Rollin S. Sturgeon
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Pour les articles homonymes, voir Sturgeon.
Cet article est une ébauche concernant un scénariste et un réalisateur américain.
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Rollin S. Sturgeon
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Rollin Summers Sturgeon (alias Rollin S. Sturgeon, alias Rollin Sturgeon) est un réalisateur et scénariste américain de l'époque du cinéma muet, né le à Rock Island (Illinois) et décédé le à Santa Monica (Californie).
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Comme scénariste
- 1909 The Life of Moses de Charles Kent
- 1910 Forty Years in the Land of Midian (The Life of Moses Part II) de Charles Kent
- 1910 The Plagues of Egypt and the Deliverance of the Hebrew (The Life of Moses Part III) de Charles Kent
- 1910 The Victory of Israel (The Life of Moses Part IV) de Charles Kent
- 1910 The Promised Land (The Life of Moses Part V) de Charles Kent
- 1910 Uncle Tom's Cabin, Part 1
- 1910 Uncle Tom's Cabin, Part 2
- 1910 Uncle Tom's Cabin, Part 3
Comme réalisateur de longs métrages
- 1912 The Better Man
- 1914 The Little Angel of Canyon Creek
- 1914 Captain Alvarez
- 1915 The Chalice of Courage
- 1916 God's Country and the Woman
- 1916 Through the Wall
- 1917 Betty and the Buccaneers
- 1917 The Calendar Girl
- 1917 The Rainbow Girl
- 1917 The Serpent's Tooth
- 1917 Whose Wife?
- 1917 The Upper Crust
- 1917 Edged Tools
- 1917 The American Consul
- 1918 Hugon, the Mighty
- 1918 A Petticoat Pilot
- 1918 The Shuttle
- 1918 Unclaimed Goods
- 1919 Destiny
- 1919 The Sundown Trail
- 1919 Pretty Smooth
- 1920 Risky Business
- 1920 The Gilded Dream
- 1920 In Folly's Trail
- 1920 Le Souffle des dieux (The Breath of the Gods)
- 1920 The Girl in the Rain
- 1921 Danger Ahead
- 1921 All Dolled Up
- 1921 The Mad Marriage
- 1922 North of the Rio Grande
- 1923 West of the Water Tower
- 1924 Daughters of Today (en)
Comme réalisateur de court métrages
- 1912
- The Better Man
- The Hat
- Natoosa
- Omens of the Mesa
- Timid May
- Out of the Shadows
- The Spirit of the Range
- When California Was Young
- Bill Wilson's Gal
- The Troubled Trail
- The Road to Yesterday; or, Memories of Patio Days
- A Wasted Sacrifice
- The Ancient Bow
- Too Much Wooing of Handsome Dan
- The Redemption of Red Rube
- After Many Years
- At the End of the Trail
- Her Brother
- The Prayers of Manuelo
- The Triumph of Right
- The Redemption of Ben Farland
- The Greater Love
- Sheriff Jim's Last Shot
- The Craven
- The Price of Big Bob's Silence
- How States Are Made
- Justice of the Desert
- The Heart of a Man
- 1913
- At the Sign of the Lost Angel
- The Courage of the Commonplace
- The Spell
- What God Hath Joined Together
- The Wrong Pair
- The Sea Maiden
- Cinders
- The Power That Rules
- After the Honeymoon
- Bedelia Becomes a Lady
- The Two Brothers
- A Matter of Matrimony
- According to Advice
- The Deceivers
- When the Desert Was Kind
- A Corner in Crooks
- Polly at the Ranch
- The Whispered Word
- The Smoke from Lone Bill's Cabin
- The Joke on Howling Wolf
- The Winning Hand
- The Angel of the Desert
- Bit of Blue Ribbon
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