

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』

CEK機械[1] とは、ラムダ計算に対して値渡し評価戦略操作的意味論を与えるための抽象機械の1つである。CEKとは、機械の状態を構成する3つの要素である "Control string", "Environment", "Continuation" に由来する[1]


[編集 ]



M ::= {\displaystyle M::=} {\displaystyle M::=}
     X {\displaystyle X} {\displaystyle X} (変数)
   |   λ X . M {\displaystyle |\ \lambda X.M} {\displaystyle |\ \lambda X.M} (λ抽象)
   |   M   M {\displaystyle |\ M\ M} {\displaystyle |\ M\ M} (関数適用)
   |   b {\displaystyle |\ b} {\displaystyle |\ b} (基本定数)
   |   o n   M   . . .   M {\displaystyle |\ o^{n}\ M\ ...\ M} {\displaystyle |\ o^{n}\ M\ ...\ M} (プリミティブオペレータの適用)

V ::= λ X . M   |   b {\displaystyle V::=\lambda X.M\ |\ b} {\displaystyle V::=\lambda X.M\ |\ b}


E ::= { X , c , . . . } {\displaystyle E::=\left\lbrace \left\langle X,c\right\rangle ,...\right\rbrace } {\displaystyle E::=\left\lbrace \left\langle X,c\right\rangle ,...\right\rbrace } (変数から、クロージャへの関数(変数とクロージャのペアの集合))
E [ X c ] = { X , c } { Y , c | Y , c E Y X } {\displaystyle E[X\leftarrow c]=\left\lbrace \left\langle X,c\right\rangle \right\rbrace \cup \left\lbrace \left\langle Y,c'\right\rangle |\left\langle Y,c'\right\rangle \in E\land Y\neq X\right\rbrace } {\displaystyle E[X\leftarrow c]=\left\lbrace \left\langle X,c\right\rangle \right\rbrace \cup \left\lbrace \left\langle Y,c'\right\rangle |\left\langle Y,c'\right\rangle \in E\land Y\neq X\right\rbrace }

c ::= M , E {\displaystyle c::=\left\langle M,E\right\rangle } {\displaystyle c::=\left\langle M,E\right\rangle } (ただし、 M {\displaystyle M} {\displaystyle M}の自由変数は全て E {\displaystyle E} {\displaystyle E}の定義域に含まれる)

v ::= V , E {\displaystyle v::=\left\langle V,E\right\rangle } {\displaystyle v::=\left\langle V,E\right\rangle } (ただし、 V {\displaystyle V} {\displaystyle V}の自由変数は全て E {\displaystyle E} {\displaystyle E}の定義域に含まれる)

K ::= {\displaystyle K::=} {\displaystyle K::=}
     m t {\displaystyle {\mathsf {mt}}} {\displaystyle {\mathsf {mt}}} (初期継続)
   |   f u n , V , K {\displaystyle |\ \left\langle {\mathsf {fun}},V,K\right\rangle } {\displaystyle |\ \left\langle {\mathsf {fun}},V,K\right\rangle } (関数適用への継続。 λ x . ( V   x )   K {\displaystyle \lambda x.(V\ x)\ K} {\displaystyle \lambda x.(V\ x)\ K}に相当する)
   |   a r g , M , K {\displaystyle |\ \left\langle {\mathsf {arg}},M,K\right\rangle } {\displaystyle |\ \left\langle {\mathsf {arg}},M,K\right\rangle } (実引数評価への継続。 λ f . M   ( λ x . ( f   x )   K ) {\displaystyle \lambda f.M\ (\lambda x.(f\ x)\ K)} {\displaystyle \lambda f.M\ (\lambda x.(f\ x)\ K)}に相当する)
   |   n a r g , v , . . . , v , o , c , . . . , K {\displaystyle |\ \left\langle {\mathsf {narg}},\left\langle v,...,v,o\right\rangle ,\left\langle c,...\right\rangle ,K\right\rangle } {\displaystyle |\ \left\langle {\mathsf {narg}},\left\langle v,...,v,o\right\rangle ,\left\langle c,...\right\rangle ,K\right\rangle } (プリミティブオペレータの実引数の評価およびオペレータの適用への継続。 c , . . . {\displaystyle c,...} {\displaystyle c,...}を順に評価したあと、 v , . . . {\displaystyle v,...} {\displaystyle v,...}と共にプリミティブオペレータ o {\displaystyle o} {\displaystyle o}を適用する、という継続。 v , . . . {\displaystyle v,...} {\displaystyle v,...}は評価済みの値で、 c , . . . {\displaystyle c,...} {\displaystyle c,...}はこれから評価するクロージャ)

このとき、CEK機械の状態は組 c , K = M , E , K {\displaystyle \left\langle c,K\right\rangle =\left\langle \left\langle M,E\right\rangle ,K\right\rangle } {\displaystyle \left\langle c,K\right\rangle =\left\langle \left\langle M,E\right\rangle ,K\right\rangle }と表される。


X , E , K {\displaystyle \left\langle \left\langle X,E\right\rangle ,K\right\rangle } {\displaystyle \left\langle \left\langle X,E\right\rangle ,K\right\rangle }
       c e k c , K {\displaystyle \longmapsto _{\mathsf {cek}}\left\langle c,K\right\rangle } {\displaystyle \longmapsto _{\mathsf {cek}}\left\langle c,K\right\rangle } ( E ( X ) = c {\displaystyle E(X)=c} {\displaystyle E(X)=c} のとき)

M 1   M 2 , E , K {\displaystyle \left\langle \left\langle M_{1}\ M_{2},E\right\rangle ,K\right\rangle } {\displaystyle \left\langle \left\langle M_{1}\ M_{2},E\right\rangle ,K\right\rangle }
       c e k M 1 , E , a r g , M 2 , E , K {\displaystyle \longmapsto _{\mathsf {cek}}\left\langle \left\langle M_{1},E\right\rangle ,\left\langle {\mathsf {arg}},\left\langle M_{2},E\right\rangle ,K\right\rangle \right\rangle } {\displaystyle \longmapsto _{\mathsf {cek}}\left\langle \left\langle M_{1},E\right\rangle ,\left\langle {\mathsf {arg}},\left\langle M_{2},E\right\rangle ,K\right\rangle \right\rangle }

o   M 1   M 2   . . . , E , K {\displaystyle \left\langle \left\langle o\ M_{1}\ M_{2}\ ...,E\right\rangle ,K\right\rangle } {\displaystyle \left\langle \left\langle o\ M_{1}\ M_{2}\ ...,E\right\rangle ,K\right\rangle }
       c e k M 1 , E , n a r g , o , M 2 , E , . . . , K {\displaystyle \longmapsto _{\mathsf {cek}}\left\langle \left\langle M_{1},E\right\rangle ,\left\langle {\mathsf {narg}},\left\langle o\right\rangle ,\left\langle \left\langle M_{2},E\right\rangle ,...\right\rangle ,K\right\rangle \right\rangle } {\displaystyle \longmapsto _{\mathsf {cek}}\left\langle \left\langle M_{1},E\right\rangle ,\left\langle {\mathsf {narg}},\left\langle o\right\rangle ,\left\langle \left\langle M_{2},E\right\rangle ,...\right\rangle ,K\right\rangle \right\rangle }

V , E , f u n , λ X . M , E , K {\displaystyle \left\langle \left\langle V,E'\right\rangle ,\left\langle {\mathsf {fun}},\left\langle \lambda X.M,E\right\rangle ,K\right\rangle \right\rangle } {\displaystyle \left\langle \left\langle V,E'\right\rangle ,\left\langle {\mathsf {fun}},\left\langle \lambda X.M,E\right\rangle ,K\right\rangle \right\rangle }
       c e k M , E [ X V , E ] , K {\displaystyle \longmapsto _{\mathsf {cek}}\left\langle \left\langle M,E[X\leftarrow \left\langle V,E'\right\rangle ]\right\rangle ,K\right\rangle } {\displaystyle \longmapsto _{\mathsf {cek}}\left\langle \left\langle M,E[X\leftarrow \left\langle V,E'\right\rangle ]\right\rangle ,K\right\rangle } ( V {\displaystyle V} {\displaystyle V}が変数でない場合)

V , E , a r g , M , E , K {\displaystyle \left\langle \left\langle V,E'\right\rangle ,\left\langle {\mathsf {arg}},\left\langle M,E\right\rangle ,K\right\rangle \right\rangle } {\displaystyle \left\langle \left\langle V,E'\right\rangle ,\left\langle {\mathsf {arg}},\left\langle M,E\right\rangle ,K\right\rangle \right\rangle }
       c e k M , E , f u n , V , E , K {\displaystyle \longmapsto _{\mathsf {cek}}\left\langle \left\langle M,E\right\rangle ,\left\langle {\mathsf {fun}},\left\langle V,E'\right\rangle ,K\right\rangle \right\rangle } {\displaystyle \longmapsto _{\mathsf {cek}}\left\langle \left\langle M,E\right\rangle ,\left\langle {\mathsf {fun}},\left\langle V,E'\right\rangle ,K\right\rangle \right\rangle } ( V {\displaystyle V} {\displaystyle V}が変数でない場合)

V , E , n a r g , c , . . . , N , E , c , . . . , K {\displaystyle \left\langle \left\langle V,E\right\rangle ,\left\langle {\mathsf {narg}},\left\langle c',...\right\rangle ,\left\langle \left\langle N,E'\right\rangle ,c,...\right\rangle ,K\right\rangle \right\rangle } {\displaystyle \left\langle \left\langle V,E\right\rangle ,\left\langle {\mathsf {narg}},\left\langle c',...\right\rangle ,\left\langle \left\langle N,E'\right\rangle ,c,...\right\rangle ,K\right\rangle \right\rangle }
       c e k N , E , n a r g , V , E , c , . . . , c , . . . , K {\displaystyle \longmapsto _{\mathsf {cek}}\left\langle \left\langle N,E'\right\rangle ,\left\langle {\mathsf {narg}},\left\langle \left\langle V,E\right\rangle ,c',...\right\rangle ,\left\langle c,...\right\rangle ,K\right\rangle \right\rangle } {\displaystyle \longmapsto _{\mathsf {cek}}\left\langle \left\langle N,E'\right\rangle ,\left\langle {\mathsf {narg}},\left\langle \left\langle V,E\right\rangle ,c',...\right\rangle ,\left\langle c,...\right\rangle ,K\right\rangle \right\rangle } ( V {\displaystyle V} {\displaystyle V}が変数でない場合)

b , E , n a r g , b i , E i , . . . , b 1 , E , o , , K {\displaystyle \left\langle \left\langle b,E\right\rangle ,\left\langle {\mathsf {narg}},\left\langle \left\langle b_{i},E_{i}\right\rangle ,...,\left\langle b_{1},E'\right\rangle ,o\right\rangle ,\left\langle \right\rangle ,K\right\rangle \right\rangle } {\displaystyle \left\langle \left\langle b,E\right\rangle ,\left\langle {\mathsf {narg}},\left\langle \left\langle b_{i},E_{i}\right\rangle ,...,\left\langle b_{1},E'\right\rangle ,o\right\rangle ,\left\langle \right\rangle ,K\right\rangle \right\rangle }
       c e k V , , K {\displaystyle \longmapsto _{\mathsf {cek}}\left\langle \left\langle V,\emptyset \right\rangle ,K\right\rangle } {\displaystyle \longmapsto _{\mathsf {cek}}\left\langle \left\langle V,\emptyset \right\rangle ,K\right\rangle } ( V {\displaystyle V} {\displaystyle V} o {\displaystyle o} {\displaystyle o} b 1 , . . . , b i , b {\displaystyle b_{1},...,b_{i},b} {\displaystyle b_{1},...,b_{i},b}を適用した結果)

このとき、CEK機械による評価関数 e v a l c e k ( M ) {\displaystyle {\mathit {eval}}_{\mathsf {cek}}(M)} {\displaystyle {\mathit {eval}}_{\mathsf {cek}}(M)}は次のように定義される

e v a l c e k ( M ) = b {\displaystyle {\mathit {eval}}_{\mathsf {cek}}(M)=b} {\displaystyle {\mathit {eval}}_{\mathsf {cek}}(M)=b}    ( M , , m t c e k b , E , m t {\displaystyle \left\langle \left\langle M,\emptyset \right\rangle ,{\mathsf {mt}}\right\rangle \longmapsto _{\mathsf {cek}}^{*}\left\langle \left\langle b,E\right\rangle ,{\mathsf {mt}}\right\rangle } {\displaystyle \left\langle \left\langle M,\emptyset \right\rangle ,{\mathsf {mt}}\right\rangle \longmapsto _{\mathsf {cek}}^{*}\left\langle \left\langle b,E\right\rangle ,{\mathsf {mt}}\right\rangle } のとき)

e v a l c e k ( M ) = f u n c t i o n {\displaystyle {\mathit {eval}}_{\mathsf {cek}}(M)={\mathsf {function}}} {\displaystyle {\mathit {eval}}_{\mathsf {cek}}(M)={\mathsf {function}}}    ( M , , m t c e k λ X . M , E , m t {\displaystyle \left\langle \left\langle M,\emptyset \right\rangle ,{\mathsf {mt}}\right\rangle \longmapsto _{\mathsf {cek}}^{*}\left\langle \left\langle \lambda X.M,E\right\rangle ,{\mathsf {mt}}\right\rangle } {\displaystyle \left\langle \left\langle M,\emptyset \right\rangle ,{\mathsf {mt}}\right\rangle \longmapsto _{\mathsf {cek}}^{*}\left\langle \left\langle \lambda X.M,E\right\rangle ,{\mathsf {mt}}\right\rangle } のとき)


[編集 ]

CEK機械は、ラムダ計算の標準的な評価関数に対して、クロージャ変換、値渡し評価戦略のCPS変換defunctionalizationを順に適用することで導出できる[2] 。ここで、値渡し評価戦略の代わりに名前渡し評価戦略を使うとKrivineの機械が導出される[2]


[編集 ]



M ::= . . .   |   c a l l / c c   X . M {\displaystyle M::=...\ |\ \mathrm {call/cc} \ X.M} {\displaystyle M::=...\ |\ \mathrm {call/cc} \ X.M}

V ::= . . .   |   e s c , K {\displaystyle V::=...\ |\ \left\langle {\mathsf {esc}},K\right\rangle } {\displaystyle V::=...\ |\ \left\langle {\mathsf {esc}},K\right\rangle }

c a l l / c c   X . M , E , K {\displaystyle \left\langle \left\langle \mathrm {call/cc} \ X.M,E\right\rangle ,K\right\rangle } {\displaystyle \left\langle \left\langle \mathrm {call/cc} \ X.M,E\right\rangle ,K\right\rangle }
       c e k M , E [ X e s c , K ] , K {\displaystyle \longmapsto _{\mathsf {cek}}\left\langle \left\langle M,E[X\leftarrow \left\langle {\mathsf {esc}},K\right\rangle ]\right\rangle ,K\right\rangle } {\displaystyle \longmapsto _{\mathsf {cek}}\left\langle \left\langle M,E[X\leftarrow \left\langle {\mathsf {esc}},K\right\rangle ]\right\rangle ,K\right\rangle }

V , E , f u n , e s c , K , K {\displaystyle \left\langle \left\langle V,E\right\rangle ,\left\langle {\mathsf {fun}},\left\langle {\mathsf {esc}},K'\right\rangle ,K\right\rangle \right\rangle } {\displaystyle \left\langle \left\langle V,E\right\rangle ,\left\langle {\mathsf {fun}},\left\langle {\mathsf {esc}},K'\right\rangle ,K\right\rangle \right\rangle }
       c e k V , E , K {\displaystyle \longmapsto _{\mathsf {cek}}\left\langle \left\langle V,E\right\rangle ,K'\right\rangle } {\displaystyle \longmapsto _{\mathsf {cek}}\left\langle \left\langle V,E\right\rangle ,K'\right\rangle }( V {\displaystyle V} {\displaystyle V}が変数でない場合)

e v a l c e k ( M ) = f u n c t i o n {\displaystyle {\mathit {eval}}_{\mathsf {cek}}(M)={\mathsf {function}}} {\displaystyle {\mathit {eval}}_{\mathsf {cek}}(M)={\mathsf {function}}}    ( M , , m t c e k e s c , K , E , m t {\displaystyle \left\langle \left\langle M,\emptyset \right\rangle ,{\mathsf {mt}}\right\rangle \longmapsto _{\mathsf {cek}}^{*}\left\langle \left\langle \left\langle {\mathsf {esc}},K\right\rangle ,E\right\rangle ,{\mathsf {mt}}\right\rangle } {\displaystyle \left\langle \left\langle M,\emptyset \right\rangle ,{\mathsf {mt}}\right\rangle \longmapsto _{\mathsf {cek}}^{*}\left\langle \left\langle \left\langle {\mathsf {esc}},K\right\rangle ,E\right\rangle ,{\mathsf {mt}}\right\rangle } のとき)


[編集 ]
  1. ^ a b c Matthias Felleisen and Matthew Flatt. Programming Languages and Lambda Calculi. Unpublished manuscript, 1989-2001
  2. ^ a b Olivier Danvy. On Evaluation Contexts, Continuations, and the Rest of the Computation. In Proceedings of the Fourth ACM SIGPLAN workshop on Continuations, 2004.
  3. ^ Małgorzata Biernacka, Dariusz Biernacki, and Olivier Danvy. An Operational Foundation for Delimited Continuations in the CPS hierarchy. BRICS research report RS-05-24, 2005. ISSN 0909-0878

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