User:Novem Linguae/Scripts/DontForgetG12.js
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// <nowiki> /* - Check if article is unreviewed - If so, display a giant "copyright check" button at the top, to remind you to run Earwig's copyvio detector on the article first thing. - Many submissions are copyright violations, and catching it before you perform a bunch of other steps in the NPP/AFC flowchart saves time. */ classDontForgetG12{ constructor(){; this.$=$; } asyncexecute(){ if(!awaitthis.shouldRunOnThisPage()){ return; } // Only run if 1) draft is submitted constisDraftspaceOrUserspace=[118,2].includes(this.namespace); constdraftIsSubmitted=this.wikicode.match(/(?:{{AfC submission}}|{{AfC submission\|}}|{{AfC submission\|\|)/i)&&isDraftspaceOrUserspace; if(draftIsSubmitted){ this.insertButton(this.title); } // or 2) article is not marked as reviewed by NPP'ext.pageTriage.toolbar.ready').add(asyncfunction(){'wgArticleId'); if(!(awaitthis.isReviewed(pageID))){ this.insertButton(this.title); } }.bind(this)); } asyncshouldRunOnThisPage(){ // don't run when not viewing articles'wgAction'); if(action!=='view'){ returnfalse; } // don't run when viewing diffs'wgDiffNewId'); if(isDiff){ returnfalse; } constisDeletedPage=(!'wgCurRevisionId')); if(isDeletedPage){ returnfalse; }'wgNamespaceNumber'); constisMainspaceDraftspaceOrUserspace=[0,118,2].includes(this.namespace); if(!isMainspaceDraftspaceOrUserspace){ returnfalse; } this.title=this.getArticleName(); this.wikicode=awaitthis.getWikicode(this.title); // Don't run on redirect pages constisRedirect=this.wikicode.match(/^#REDIRECT \[\[/i); if(isRedirect){ returnfalse; } returntrue; } /** * @return {string} pagename, including the namespace name, but with spaces replaced by underscores */ getArticleName(){'wgPageName'); } asyncgetWikicode(title){ if(!'wgCurRevisionId')){ return''; } // if page is deleted, return blank letwikicode=''; title=encodeURIComponent(title); awaitthis.$.ajax({ url:`${title}&prop=wikitext&formatversion=2&format=json`, success:function(result){ wikicode=result.parse.wikitext; }, dataType:'json' }); returnwikicode; } insertButton(title){ this.$('#contentSub').before(` <a style="display: inline-block; color: black; margin-top: 0.5em; border: 2px solid black; padding: 0.25em 3em; background-color: #FFDC00; font-size: 1.5em;" href="`+encodeURIComponent(title)+`" target="_blank"> Copyvio check </a> `); } asyncisReviewed(pageId){; constresponse=awaitapi.get({ action:'pagetriagelist', format:'json', page_id:pageId }); // no result if(response.pagetriagelist.result!=='success'||response.pagetriagelist.pages.length===0){ returntrue; // 1, 2, or 3 }elseif(parseInt(response.pagetriagelist.pages[0].patrol_status)>0){ returntrue; // 0 }else{ returnfalse; } } } $(asyncfunction(){ awaitmw.loader.using(['mediawiki.api'],async()=>{ await(newDontForgetG12(mw,$)).execute(); }); }); // </nowiki>