Could you be a Postcode Gardener Delivery Partner?


Want to work with us to green your area? Find out what we’re looking for in our Postcode Gardener Delivery Partners and apply today.
Published: 12 Mar 2024 | 2 minute read

The UK is one of the most nature-depleted and green space-deprived countries in the world. That’s why we’ve joined forces with The Co-operative Bank to bring back nature to our neighbourhoods. Our Postcode Gardeners are helping communities make their streets greener and healthier. Together, we’re aiming to transform over 1,000 nature-deprived spaces over the next 2 years.

We’re looking for Delivery Partners, which are organisations that work with Friends of the Earth to grow more Postcode Gardeners and community projects across the country. Delivery Partners are rooted in their communities and play a crucial role in developing and supporting Postcode Gardeners to engage local people and green their areas.

Why get involved in our Postcode Gardener programme?

The UK’s decline in nature isn’t only devastating for ecosystems, but it also has a very real impact on people’s mental and physical health. 20% of people in England live in nature-deprived areas. Ethnic minorities are disproportionately impacted, with more than 40% of people from these communities living in areas with limited access to green or wild spaces. And a staggering 1.6 million children across the country under the age of 12 are similarly affected.

By partnering with us to deliver a Postcode Gardener project in your area, you’ll be helping increase access to the health and wellbeing benefits that nature can offer. What’s more, the programme is specifically designed to tackle inequalities in access to nature. Green space also improves air quality and helps protect communities from the impacts of the climate crisis, such as extreme heat.

What does it mean to be a Delivery Partner?

Delivery Partners will work with us to deliver Postcode Gardener projects in their areas. They’re rooted in their communities and they understand the challenges faced in their neighbourhoods. Thanks to their close ties with local people, Delivery Partners are best placed to:

  • recruit a Postcode Gardener
  • use local knowledge to help the gardener build relationships in the community
  • manage the gardener’s contract and funding
  • give the gardener support with day-to-day activities.

Delivery Partners will also be asked to provide a range of deliverables, including regular reporting and photos.

At all stages, Delivery Partners will receive support and guidance from Friends of the Earth and our growing Postcode Gardener network. This includes:

  • funding
  • a dedicated contact at Friends of the Earth
  • branded resources such as t-shirts and social media templates
  • a Postcode Gardener launch manual
  • training
  • our peer support network.

Where are we looking for Delivery Partners?

We're prioritising communities on the frontline of environmental deprivation that lack green space and are most at risk of air pollution, flooding and urban heating. If you’re based in one of these possible neighbourhoods, or any neighbourhood in Wales, we’d love to hear from you so we can consider future locations.

Check out our interactive map below to see current and potential future Postcode Gardener locations. Hold down Ctrl and scroll to zoom in.

How to register your interest

We're looking for Delivery Partners that have expertise and experience in the following areas:

  • Reach and ability to engage underrepresented and minority communities.
  • Track record in urban greening or related nature-based activities.
  • Ability to manage and navigate power dynamics within a community.
  • Ideas and/ or track record in generating income beyond grants.

You can apply if your organisation is one of the following:

  • constituted voluntary or community organisation
  • registered charity
  • charitable incorporated organisation (CIO)
  • not-for-profit company
  • community interest company (CIC)
  • community benefit society.

You need at least 2 board or committee members who aren’t related.

Unfortunately, we can’t accept applications from:

  • individuals
  • sole traders
  • companies that can pay profits to directors, shareholders or members (including companies limited by shares).

If your organisation would like to become a Postcode Gardener Delivery Partner, please complete our short expression of interest form. We’ll then get in touch with more information, including on the application process.
