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Steward requests/Miscellaneous

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This is an archived version of this page, as edited by (talk) at 20:23, 10 December 2018 (→‎Global block for ). It may differ significantly from the current version .
This page is for Wikimedia wikis having no active administrators. Requests can be made here for specific administrative actions (such as page deletion) to be performed by a steward or global sysop. In other cases:
  • If the wiki does have active administrators, file the request with one of them.
  • If the wiki has an active editor community, any potentially controversial action (deletion of actual content, edit to a protected page, renaming of a protected page, etc.) should receive consensus from the wiki community before being requested here, and a link should be provided to that consensus in the request.
  • For global lock/block requests, file a request at Steward requests/Global.
  • For non-controversial deletion requests such as empty page, simple spam or vandalism, and non-controversial or emergency requests to block vandals, spammers or other malicious users, you may use global sysop requests instead.
  • If a consensus is considered required to act, similar principles apply as expressed at Steward requests/Permissions/Minimum voting requirements, and can be used for guidance to how and what should be done at small and medium communities to gain a consensus.

To add a new request, create a new section header at the bottom of the "Manual requests" section using the format below:

=== Very brief description of request here ===
{{Status|In progress}}
Give details about your request here. --~~~~

It is helpful if you can provide a link to the wiki (or the specific page on the wiki) in question, either in the header or in the body of your request.

When reporting cross-wiki vandalism, the following template calls can be used to link to a user's contributions across all Wikimedia content wikis (these are for logged in users and non-logged-in users, respectively):

* {{sultool|Username}}

* {{luxotool|IP.address}}

Template {{LockHide}} can also be used in appropriate cases.

To request approval of OAuth consumers please use {{oauthapprequest}} (see the documentation before using).

Old requests are archived by the date of their last comment.

Cross-wiki requests
Meta-Wiki requests

Manual requests

Please see a list of pages nominated for speedy deletion via {{Delete}} and/or the local equivalent. You can also filter by wikis whose admins are less than X or have not delete since Y.

Bot activity in Turkish Wikinews

Status: In progress

Over in the Turkish Wikinews, GrondinBot has created thousands of empty "daily" project pages and categories, and apparently will continue to do so forever into the future, despite the fact that the wiki has almost no editing community left and no admins, the bot was seemingly only explicitly approved to maintain interwiki links, and the users who were involved in the approval process (AFAICT) have not edited the wiki for about 5–8 years. See n:fr:User talk:Grondin#Daily pages, where I challenged the bot's operator on the necessity and validity of this bot work and was completely unsuccessful (the discussion includes more links to evidence — although to understand all of it, it would help if you read French as well as Turkish [I read neither]). I believe the work this bot does is no longer needed on that wiki and that the vast majority of pages it has created there should be deleted. Steward opinions on this? I posted a comment nearly identical to this one on the wiki's equivalent of the VP two weeks ago, and have gotten no response. - dcljr (talk) 20:46, 31 July 2018 (UTC) [reply ]

You argument is basically that trwikinews is dead and should be closed. Ruslik (talk) 20:07, 8 August 2018 (UTC) [reply ]
Um, no, my argument is that the wiki has no real editing community and no admins, but has a bot that will be filling the wiki up forever with useless, empty pages. The bot should be stopped and the worthless pages deleted, but the wiki can sit there inactive forever, as far as I'm concerned. Inactivity is not a valid reason for closure, anyway. - dcljr (talk) 05:30, 9 August 2018 (UTC) [reply ]
Well, IMO, "no real editing community and no admins" are sufficient to close a wiki and bring them back to the incubator, but langcom won't buy my arguments, so... back to the discussion, if there is no community as you describe and there is no objection for few weeks (or a month), I guess bot can be blocked (to stop them). Deleting the debris will take more time than I want to, so if someone wants to do it, they should do it after getting temporary adminship. — regards, Revi 05:45, 9 August 2018 (UTC) [reply ]
Despite the fact that no one has commented on my n:tr:VP post (mentioned above), I know that won't be sufficient evidence for some people that the bot is no longer needed there. So I have notified several users on that wiki directly on their talk pages (namely, a handful of users who have edited in the main namespace in the last 30 days, as well as the three I linked to in my comment above who seemed to have something to do with getting the bot approved in the first place, years ago), pointing them to the VP discussion about the bot. We'll see if anyone comments, and if so, what they have to say. - dcljr (talk) 22:00, 27 August 2018 (UTC) [reply ]
OK, well, I have not been able to drum up any discussion at all on that wiki about the bot activity there in the intervening 2 months. I have notified the bot's owner about this and again asked him to stop the bot's work on that wiki. - dcljr (talk) 00:56, 30 September 2018 (UTC) [reply ]
@Dcljr: Any update on this? The archival of emptiness indeed seems useless to me, albeit not necessarily harmful. That being said, I do not think an intervention should happen if the bot operator indeed believes continuing his bot's operation is beneficial, considering the absence of protest by any local user. --Vogone (talk) 01:21, 16 November 2018 (UTC) [reply ]
Crickets. Next month (December 2018) will be the next time the bot is due to add hundreds of new useless pages, BTW. I can't help thinking that the bot owner is more interested in seeing his bot work on wikis than in determining whether that work is actually helpful. - dcljr (talk) 03:35, 16 November 2018 (UTC) [reply ]

Global block for

Status: In progress

Proxy server status confirmed by administrator. Contribs for this IP range is enough for indefinite cross-wiki block ( caught on Italian Wikipedia as Tor exit node, and caught on Russian Wikipedia as IP for block evasions and caught on Japanese Wikipedia as Tor exit node). ZimmermannKKK (talk) 13:01, 9 August 2018 (UTC) [reply ]

@ZimmermannKKK: SRG is a more appropriate venue for global block requests. PiRSquared17 (talk) 13:45, 9 August 2018 (UTC) [reply ]
@PiRSquared17: not in use. Must be autoconfirmed, but I am not autoconfirmed. I'll purge this flag before of approval of another Steward. This is a question of life and death. ZimmermannKKK (talk) 19:59, 9 August 2018 (UTC) [reply ]
@Vituzzu: action required! 17:20, 14 August 2018 (UTC))[reply ]

Pending speedy deletion requests on nahwiktionary

Status: On hold

Please check wikt:nah:Neneuhcāyōtl:Para borrar en breve (edit: 28 subcats, 42 pages ATOW. 18:58, 13 August 2018 (UTC)). The only administator there has not been active in the last year (edits, logs). CC User:Marrovi as the author of most (all?) of those requests. Kind regards, Peter Bowman (talk) 18:53, 13 August 2018 (UTC) [reply ]

Not done, the "only administrator" you mentioned as well seems to be the author of most of these articles. I suppose it's best to wait until he returns. In the meantime, a ping (@Frank C. Müller:) should suffice. Regards, --Vogone (talk) 00:45, 14 August 2018 (UTC) [reply ]
He really is the only one right now, no need to quote. I agree with you, though - it looked to me like he had left the project, but now I see he's still active elsewhere. Would it make sense to put this request on hold for one week or two until he responds? Peter Bowman (talk) 12:43, 14 August 2018 (UTC) [reply ]
If you prefer, sure. I used quotation marks just to make it clear that I referred to someone whom you had previously mentioned. I am sorry if this has been misunderstood. Kind regards, —Vogone (talk) 15:11, 14 August 2018 (UTC) [reply ]
Hi! Thanks for pinging me and informing me via my german Wikipedia-user-page!
Yes, I still am an admin at the nahuatl Wiktionary, and I think even I still am a bureaucrat. But I retired from this project in about 2014. In the years between 2011 and 2013 except Marrovi I was nearly the only active user in the nahuatl wiktionary.
In contrast to me Marrovi is a native nahuatl speaker, and he was a studious author in many of our projects.
But also he is a bit special, and in the meantime he is blocked on many projects. On the one hand he edits a lot, but on the other hand he often ignores the rules and even the manifold advice of his co-authors, and he nearly never explains or justifies his actions.
In the nahuatl Wiktionary I had established a certain system in building the Wiktionary and representing the language. Marrovi was adding a lot of words, and I nearly always had to correct or complete his entries. I could accept his knowledge of the language, and he accepted my way of structuring the language in the Wiktionary.
But we only were two! And we stayed only two! After three years of activity I began to doubt, if it was so meaningfull to write a dictionary with only two authors: one who thinks, he knows how to write a Wiktionary, but without any deeper knowledge of the nahuatl language, and one native language speaker who not actually is able to contribute as a member of a team, of a community, which has certain rules. So I gave it up and concentrated on german Wikipedia, Commons, and german Wiktionary.
I had a look on Marrovi's deletion requests (Neneuhcayotl:Para borrar en breve). Obviously he tries to reorganize the nahuatl wiktionary. I don't know if his intention is meaningfull or includes a methodical plan, and - pardon me - I have no desire to clarify this. I guess, Marrovi nowadays is the only human user in the nahuatl wiktionary, and I also guess, this is a rather dangerous situation.
So, I actually don't know, what do do!
gruß, fcm. --Frank C. Müller (talk) 11:26, 18 August 2018 (UTC) [reply ]
Hi, @Frank C. Müller:, thank you for your comments (and thanks @Vogone: for reaching him on dewiki, I should have done that in the first place!). I have advised Marrovi to specify the sources he based his edits on, hoping it's a starting point to work on. mfG, Peter Bowman (talk) 11:03, 21 August 2018 (UTC) [reply ]

I show you my photographs about my works and meetings at the University of Warsaw, in Poland [1], at UNAM (my mother university) and in Wikipedia about the Nahuatl languages, because now you can prove that I'm not an ordinary user as you were led to believe, many years of work guarantee me, is bother for me that you get ripped off. See you.--Marrovi (talk) 01:27, 25 March 2018 (UTC) [reply ]

Your questions have been answered, can you read my answer in my user talk, they never make a message on my user talk, about questions. Obviusly I need help with a new changes over the Nahuatl languages. --Marrovi (talk) 12:05, 20 August 2018 (UTC) [reply ]
Frank C. Müller, Are you understand Nahuatl languages? What is dangerous situation? No is the same Classical Nahuatl to Central Nahuatl or Huasteca Nahuatl, the words are differents, by this reason is neccesary to delete many articles. The Nahuatl laguages convention was the next month at INALI Institute; the standard alphabet for Nahuan languages is now A, B, CH, E, G, H, I, K, L, M, N, O, P, S, T, U, W, X, Y. Now they are making researchs about linguistic seasons, to connect ideas between comunities and to know the idioms or variants. --Marrovi (talk) 12:04, 20 August 2018 (UTC) [reply ]

The Nahuatl variants are a rich heritage for Mexico, Now I have a standard language (Nawatlahtolli), but we have got many Nahuan languages very interesting as Tetelcingo Nahuatl, Mecayapan Nahuatl, Pipil, Durango Nahuatl, Huasteca Nahuatl, Tlaxcala Nahuatl, Texcoco Nahuatl (all languages are diferents) as soon as Hochdeusch (Deutsch), Bavarian, Palatine, Low German, Swebisch, Swiss or Tirol.

Obviously I try to reorganize the nahuatl wiktionary, because this Mexican language is the most studied in the Americas with Maya, Quechua and Guarani. I'm to studied Nahuan languages by 15 years ago with Native people and Nahuatl institutes, as other persons, I know and I speak this language, but I am not Native speaker.--Marrovi (talk) 12:29, 20 August 2018 (UTC) [reply ]

Wikipedia projects are not atractive projects by indigenous communities, is very complicated but is the reality, User:Tepoxteco is only the Nahuatl Native speaker in Wikipedia projects.--Marrovi (talk) 12:55, 20 August 2018 (UTC) [reply ]

I continue here.
@Marrovi: Thanks for your comment! You asked me "What is dangerous situation?": Dangerous is a wiki-project with only one user. Normally the wiki-projects are based on a community of many co-authors with a mutual supervision. This is the structural base of our quality. But a project with only one author has actually no supervision at all, and hence no proved quality. The quality is not proved: that's the danger.
@Peter Bowman: Where did you advise Marrovi to specify the sources?
gruß, fcm. --Frank C. Müller (talk) 12:47, 21 August 2018 (UTC) [reply ]
@Frank C. Müller: I gave him my advice on eswiktionary, and his original request for help (several pending speedy deletions on nahwikt) is here. Regards, Peter Bowman (talk) 14:55, 21 August 2018 (UTC) [reply ]
@Peter Bowman: Thanks for the links!
It's a bit complicated to keep together in mind all these edits in all these projects, all of them concerning the nahuatl languages and their representations in the different wiktionaries!
gruß, fcm. --Frank C. Müller (talk) 18:10, 21 August 2018 (UTC) [reply ]

Frank C Müller invented many words in different nahua spellings, it's a chaos to eliminate that incorrect material in nahwictionary.--Marrovi (talk) 04:19, 6 September 2018 (UTC) [reply ]

Large pagina merge at nl-wiki

Status: In progress

Dear stewards, Per this request I kindly request that you merge two page history's. Leftovers from a mess created by Masti who seems to be unable to understand how to clean up the mess/what is aksked of him. I kindly request that you merge the page history of nl:Overleg gebruiker:MoiraMoira/OverlegArchief51 with the page history of nl:Overleg gebruiker:MoiraMoira. "Overleg gebruiker:MoiraMoira" should be the target page and "Overleg gebruiker:MoiraMoira/OverlegArchief51" the "source" page.

As a local sysop I concluded that the original request made by Jeroen N to our local administrators has merit and should be fulfilled. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them.

Regards, Natuur12 (talk) 20:30, 29 August 2018 (UTC) [reply ]

Upload XML on Punjabi Wikisource

Status: In progress

We need this feature to import templates into Punjabi Wikisource.

Discussion: here

--Gurlal Maan (talk) 10:59, 15 September 2018 (UTC) [reply ]

It is not clear what you are requesting? Ruslik (talk) 21:00, 15 September 2018 (UTC) [reply ]
@Gurlal Maan: do you know if this is a MediaWiki feature that needs to be enabled on your wiki (i.e., currently no one can do this, so a configuration setting will need to be changed to allow it), or whether the feature is already enabled but there are simply no users on your wiki who have the correct "user rights" to perform the action? If it's the former, then I think you need to submit a "task" at the Phabricator to request this configuration change. (See mw:Phabricator/Help for general info and Requesting wiki configuration changes for more specific instructions about submitting this kind of task.) If it's the latter (a user-rights change), then I guess this is indeed the correct page to ask a steward to grant those rights. Just clarify what you need. - dcljr (talk) 00:02, 16 September 2018 (UTC) [reply ]
Small correction: User rights have to be requested at SRP and require prior community consensus on your wiki. --Vogone (talk) 00:13, 16 September 2018 (UTC) [reply ]
Import has already been enabled (see phab:T185982). So you don’t need any additional permission or configuration; simply go to s:pa:Special:Import and select the page to import. (It requires admin, importer or transwiki importer rights, but you are already an admin.) —Tacsipacsi (talk) 11:52, 16 September 2018 (UTC) [reply ]
  • Yes, Special:Import has already enabled but on this page there is no option to upload XML (templates) file. On bengali wikisource there is a option in special:import to upload XML files. I request to add or enable this option in s:pa:Special:Import-Gurlal Maan (talk) 15:35, 16 September 2018 (UTC) [reply ]
    @Gurlal Maan: And do you really need it? The currently available import options also include importing templates used on the page to import. While I think it’s more convenient to skip the download and upload of the XML file, it’s also safer from Wikimedia’s point of view, as it can be used to import only from other WMF wikis. Currently import from XML is only available for members of the importers group (search for "importupload" on s:pa:Special:ListGroupRights), so if you need it indeed, you can either request importer rights or request to have this right given to administrators too (of course backed with community consensus in either case; I don’t know whether the one linked above will be accepted by the bureaucrats/developers, as it’s not specifically about the change you will ask for). —Tacsipacsi (talk) 17:13, 16 September 2018 (UTC) [reply ]
Importupload is, as I said on SRP, 'super duper hyper' sensitive right. It probably won't be granted to sysop by default. — regards, Revi 06:11, 19 September 2018 (UTC) [reply ]

Global deletion and replacement

Status: In progress

As per the suggestion at the Synchbot page, I hereby make the following requests:

  1. Please go to and delete all the pages under these titles: User:Aristitleism, User:Aristitleism/.*, User_talk:Aristitleism/.*, User:Tiemianwusi, User:Tiemianwusi/.*, User_talk:Tiemianwusi/.*
  2. Please globally replace the word Aristitleism on any page with Tiemianwusi

Please proceed with my requests to the extent possible. Thank you so much. --Tiemianwusi (talk) 13:46, 16 October 2018 (UTC) [reply ]

Please, create a list of pages to be deleted. Ruslik (talk) 20:40, 16 October 2018 (UTC) [reply ]

List 1: unused redirects

Wiki Page
ar.wikipedia.org w:ar:User talk:Aristitleism
ar.wikisource.org s:ar:User talk:Aristitleism
bjn.wikipedia.org w:bjn:User talk:Aristitleism
bn.wikipedia.org w:bn:User talk:Aristitleism
commons.wikimedia.org commons:User:Aristitleism/001
commons:User talk:Aristitleism
commons:User talk:Aristitleism/Achieves_1
de.wikipedia.org w:de:User talk:Aristitleism
en.wikipedia.org Done Rs chen 7754 w:User:Aristitleism/Archive
w:User talk:Aristitleism
w:User talk:Aristitleism/Archive_1
w:User talk:Aristitleism/Archive_2
w:User talk:Aristitleism/Archive_3
w:User talk:Aristitleism/Archive_4
w:User talk:Aristitleism/Archive_5
w:User talk:Aristitleism/Archive_6
en.wikinews.org wikinews:User talk:Aristitleism
en.wikisource.org s:User:Aristitleism/001
s:User talk:Aristitleism
s:User talk:Aristitleism/Archives_1
en.wiktionary.org wikt:User:Aristitleism/ThaiTalkPage
wikt:User talk:Aristitleism
eu.wikipedia.org w:eu:User talk:Aristitleism
fr.wikipedia.org w:fr:User talk:Aristitleism
gl.wikipedia.org w:gl:User talk:Aristitleism
hi.wikipedia.org w:hi:User talk:Aristitleism
id.wikipedia.org w:id:User talk:Aristitleism
incubator.wikimedia.org incubator:User talk:Aristitleism
it.wikipedia.org w:it:User talk:Aristitleism
ja.wikipedia.org w:ja:User talk:Aristitleism
jv.wikipedia.org w:jv:User talk:Aristitleism
ko.wikipedia.org w:ko:User talk:Aristitleism
ko.wikisource.org s:ko:User talk:Aristitleism
lo.wikipedia.org w:lo:User:Aristitleism/ThaiTalkPage
w:lo:User talk:Aristitleism
lv.wikipedia.org w:lv:User talk:Aristitleism
meta.wikimedia.org all --Vogone (talk) metawiki:User:Aristitleism
metawiki:User talk:Aristitleism
mk.wikipedia.org w:mk:User talk:Aristitleism
ml.wikipedia.org w:ml:User talk:Aristitleism
ml.wikisource.org s:ml:User talk:Aristitleism
ms.wikipedia.org w:ms:User talk:Aristitleism
nl.wikipedia.org w:nl:User talk:Aristitleism
w:nl:User talk:Aristitleism/Archief_1
no.wikipedia.org w:no:User talk:Aristitleism
ro.wikipedia.org w:ro:User:Aristitleism/ThaiTalkPage
w:ro:User talk:Aristitleism
w:ro:User talk:Aristitleism/Arhivă_1
th.wikipedia.org w:th:User:Aristitleism/001
w:th:User talk:Aristitleism
th.wikibooks.org all -Wim b wikibooks:th:User:Aristitleism/001
wikibooks:th:User talk:Aristitleism
th.wikiquote.org -Wim b wikiquote:th:User talk:Aristitleism
th.wikisource.org all -Wim b s:th:User:Aristitleism/001
s:th:User talk:Aristitleism
s:th:User talk:Aristitleism/กรุ_1
th.wiktionary.org wikt:th:User talk:Aristitleism
uz.wikipedia.org w:uz:User talk:Aristitleism
vi.wikipedia.org w:vi:User talk:Aristitleism
www.wikidata.org Done --Vogone (talk) wikidata:User talk:Aristitleism
zh.wikipedia.org w:zh:User talk:Aristitleism

List 2: unused userpages

Wiki Page
ar.wikipedia.org w:ar:User talk:Tiemianwusi
ar.wikisource.org s:ar:User talk:Tiemianwusi
bjn.wikipedia.org Done -Wim b w:bjn:User talk:Tiemianwusi
bn.wikipedia.org w:bn:User talk:Tiemianwusi
commons.wikimedia.org commons:User:Tiemianwusi/001
commons:User talk:Tiemianwusi
commons:User talk:Tiemianwusi/Achieves_1
de.wikipedia.org w:de:User talk:Tiemianwusi
en.wikipedia.org Done userpages, enwiki does not delete user talk --Rs chen 7754 16:47, 25 November 2018 (UTC) [reply ] w:User:Tiemianwusi/Archive
w:User talk:Tiemianwusi
w:User talk:Tiemianwusi/Archive_1
w:User talk:Tiemianwusi/Archive_2
w:User talk:Tiemianwusi/Archive_3
w:User talk:Tiemianwusi/Archive_4
w:User talk:Tiemianwusi/Archive_5
w:User talk:Tiemianwusi/Archive_6
en.wikinews.org wikinews:User talk:Tiemianwusi
en.wikisource.org s:User:Tiemianwusi/001
s:User talk:Tiemianwusi
s:User talk:Tiemianwusi/Archives_1
en.wiktionary.org wikt:User:Tiemianwusi/ThaiTalkPage
wikt:User talk:Tiemianwusi
eu.wikipedia.org w:eu:User talk:Tiemianwusi
fr.wikipedia.org w:fr:User talk:Tiemianwusi
gl.wikipedia.org w:gl:User talk:Tiemianwusi
hi.wikipedia.org Done -Wim b w:hi:User talk:Tiemianwusi
id.wikipedia.org w:id:User talk:Tiemianwusi
incubator.wikimedia.org incubator:User talk:Tiemianwusi
it.wikipedia.org w:it:User talk:Tiemianwusi
ja.wikipedia.org w:ja:User talk:Tiemianwusi
jv.wikipedia.org Done -Wim b w:jv:User talk:Tiemianwusi
ko.wikipedia.org w:ko:User talk:Tiemianwusi
ko.wikisource.org Done -Wim b s:ko:User talk:Tiemianwusi
lo.wikipedia.org Done -Wim b w:lo:User:Tiemianwusi/ThaiTalkPage
w:lo:User talk:Tiemianwusi
lv.wikipedia.org w:lv:User talk:Tiemianwusi
meta.wikimedia.org all --Vogone (talk) metawiki:User:Tiemianwusi
metawiki:User talk:Tiemianwusi
mk.wikipedia.org w:mk:User talk:Tiemianwusi
ml.wikipedia.org w:ml:User talk:Tiemianwusi
ml.wikisource.org Done -Wim b s:ml:User talk:Tiemianwusi
ms.wikipedia.org w:ms:User talk:Tiemianwusi
nl.wikipedia.org w:nl:User talk:Tiemianwusi
w:nl:User talk:Tiemianwusi/Archief_1
no.wikipedia.org w:no:User talk:Tiemianwusi
ro.wikipedia.org w:ro:User:Tiemianwusi/ThaiTalkPage
w:ro:User talk:Tiemianwusi
w:ro:User talk:Tiemianwusi/Arhivă_1
th.wikipedia.org w:th:User:Tiemianwusi/001
w:th:User talk:Tiemianwusi
th.wikibooks.org all -Wim b wikibooks:th:User:Tiemianwusi/001
wikibooks:th:User talk:Tiemianwusi
th.wikiquote.org -Wim b wikiquote:th:User talk:Tiemianwusi
th.wikisource.org all -Wim b s:th:User:Tiemianwusi/001
s:th:User talk:Tiemianwusi
s:th:User talk:Tiemianwusi/กรุ_1
th.wiktionary.org Done -Wim b wikt:th:User talk:Tiemianwusi
uz.wikipedia.org Done -Wim b w:uz:User talk:Tiemianwusi
vi.wikipedia.org w:vi:User talk:Tiemianwusi
www.wikidata.org Done --Vogone (talk) wikidata:User talk:Tiemianwusi
zh.wikipedia.org w:zh:User talk:Tiemianwusi

Deletions on sowiki

Status: In progress

Please see so:Category:Tirtir, as well as the contribs of the following:

All pages in the category need deletion, as well as all the pages created by the IP’s, which are copyright violations copied and machine translated from the English Wikipedia. Thanks, Vermont (talk) 14:40, 12 November 2018 (UTC) [reply ]

Why are they copyright violations if they are copied from enwiki? Ruslik (talk) 20:33, 14 November 2018 (UTC) [reply ]
The main concern here is the poor quality of the machine translations. The attribution issues could surely be fixed. --Vogone (talk) 20:39, 14 November 2018 (UTC) [reply ]
The Share-alike part of the CC BY-SA 3.0 license, which is why xwiki attribution is a thing. Also, see above; I would go through and attribute, although it's useless as the pages are of terrible quality. Vermont (talk) 19:46, 15 November 2018 (UTC) [reply ]
Found another one: [2]. (削除) Also please nuke contribs of this user; the vast majority of pages created are machine translated from enwiki, and the others are copied graphs and charts. (削除ここまで) Vermont (talk) 20:09, 15 November 2018 (UTC) User dealt with by Rxy Vermont (talk) 20:39, 15 November 2018 (UTC) [reply ]
Currently going through main user's edits; I'll paste new IP's below as I find them. Vermont (talk) 21:08, 15 November 2018 (UTC) [reply ]
[3], [4], [5], [6], [7]
so:User:Episilon212, currently blocked, is socking with so:User:Fortunia212. Vermont (talk) 11:18, 21 November 2018 (UTC) [reply ]

Content potentially out of scope at Kazakh Wikibooks

Status: Done

User named Мықтыбек Оразтайұлы (talk · contribs) has been b:kk:Агате Кристи. Он қара домалақ-4 and b:kk:Сайын Мұратбеков. Райгүл.. I addressed this at both Kazakh Wikipedia and Kazakh Wikibooks, but very little responses have been made as of date. There may be other out-of-scope pages at the project not done by this user, but something needs to be done about the content there. Use Google Translate, and you'll notice that neither of the pages seem educational. George Ho (talk) 01:52, 15 November 2018 (UTC) [reply ]

Such deletions should generally be handled by local admins who understand the language. On the other hand if you can point me to the evidence that their texts were copied from somewhere, I will delete them. Ruslik (talk) 17:22, 2 December 2018 (UTC) [reply ]
Unfortunately, there are no local admins or bureaucrats, Ruslik. I previously raised the issue at kk-wikipedia and Talk:Language committee#Activity at Kazakh Wikibooks, where I was advised to contact the stewarts first before doing other options. For copyright infringement possibly, I found out that b:kk:Сайын Мұратбеков. Райгүл. and b:kk:Сайын Мұратбеков. "Қылау" were copied from this source (this (other) source says "2013"). I also realized that b:kk:Агате Кристи. Он қара домалақ-4 is a Kazakh translation of one of Agatha Christie's old novels And Then There Were None, all of which are still copyrighted in the UK. The copyright term is 70 years after her death in 1976, i.e. 1 January 2047. It is also possibly copyrighted in the US. Same for other pages there containing translation of the Christie novel. George Ho (talk) 23:01, 2 December 2018 (UTC) [reply ]
Done Ruslik (talk) 20:55, 8 December 2018 (UTC) [reply ]
Thanks, Ruslik. Now what about redirects seen in b:kk:Агате Кристи. Он қара домалақ-1 and b:kk:Әбіш Кекілбаев. Ханшадария? May I change the status back to "in progress" please? I fear that this thread would be archived without resolving that issue. George Ho (talk) 03:07, 9 December 2018 (UTC) [reply ]
Deleted — billinghurst sDrewth 03:29, 9 December 2018 (UTC) [reply ]
Thanks also, billinghurst. Can something be also done about b:kk:Санат:Авторлар and b:kk:Үлгі:Сәбит Мұқанов. Өмір мектебі? George Ho (talk) 03:37, 9 December 2018 (UTC) [reply ]

New created accounts on rmwiki

Status: In progress

Since several months a huge amount of new accounts has been created on Romansh Wikipedia. None of these new accounts has been editing on rmwiki. It seems that somebody creates myriads of sockpuppets - perhaps per script. Is it possible to stop this? --Holder (talk) 16:52, 16 November 2018 (UTC) [reply ]

Those (削除) look like (削除ここまで) are (mostly) spambots. Praxidicae (talk) 16:54, 16 November 2018 (UTC) [reply ]
Hi Praxidicae. Thanks for your answer. Could these spambots be stopped? --Holder (talk) 08:44, 20 November 2018 (UTC) [reply ]
It is not easy to stop those accounts from being created. It'd require a combination of IP blocks and rangeblocks. This is happening daily on all wikis but on wikis with few or no activity it looks like the problem is bigger. I can take a look but I cannot promise much. We've been fighting this for years unsuccessfully. Best regards. —MarcoAurelio (talk) 09:37, 21 November 2018 (UTC) [reply ]
I've locked a bunch of accounts. Will continue with the investigation later today. —MarcoAurelio (talk) 10:10, 21 November 2018 (UTC) [reply ]
Thank you very much. --Holder (talk) 13:29, 21 November 2018 (UTC) [reply ]

I see the spambot registration continues. I'll take a look again. —MarcoAurelio (talk) 08:39, 30 November 2018 (UTC) [reply ]

  • Comment Comment @Holder: Spambots appear to be something that seem to be a low priority for WMF developers to manage as part of their security operations. Stewards in the past, and presumably in the present, have tried to get attention to this matter to no particular avail. Until the broader community is affected sufficiently to raise the roof, and to get it prioritised then expect it to continue. I have given up raising the matter, and now tinker around the edges to hopefully lessen the burden of their impact, however, I can do nothing about their account creation, that solely lies with the developers. — billinghurst sDrewth 03:35, 9 December 2018 (UTC) [reply ]

Global sysop stats tool

Status: In progress

Quentinv57's globalsysopstats is broken. As the user seems to be inactive since 2015 I want to ask if somebody could fix this tool. Thanks. --Holder (talk) 06:40, 29 November 2018 (UTC) [reply ]

The tool has had their database access banned by WMF because as it was coded it performed several expensive queries that made other tools to break (cf. https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T194343#4200496). It has no maintainer and I don't know how to fix it. I'd say the best is to shut it down completely. —MarcoAurelio (talk) 08:45, 30 November 2018 (UTC) [reply ]

Unblock for Ron liebman and entire T-Mobile IPv6 range

Status: Not done

We know the user Ron liebman and we are requesting for his unblock. This person, originally from Flushing, NY, has been blocked on Wikipedia for more than a decade and has an LTA case page. However, he's promised to stop "vandalizing" Wikipedia, and the lastest incident of him editing disruptively was about a few years after his block. We're asking for this user be unblocked because we found his block to be unjust. He shouldn't have to be considered a vandal or a "long-term abuse"; his intentions were never malicious. Furthermore, he's been part of the SABR as a regular contributor.

Additionally, to let most of the U.S. population to edit, the 2607:fb90::/32 range should be unblocked as well. It seems that the "dog and rapper vandal" is the cause for the block; however, many innocent users have been affected, including us and Ron liebman in the NYC area. This just doesn't seem fair at best, and many of us have contacted sysop Graham87 on Media Wiki, though no action has been considered. Thanks, Xavier Nady (talk) 21:12, 6 December 2018 (UTC) [reply ]

It's up to you, you just have to stop being so boring. --Vituzzu (talk) 14:35, 8 December 2018 (UTC) [reply ]
@Xavier Nady: The user "Ron liebman" is blocked at English Wikipeida, and there only, please take your issue there. It is not a matter that meta can, will or should be expected to resolve. — billinghurst sDrewth 03:11, 9 December 2018 (UTC) [reply ]

Deletions at hiwikibooks, hiwikiquote and hiwiktionary

Status: In progress

Please see categories at hiwikibooks, hiwikiquote, hiwiktionary. ‐‐1997kB (talk) 16:41, 8 December 2018 (UTC) [reply ]

Some more problematic pages at kkwikibooks

Status: Done

Besides some b:kk:Санат:Авторлар and b:kk:Үлгі:Сәбит Мұқанов. Өмір мектебі, I found some more problematic content at Kazakh Wikibooks. Probably test pages or pages lacking substance: b:kk:Абайды (diff), b:kk:Достық туралы (history), b:kk:Күреңбайға (diff). b:kk:Төле би seems to have been copied from w:kk:Төле би (diff, history). BTW, I thought about starting a Meta-wiki RfC to discuss and review all other content; would that do? --George Ho (talk) 09:19, 9 December 2018 (UTC) [reply ]

Done Ruslik (talk) 20:53, 9 December 2018 (UTC) [reply ]
Thanks again, Ruslik. I also found out that b:kk:Ликург, possibly a test page is massively copied-and-pasted from w:kk:Ликург. BTW, what can be done about the pages created by user Hafizman? Unsure whether they are self-promotional or not, and unsure whether the material is educational, nationalistic, or something else. George Ho (talk) 13:53, 10 December 2018 (UTC) [reply ]

Deletion of own pages on the Esperanto Wiktionary

Status: Done

Please delete the following 3 JavaScript pages: eo:wikt:Uzanto:Robin van der Vliet/common.js, eo:wikt:Uzanto:Robin van der Vliet/headings.js and eo:wikt:Uzanto:Robin van der Vliet/normalize.js. I already blanked those pages. --Robin van der Vliet (talk) (contribs) 18:26, 9 December 2018 (UTC) [reply ]

Done Ruslik (talk) 20:54, 9 December 2018 (UTC) [reply ]

Global block for Angrybirds55555

Status: In progress

LTA. 20:23, 10 December 2018 (UTC) [reply ]

Speedy deletion request on zh_min_nanwiktionary

Status: Done

Wrong language. Inactive community + no local admins-- 13:44, 10 December 2018 (UTC) [reply ]

Done Ruslik (talk) 20:10, 10 December 2018 (UTC) [reply ]

See also

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