(追記) (追記ここまで)
(thing) by agentgray Mon Sep 04 2000 at 16:32:12
An incredibly haunting book written by H.G. Wells in the late nineteenth century.

The story details the life of a young scientist who is trying to solve one of man's more interesting ideas: invisibility. Not only does he accomplish his feat, he cannot undo the task. This is only where the book begins...

As a result, he becomes completely mad, terrorizing the English countryside.

Wells does a superb job of giving away just enough detail into the mind of the invisible man (kudos if you know his name) the protagonist turned antagonist, while keeping the book short enough that it can be read in one cozy, rainy afternoon or into the haunting of a thunderstorm-filled evening.

The dialogue brings the reader to a jerking halt, wondering what will happen next and pushing you to turn the pages till the very end.

Available in the public domain, it can be found just about anywhere.

Invisibility can bring great power. However, along with it comes great responsibility. Can man's mind handle the task? Wells gets into the readers mind and makes them think if being invisible would be all that great.

"Listen to reason, will you?" said the Invisible Man, sticking to him in spite of a pounding in the ribs. "By Heaven! you'll madden me in a minute!

"Lie still, you fool!" bawled the Invisible Man in Kemp's ear.

Kemp struggled for another moment and then lay still.

"If you shout I'll smash your face," said the Invisible Man, relieving his mouth.

"I'm an Invisible Man. It's no foolishness, and no magic. I really am an Invisible Man. And I want your help. I don't want to hurt you, but if you behave like a frantic rustic, I must.

(person) by moodster Wed Jan 10 2001 at 13:52:22
The Invisible Man's family name was Griffin, but there is some confusion over his first name. In the movie "The Invisible Man" from 1933 he is named Jack, in "Invisible Man's revenge" from 1944 it is Robert. Of course, the definite authority in this matter must be H. G. Wells himself, and he named the invisible man Hawley Griffin, as did Alan Moore in "League of Extraordinary Gentlemen".

There was yet another invisible man named Dr. Frank Griffin, but he is the brother of the original one and appeared in the 1944 movie "Invisible Man Returns".

(thing) by statner Sun Apr 22 2001 at 4:13:30

A classic horror movie directed by James Whale in 1933. Based on the book of the same name by H.G. Wells. Claude Raines plays the title role. The special effects were breathtaking at the time of the movie's release and are still impressive even today.

(thing) by Mikebert Tue Apr 10 2007 at 19:17:31

The Invisible Man was a TV show on Sci-Fi beginning in 2000. Since it was on the Sci-Fi channel, you can already guess that the show involved a secret government agency, secret technology, gun fights and genetically mutated cows. I mean, who hasn't wanted a herd of invisible cows? Sadly, this show met an untimely death after only two seasons, supposedly due to bickering between Sci-Fi and USA, who owned the show.

"Your mission, should you choose to accept it..."
Invisible men don't grow on trees so the government had to make one. Kevin Fawkes is the scientist who developed a gland that, when implanted in a person, will render them invisible at will. There are a few drawbacks if things get out of hand, but Kevin's brother Darien, played by Vincent Ventresca, opted for the surgery in lieu of a prison sentence. Some terrorists killed Kevin leaving Darien alone with a gland that drive him berserk if he goes too long with the counteragent. In stepped the mysterious "Agency" which offers to take care of Darien if he joins up to fight crime, save the world, etc.

The Agency

The Agency is your run of the mill black-ops, government funded anti-terrorism unit. Oh, and it's supposedly a division of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Administration. That also happens to have an invisible man in the arsenal. There is an older chief, aptly called "The Official," who is played by Eddie Jones. He called the shots and decreed which evil organization will be foiled in a particular week. The doctor assigned to monitor and maintain Darien is simply "The Keeper," played by Shannon Kenny. She was totally hot and had a British accent which made her extremely hot. Oh, the things we would have done in the name of medicine. . .

Darien's partner was Agent Bobby Hobbes, played by Paul Ben-Victor. Together, Agent Hobbes and Darien engage in various acts of crime fighting, espionage and counterterrorism. Hobbes was a competent character who supported Darien's paranormal abilities and busted some heads when needed. However, Darien was far and away the chief operative of the Agency. He could turn invisible, why wouldn't they use him all the time?

The key to making this invisibility trick work is the gland implanted in Darien's cerebral cortex. It secreted a light bending substance, dubbed Quicksilver, that allows Darien to turn invisible. One possible reason for name was the visual effect when Darien turned invisible; patches of his body appeared to convert to a silver liquid that very rapidly engulfed his entire person and he became completely invisible. Unfortunately, the Quicksilver gland interfered with the epinephrine and norepinephrine in Darien's system and diminished his inhibitions. Left unchecked, Darien became crazed and completely uncontrollable. So the entire control mechanism for giving an ex-con (a thief no less) the power to turn invisible was exclusive Agency administration of the necessary counteragent.

Thankfully, when Darien got the implant, he also got a tattoo on his left wrist. It was a snake circled around to bite its own tail, with a number of marked, uniform sections from head to tail. This acted as Darien's counteragent gauge--when he had a high level of counteragent, all the sections were green. As the counteragent concentration dropped, the sections began to turn red. The Keeper would administer shots of the counteragent to keep things under control. If the tattoo became completely red and Darien wasn't treated right away, bad things began to happen. There was an escalating descent into madness which culminated in "Quicksilver Level 5 Madness" wherein Darien's eyes turned blood red and, lacking any inhibition, he would turn on the Agency or sometimes The Keeper. Hobbes or The Keeper normally showed up in short order and fought against Darien's berserker strength to inject some rationale into his veins.

I have never followed a lot of TV, but I genuinely enjoyed this show. I considered it very well thought out, right on down to the advertising campaign. The commercials would talk about Darien Fawkes, the invisible man and hype up the character, then invite you to come see him, "disappearing Friday nights at 10" or whatnot. It was a cute play on words. Vincent Vantresca carried a great attitude for the role. He was happy to be out of prison, but entertainingly sarcastic and cynical about being at the goverment's beckon call. Thankfully, the show was written such that the fact that a man could turn invisible was a new and exciting proposition, not just an everyday norm. With that in mind, the show never took itself too seriously and sometimes had a tongue in cheek outlook on the whole invisibility issue. Oh, and did I mention The Keeper was incredibly hot?

Kevin: "We have to think about premature visibility."
Darien: "Premature visibility?"
Kevin: "It can happen if you get distracted."
Darien: "Well, then we need to get some uglier nurses."


  • Crossover: In the pilot episode, among Fawkes' doctors are Drs. "Baker, McGann, Hartnell, and Troughton." These are the names of various actors who have played the Doctor on the British TV series Doctor Who (1963). A later in-joke along similar lines has Fawkes using a business card with the name "I.M. Forman" on it; this was the name of the owner of the junkyard that appears in the pilot episode of Doctor Who.
  • About those cows: I wasn't crazy. At some point, there was a society that was trying to develop a method for living forever at a golden age of 25 or so. I think they also found out about the Quicksilver thing. In order to mass produce the substance, they genetically altered a herd of cows to becoming invisible, roving Fountain of Youth factories. At one point, Darien is doing his thing and infiltrating their compound and stumbles upon a herd of invisible cows. The mooing gave them away.
  • Wanna see a neat trick?: Darien can turn parts of his body or objects invisible. While Darien is investigating those cows, at one point he is caught walking around the compound in visible mode. The guard tells him to turn around and he does so empty handed. After some verbal exchange, Darien fires the invisible submachine gun he had been holding the whole time and the guard surrenders. Later on in the episode, everyone knows he's in the compound, so more guards are sent out. The first guy Darien held up was in the group that stumbled on to him the second time. Darien immediately took a stance like he was going to fire from the hip and everyone in the group started laughing. Except for the original guard who yelled for everyone to put down their weapons, because "he has a gun." When all the guns were on the ground, Darien picked up a gun since he had thrown the original one away.
  • For my last trick, I made her disappear : Darien apparently has the ability to secrete Quicksilver through his skin. During the last few episodes, a woman shows up offering to help Darien with the Quicksilver complications if he does something for her. She wears a backpack that, when filled with Quicksilver, allows her to become invisible without needing a gland implant. Darien sits on the edge of a bed and pours Quicksilver from his extended index finger into the tank.

(poetry) by Lucy-S Wed Oct 31 2012 at 23:14:24

do you really like
this movie? do you watch it in
your dreams?

can you tell its story dissected
without parroting that article
from the old horror magazine?

can you sit in the dark
again and again with the
veins of its cold silver light
bleeding across the suicide screen?

do you really like this movie or is it
just something to talk about years
when your children
come across it on late-night television?

can you find yourself here? are you walking
through the big crowd scene, the one where you
are Third Angry Villager With Torch
On the Right?

are you in the ordinary background
of the monster's tragic life?

or could you rise up like a phoenix
from the cutting room floor and say
not this time
not again
I will make you see me
I will not be ignored

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