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Loup-noir (会話 | 投稿記録)による2010年1月18日 (月) 08:17時点の版 (→‎History )
Νομός Μεσσηνίας
ギリシャの国旗 ギリシャ共和国
地方 ペロポネソス
面積2,991 km²
人口 180,264 人 (2005年)
人口密度 60 人/km²
標準時 EET(UTC+2)

メッシニア県(ギリシャ語:Νομός Μεσσηνίας)は、ギリシャペロポネソス地方の県である。







Map of ancient Messenia.




As asses worn by loads intolerable, (領主が乗るロバは傲慢なので、)

So Them did stress of cruel force compel, (残忍な軍隊は彼らに服従を強制した。)
Of all the fruits the well-tilled land affords, (よく耕された土地が生産する果実の全てのうち、)

The moiety to bear to their proud lords. (半分は彼らの傲慢な領主に持っていく物である。)




紀元前146年には、共和政ローマ執政官 ルキウス・ムンミウスの遠征によって、他のギリシア諸邦と共にメッセネも共和政ローマの支配下に入った。 In 146 BC, the Messenians, together with the other states of Greece, were brought directly under Roman sway by L. Mummius. For centuries there had been a dispute between Messenia and Sparta about the possession of the Ager Dentheliales on the western slope of Taygetus: after various decisions by Philip of Macedon, Antigonus, Mummius, Caesar, Antony, Augustus and others, the question was settled in 25 by Tiberius and the Senate in favour of the Messenians (Tac. Ann. iv. 43). In 395 AD, the Roman Empire was split into the East and the Western Roman Empire and Messenia was ruled by the East and was later known as the Byzantine Empire, it was later invaded by the Slavs.

Medieval period

In the Middle Ages, Messenia shared the fortunes of the rest of the Peloponnese. Striking reminders of these conflicts are afforded by the extant ruins of the medieval strongholds of Kalamata, Coron (anc. Asine, mod. Korone), Modon (Methone) and Pylos. Messenia was a part of the Byzantine Empire.

Ottoman and Venetian period

Much of Messenia fell into the hands of the Ottoman Turks, a part of the area remained with the Venetian Republic and a whole shortly in the mid to late-15th century. Again in the 1680s, the whole of Messenia was part of the Venetian Republic again before being ruled again by the Ottomans in the 1730s. Messenia did not became Greek until the Greek War of Independence of 1821 and several months and years later was liberated by the Greeks. One of the most famous battles was the Battle of Navarino which took place in the middle of the war and defeated its Turkish fleets. The Mani Peninsula, a part of modern Messenia, was autonomous from Turkish rule due to the fact that it had no harbors.


In 1534 a group of families, known as the 'Coroni', settled in Piana degli Albanesi in Sicily. They were Arvanites and Greeks from Koroni.

From the Greek War of Independence until World War II

Messenia had improved its economy including its agriculture in the first years of the modern country of Greece. It was later connected by rail (Piraeus, Athens and Peloponnese Railways or SPAP, today part of OSE) and four highways. Emigration to the United States and later larger towns and cities including Athens also began slowly. The prefecture later included the Ionian Islands of Sapientza and Schiza.

Modern period

After World War II and the Greek Civil War, most of its buildings were rebuilt. Emigration increased and later included much of North America and Australia and later western Europe and slowed down in the 1980s and continues in villages. The population in the area of Kalamata and Messene boomed from 30,000 before the war up to nearly 80,000 in the present day.

The highway bypassed Messene in the 1970s. In 1999, the construction of the GR-7 was opened and added an interchange in the mid-2000s with the GR-9. The Ministry of Transportation will extend the bypass with two lanes downward to Kalamata with the bypass that opened in 2004, it length will be approximately 30 km, the section will open as early as 2012. The next construction program is uncertain with the exception of the possible proposal of the GR-9A from Kalo Neri to the GR-7 connecting the GR-9 which the date is unset. The eastern portion is bypassed and features an interchange.

On Thursday July 26, 2007, the central part of the prefecture was stricken by a small fire that consumed several forests, groves and farms and ruined a part of its economy. Some houses were destroyed in villages that are built in a valley. The fire lasted into July 28. Nearly a month later, another fire ravaged the northeastern portion of the prefecture and consumed villages in the Taygetos ranges. It lasted from August 26 to August 27 and ruined many bushes, it did not affect southwest into the GR-9A Junction due to low winds and cooler weather. Firefighters along with airplanes, fire trucks and choppers battled the blaze, most of its water came from Lake Taka. Another natural disaster became earthquakes (see Earthquakes in Greece), a high medium earthquake ravaged and shook the entire prefecture, it measured at 6.6 on the Richter scale on Thursday February 14, 2008. Kalamata and Methoni became dangerous places as damages were rarely reported, they were nearly on high alert which brought panic to Messinia. Messinia was not to escape the earthquakes but they were to be lighter, Anthoni was battered by a February 26 earthquake that measured around 5.5 and another on Thursday February 28 that battered Methoni and caused only minor damages on these two earthquakes, some of its old houses were damaged from it. Messinia did not escape the quakes once again, four earthquakes battered portions of the prefecture near Methoni, all measured around 4 on the Richter scale, all of these occurred at the sea which relieved most of the shakiness.

Today, Messenia forms a prefecture with its capital at Kalamata.


The prefecture's islands include:


Climate may vary, in the lowlands, temperatures are a bit warmer than Athens. Snow is not common during winter months except for the mountains especially the Taygetus. Rain and clouds are common inland. For one day in July 2000, morning temperatures were at the 37°C point in many areas.


There are four major highways in Messenia:


Year Population Density
1991 167,292 - 56/km2
2001 172,875 57.7/km2



Municipalities and communities

Municipality YPES code Seat (if different)
Aetos 3802 Kopanaki
Aipeia 3803 Longa
Andania 3804 Diavolitsi
Androusa 3805
Arfara 3808
Aris 3806
Aristomenis 3807
Avia 3801 Kampos
Avlona 3809 Sidirokastro
Chiliochoria 3831 Chandrinos
Dorio 3812
Eira 3813 Neda
Filiatra 3830
Gargalianoi 3811
Ithomi 3815 Valyra
Kalamata 3816
Koroni 3817
Kyparissia 3818
Lefktro 3819 Kardamyli
Meligalas 3821
Messene 3822
Methoni 3820
Nestoras 3823 Chora
Oichalia 3824 Meropi
Papaflessas 3825 Vlahopoulo
Petalidi 3826
Pylos 3827
Thouria 3814
Voufrades 3810 Chatzis
Community YPES code Seat (if different)
Trikorfo 3828
Tripyla 3829 Raptopoulo


Note: Provinces no longer hold any legal status in Greece.


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