status to make a translation of the wiki interface, see also the BetaWiki-project. That is a project for making a neutral MediaWiki translation that then will be default for all wikis. That is more useful than making only a local translation. You can ask questions in the IRC channel or in the mailing list of MediaWiki translation. See also MediaWiki localisation.

French Wikiversity

I would like to have temporary sysop access on the French Wikiversity so as to start editing system messages, importing pages from wikibooks, etc. (there isn't any sysop for the moment [2]).

  • Language Code: fr
  • Local Request Link: none; the wiki has just been created
  • Local User Page: v:fr:User:guillom

Thank you. guillom 07:24, 1 December 2006 (UTC) [reply ]

Done sysopbit granted for one month. oscar 07:42, 1 December 2006 (UTC) [reply ]
Now permanent. Yann 10:21, 3 December 2006 (UTC) [reply ]

Moldovan Wiktionary

I'd like to request temporary admin right on the Moldovan Wiktionary to clean up spam and vandalism [3].

Thank you. Korg + + 16:19, 13 December 2006 (UTC) [reply ]

Adminiship granted for 1 week until December 20, 2006 19:40 (UTC) --Romihaitza 19:40, 13 December 2006 (UTC) [reply ]

Miscellaneous requests

Username changes

Please, rename Vít Zvánovec to V. Z. at:

  1. cs:User:Vít Zvánovec
  2. (削除) en:User:Vít Zvánovec (削除ここまで) (already done)
  3. de:User:Vít Zvánovec
  4. fr:User:Vít Zvánovec
  5. sk:User:Vít Zvánovec
  6. eo:User:Vít Zvánovec
  7. m:User:Vít Zvánovec
  8. s:User:Vít Zvánovec
  9. q:User:Vít Zvánovec

Reason: to protect my privacy against people from cs: wiki (duo cs:User:Egg & cs:User:-jkb-, specified on cs:User:Beren's request):

  1. User:-jkb-/CsWiki (7 February 2006)
  2. Requests for CheckUser information/Archives/2006/01#Check user action across domains (24 September 2006)
  3. User talk:Snowdog#check on cs.source and cs.wiki (3 October 2006)
  4. w:Wikipedia:Administrators' noticeboard/IncidentArchive140#pls block an impostor (7 October 2006)
  5. Requests for CheckUser information#Several users again (8 October 2006)
  6. w:Wikipedia:Requests for checkuser/Case/Nácek Ignácek (5 November 2006)
  7. w:User:-jkb-/Vandalism and impostors (19 November 2006)

-- Zacheus 15:00, 26 November 2006 (UTC) [reply ]

Can you prove you are the same person as cs:User:Vít Zvánovec? Thank you. — Timi chal 20:21, 20 November 2006 (UTC) [reply ]

Yes, I can. -- Vít Zvánovec 21:06, 20 November 2006 (UTC) [reply ]

Please note this user has a long history of blocks on cswiki, and the renaming would clear the log. — Timi chal

How can you be a sysop, if you don't know MediaWiki? Renaming does not clear the log. -- Vít Zvánovec 16:55, 21 November 2006 (UTC) [reply ]

Of course he means that the log will not change -- hence all your blocks will be listed under your old name, and will not appear in searches for your new name. This does effectively clear it. — Dan | talk 01:17, 24 November 2006 (UTC) [reply ]

Yes, you are right, but you forgot Special:Log&type=block&page=User:..., which is a part of the User Contribution page. Concerning Block Log page, at :cs: is not usable, because Egg filled it with his robotic blocking (more than 5000 blocks) -- Zacheus 08:23, 25 November 2006 (UTC) [reply ]

I apologize you were right[4]. In my view it's a bug in a User Name Change. -- Zacheus 22:53, 28 November 2006 (UTC) [reply ]

It is not the function of stewards to overrule rename users requests of a project. If a wiki has active bureaucrats then you have to deal with them. --Walter Do you have news? Report it to Wikizine 20:56, 25 November 2006 (UTC) [reply ]

But I asked for a name change across many different wikis. I rewrote my petition. -- Zacheus 15:00, 26 November 2006 (UTC) [reply ]

See also

AltStyle によって変換されたページ (->オリジナル) /