Audio drama
The Fourth Doctor Adventures Big Finish Productions audio drama Series Doctor Who Featuring Written by various Directed by Music Howard Carter Release date January 2012 (2012-1 )
In 2012, Big Finish Productions began producing audio dramas featuring Doctor Who ' s fourth Doctor , as portrayed by Tom Baker .[ 1] Baker had previously declined to feature in any Big Finish releases, but after recording a trilogy of full cast audio boxsets for BBC Audiobooks, he decided to participate.[ 2] This was also part of a spin off series of the Monthly range.
Cast and characters [ edit ]
List indicator
This section includes characters who will appear or have appeared in at least one season.
A green cell indicates the actor is a main cast member.
A red cell indicates the actor is a recurring cast member.
A light blue cell indicates the actor is a guest or special guest cast member.
This series of adventures is set between seasons 14 and 15 of the classic series,[ 4] and features Louise Jameson reprising her role as Leela .
No. Title Directed by Written by Featuring Released
1 "Destination: Nerva" Nicholas Briggs Nicholas Briggs Fourth Doctor, Leela January 2012 (2012-1 ) 2 "The Renaissance Man " Ken Bentley Justin Richards Fourth Doctor, Leela February 2012 (2012-2 ) 3 "The Wrath of the Iceni " Ken Bentley John Dorney Fourth Doctor, Leela March 2012 (2012-3 ) 4 "Energy of the Daleks " Nicholas Briggs Nicholas Briggs Fourth Doctor, Leela, Daleks April 2012 (2012-4 ) 5 "Trail of the White Worm (Part 1)" Ken Bentley Alan Barnes Fourth Doctor, Leela, the Master May 2012 (2012-5 ) 6 "The Oseidon Adventure (Part 2)" Ken Bentley Alan Barnes Fourth Doctor, Leela, the Master, Kraals June 2012 (2012-6 )
No. Title Directed by Written by Featuring Released
– "Night of the Stormcrow" Nicholas Briggs Marc Platt Fourth Doctor, Leela December 2012 (2012-12 )
This series of adventures is set between seasons 16 and 17 of the classic series, and features Mary Tamm and John Leeson reprising their roles as Romana and K9 ; this was Tamm's final role, as she died in 2012 after recording her parts.[ 5]
No. Title Directed by Written by Featuring Released
1 "The Auntie Matter " Ken Bentley Jonathan Morris Fourth Doctor, Romana I , K9 January 2013 (2013-1 ) 2 "The Sands of Life (Part 1)" Nicholas Briggs Nicholas Briggs Fourth Doctor, Romana I, K9, Laan, Cuthbert February 2013 (2013-2 ) 3 "War Against the Laan (Part 2)" Nicholas Briggs Nicholas Briggs Fourth Doctor, Romana I, K9, Laan, Cuthbert March 2013 (2013-3 ) 4 "The Justice of Jalxar" Ken Bentley John Dorney Fourth Doctor, Romana I, Jago , Litefoot March 2013 (2013-3 ) 5 "Phantoms of the Deep" Ken Bentley Jonathan Morris Fourth Doctor, Romana I, K9 May 2013 (2013-5 ) 6 "The Dalek Contract (Part 1)" Nicholas Briggs Nicholas Briggs Fourth Doctor, Romana I, K9, Daleks, Cuthbert June 2013 (2013-6 ) 7 "The Final Phase (Part 2)" Nicholas Briggs Nicholas Briggs Fourth Doctor, Romana I, K9, Daleks, Cuthbert July 2013 (2013-7 )
This series of adventures, like Season 1, is set between seasons 14 and 15 of the classic series and features Jameson reprising her role as Leela. Chronologically, it takes place after The Oseidon Adventure and the special Night of the Stormcrow .[ 6]
No. Title Directed by Written by Featuring Released
1 "The King of Sontar" Nicholas Briggs John Dorney Fourth Doctor, Leela, Sontarans January 2014 (2014-1 ) 2 "White Ghosts" Nicholas Briggs Alan Barnes Fourth Doctor, Leela February 2014 (2014-2 ) 3 "The Crooked Man" Nicholas Briggs John Dorney Fourth Doctor, Leela March 2014 (2014-3 ) 4 "The Evil One" Nicholas Briggs Nicholas Briggs Fourth Doctor, Leela, the Master April 2014 (2014-4 ) 5 "Last of the Colophon" Nicholas Briggs Jonathan Morris Fourth Doctor, Leela May 2014 (2014-5 ) 6 "Destroy the Infinite" Nicholas Briggs Nicholas Briggs Fourth Doctor, Leela, the Eminence June 2014 (2014-6 ) 7 "The Abandoned" Ken Bentley Louise Jameson Nigel Fairs Fourth Doctor, Leela July 2014 (2014-7 ) 8 "Zygon Hunt" Nicholas Briggs Nicholas Briggs Fourth Doctor, Leela, Zygons August 2014 (2014-8 )
A fourth series of adventures featuring Leela was released, this time also starring John Leeson as K9 and set during season 15 of the classic series.
No. Title Directed by Written by Featuring Released
1 "The Exxilons" Nicholas Briggs Nicholas Briggs Fourth Doctor, Leela, K9, Exxilons January 2015 (2015-1 ) 2 "The Darkness of Glass" Justin Richards Fourth Doctor, Leela February 2015 (2015-2 ) 3 "Requiem for the Rocket Men (Part 1)" John Dorney Fourth Doctor, Leela, K9, the Master, the Rocket Men March 2015 (2015-3 ) 4 "Death Match (Part 2)" Matt Fitton Fourth Doctor, Leela, K9, the Master April 2015 (2015-4 ) 5 "Suburban Hell" Alan Barnes Fourth Doctor, Leela May 2015 (2015-5 ) 6 "The Cloisters of Terror" Jonathan Morris Fourth Doctor, Leela June 2015 (2015-6 ) 7 "The Fate of Krelos (Part 1)" Nicholas Briggs Fourth Doctor, Leela, K9 July 2015 (2015-7 ) 8 "Return to Telos (Part 2)" Nicholas Briggs Fourth Doctor, Leela, K9, Cybermen , Jamie McCrimmon August 2015 (2015-8 )
A fifth series of adventures was released from January 2016, this time featuring Lalla Ward as the second incarnation of Romana and John Leeson as K9. The stories are set between seasons 17 and 18 of the classic series.
No. Title Directed by Written by Featuring Released
1 "Wave of Destruction" Nicholas Briggs Justin Richards Fourth Doctor, Romana II , K9 January 2016 (2016-1 ) 2 "The Labyrinth of Buda Castle" Nicholas Briggs Eddie Robson Fourth Doctor, Romana II February 2016 (2016-2 ) 3 "The Paradox Planet (Part 1)" Nicholas Briggs Jonathan Morris Fourth Doctor, Romana II, K9 March 2016 (2016-3 ) 4 "Legacy of Death (Part 2)" Ken Bentley Jonathan Morris Fourth Doctor, Romana II, K9 April 2016 (2016-4 ) 5 "Gallery of Ghouls" Ken Bentley Alan Barnes Fourth Doctor, Romana II May 2016 (2016-5 ) 6 "The Trouble with Drax" Nicholas Briggs John Dorney Fourth Doctor, Romana II, K9, Drax June 2016 (2016-6 ) 7 "The Pursuit of History (Part 1)" Nicholas Briggs Nicholas Briggs Fourth Doctor, Romana II, K9, the Black Guardian , Cuthbert, Laan July 2016 (2016-7 ) 8 "Casualties of Time (Part 2)" Nicholas Briggs Nicholas Briggs Fourth Doctor, Romana II, K9, the Black Guardian, Cuthbert, Laan August 2016 (2016-8 )
A sixth series was released beginning in January 2017, also featuring Lalla Ward as the second incarnation of Romana and John Leeson as K9. The stories are set during season 18 of the classic series, prior to that season's E-Space trilogy.
No. Title Directed by Written by Featuring Released
1 "The Beast of Kravenos" Nicholas Briggs Justin Richards Fourth Doctor, Romana II, K9, Jago & Litefoot January 2017 (2017-1 ) 2 "The Eternal Battle" Nicholas Briggs Cavan Scott and Mark WrightFourth Doctor, Romana II, K9, Sontarans February 2017 (2017-2 ) 3 "The Silent Scream" Nicholas Briggs James Goss Fourth Doctor, Romana II, K9, Celluloids March 2017 (2017-3 ) 4 "Dethras" Nicholas Briggs Adrian Poynton Fourth Doctor, Romana II, Flague April 2017 (2017-4 ) 5 "The Haunting of Malkin Place" Nicholas Briggs Phil Mulryne Fourth Doctor, Romana II May 2017 (2017-5 ) 6 "Subterranea" Nicholas Briggs Jonathan Morris Fourth Doctor, Romana II, the Silex June 2017 (2017-6 ) 7 "The Movellan Grave" Nicholas Briggs Andrew Smith Fourth Doctor, Romana II, K9, Movellans July 2017 (2017-7 ) 8 "The Skin of the Sleek (Part 1)" Ken Bentley Marc Platt Fourth Doctor, Romana II, K9 August 2017 (2017-8 ) 9 "The Thief Who Stole Time (Part 2)" Ken Bentley Marc Platt Fourth Doctor, Romana II, K9 September 2017 (2017-9 )
A seventh series was released from January 2018, featuring Louise Jameson as Leela and John Leeson as K9. The stories are set after Season 4, during season 15 of the classic series. This is the first season to be released in 2 separate box sets rather than a new release every month. The final two stories feature Sutekh , a character based upon the Egyptian deity of the same name. Gabriel Woolf reprises his portrayal of Sutekh; Woolf had appeared as the character in the classic Doctor Who serial "Pyramids Of Mars" .
No. Title Directed by Written by Featuring Released
1 "The Sons of Kaldor" Nicholas Briggs Andrew Smith Fourth Doctor, Leela, Voc Robots January 2018 (2018-1 ) 2 "The Crowmarsh Experiment" David Llewellyn Fourth Doctor, Leela 3 "The Mind Runners (Part 1)" John Dorney Fourth Doctor, Leela, K9 4 "The Demon Rises (Part 2)" John Dorney Fourth Doctor, Leela, K9
5 "The Shadow of London" Nicholas Briggs Justin Richards Fourth Doctor, Leela May 2018 (2018-5 ) 6 "The Bad Penny" Dan Starkey Fourth Doctor, Leela, the Haodean 7 "Kill the Doctor! (Part 1)" Guy Adams Fourth Doctor, Leela, Sutekh 8 "The Age of Sutekh (Part 2)" Guy Adams Fourth Doctor, Leela, Sutekh
An eighth series was released from January 2019, featuring John Leeson as K9 and a new companion WPC Ann Kelso played by Jane Slavin. The stories are set in between series 15 and 16 and are collectively titled The Syndicate Master Plan .
No. Title Directed by Written by Featuring Released
1 "The Sinestran Kill" Nicholas Briggs Andrew Smith Fourth Doctor, Ann, Sinestrans January 2019 (2019-1 ) 2 "Planet of the Drashigs" Phil Mulryne Fourth Doctor, Ann, Drashigs 3 "The Enchantress of Numbers" Simon Barnard and Paul Morris Fourth Doctor, Ann, K9, Ada Lovelace , Lord Byron 4 "The False Guardian (Part 1)" Guy Adams Fourth Doctor, Ann, K9, Mavic Chen
5 "Time's Assassin (Part 2)" Nicholas Briggs Guy Adams Fourth Doctor, Ann, K9 February 2019 (2019-2 ) 6 "Fever Island" Jonathan Barnes Fourth Doctor, Ann, K9, Jason Vane 7 "The Perfect Prisoners (Part 1)" John Dorney Fourth Doctor, Ann, K9 8 "The Perfect Prisoners (Part 2)" John Dorney Fourth Doctor, Ann, K9
A ninth series was released from January 2020, featuring Lalla Ward as Romana II, John Leeson as K9 and Matthew Waterhouse as Adric. The stories are set in Season 18 during the E-Space Trilogy, specifically set between the stories State of Decay and Warriors' Gate . The format of the series changed from two box sets of four one hour stories, to two box sets of two two hour stories. A special, featuring Louise Jameson as Leela and John Leeson as K9 was released in May 2020, which is set between the stories Underworld and The Invasion of Time .
No. Title Directed by Written by Featuring Released
1 "Purgatory 12" Nicholas Briggs Marc Platt Fourth Doctor, Romana II, Adric , K9 January 2020 (2020-1 ) 2 "Chase the Night" Jonathan Morris
3 "The Planet of Witches" Ken Bentley Alan Barnes Fourth Doctor, Romana II, Adric, K9 February 2020 (2020-2 ) 4 "The Quest of the Engineer" Nicholas Briggs Andrew Smith
No. Title Directed by Written by Featuring Released
– "Shadow of the Sun" Nicholas Briggs Robert Valentine Fourth Doctor, Leela, K9 May 2020 (2020-5 )
A tenth series was released from January 2021, featuring Louise Jameson as Leela. Like Series 1 and 3, the stories are set between seasons 14 and 15 of the classic series.
No. Title Directed by Written by Featuring Released
1 "The World Traders"[ 3] Nicholas Briggs Guy Adams Fourth Doctor, Leela, Usurians January 2021 (2021-1 ) 2 "The Day of the Comet"[ 3] Jonathan Morris Fourth Doctor, Leela
3 "The Tribulations of Thadeus Nook"[ 7] Nicholas Briggs Andrew Smith Fourth Doctor, Leela February 2021 (2021-2 ) 4 "The Primeval Design"[ 8] Helen Goldwyn Fourth Doctor, Leela, Mary Anning
Dalek Universe : Prologue (2021)[ edit ]
A prologue to the Tenth Doctor event Dalek Universe .
No. Title Directed by Written by Featuring Released
– "The Dalek Protocol" Nicholas Briggs Nicholas Briggs Fourth Doctor , Leela, K9 , Anya Kingdom, Mark Seven, Daleks , Exxilons, Bellal April 2021 (2021-4 )
An eleventh series was released from January 2022, featuring the first appearance of Nerys Hughes as new companion Margaret. The stories will be set during season 14 of the classic series, specifically between The Deadly Assassin and The Face of Evil .
No. Title Directed by Written by Featuring Released
Volume 1: Solo
1 "Blood of the Time Lords"[ 9] Nicholas Briggs Timothy X Atack Fourth Doctor, The Master March 2022 (2022-3 ) 2 "The Ravencliff Witch"[ 9] David Llewellyn Fourth Doctor, Margaret
Volume 2: The Nine
3 "The Dreams of Avarice" Nicholas Briggs Guy Adams Fourth Doctor, The Nine[ 10] June 2022 (2022-6 ) 4 "Shellshock" Nicholas Briggs Simon Barnard & Paul Morris Fourth Doctor 5 "Peake Season" Jamie Anderson Lizbeth Myles Fourth Doctor, Mervyn Peake
A twelfth series was released from January 2023, featuring Louise Jameson as Leela and the return of Nerys Hughes as Margaret.
No. Title Directed by Written by Featuring Released
Volume 1: New Frontiers
1 "Ice Heist!" Nicholas Briggs Guy Adams Fourth Doctor, Leela, Margaret, The Ice Warriors March 2023 (2023-3 ) 2 "Antillia the Lost" Phil Mulryne Fourth Doctor, Leela, Margaret
Volume 2: Angels and Demons
3 "The Wizard of Time" Nicholas Briggs Roy Gill Fourth Doctor, Leela, Margaret June 2023 (2023-6 ) 4 "The Friendly Invasion" Chris Chapman Fourth Doctor, Leela, Margaret 5 "Stone Cold" Roland Moore Fourth Doctor, Leela, Margaret, Weeping Angels 6 "The Ghost of Margaret" Tim Foley Fourth Doctor, Leela, Margaret
A thirteenth series was released from March 2024 in three volumes, featuring Christopher Naylor as Harry Sullivan and Eleanor Crooks as Naomi Cross. It will be connected with UNIT: Nemesis .[ 11]
No. Title Directed by Written by Featuring Released
Volume 1: Storm of the Sea Devils
1 "The Storm of the Sea Devils" Nicholas Briggs David K Barnes Fourth Doctor, Harry Sullivan , Naomi Cross, UNIT , Sea Devils March 2024 (2024-3 ) 2 "Worlds Beyond" Robert Khan & Tom Salinsky Fourth Doctor, Harry, Naomi, Alan Turing
Volume 2: Metamorphosis
3 "Matryoshka" Helen Goldwyn Aurora Fearnley Fourth Doctor, Harry, Naomi, The Toymaker June 2024 (2024-6 ) 4 "The Caged Assassin" Nicholas Briggs Matthew Sweet Fourth Doctor, Harry, Naomi 5 "Metamorphosis" Jamie Anderson Lisa McMullin Fourth Doctor, Harry, Naomi, The Master
Volume 3: Dominant Species
6 "The Face in the Storm"[ 11] Nicholas Briggs Sarah Grochala Fourth Doctor, Harry, Naomi, Dominators, Quarks September 2024 (2024-9 ) 7 "Dominant Species"[ 11] John Dorney
A Special Release celebrating Fifty years since the Fourth Doctor's debut. Set between Revenge of the Cybermen and Terror of the Zygons , and a sequel to The Sontaran Experiment .[ 12] [ 13]
No. Title Directed by Written by Featuring Released
– "The Curse of Time" Helen Goldwyn Jonathan Morris Fourth Doctor, Sarah Jane Smith , Harry Sullivan December 2024 (2024-12 )
Big Finish scheduled three box sets for release for March,[ 14] June,[ 15] and September 2025,[ 16] respectively. Senior Producer John Ainsworth said: "Long-term listeners will know that we record Tom Baker's Fourth Doctor Adventures well in advance, but there might be some surprises on the way.[ 17]
No. Title Directed by Written by Featuring Released
Volume 1: The Hellwood Inheritance
1 "The Hellwood Inheritance" Jamie Anderson Alan Barnes Fourth Doctor, Leela March 2025 (2025-3 ) 2 "The Memory Thieves" Phil Mulryne
Volume 2:
3 TBA Helen Goldwyn & Jamie Anderson N/A Fourth Doctor, Leela June 2025 (2025-6 ) 4 TBA N/A
Volume 3:
5 TBA Nicholas Briggs N/A Fourth Doctor, Leela September 2025 (2025-9 ) 6 TBA N/A
Awards and nominations [ edit ]
Name of the award ceremony, year presented, category, nominee(s) of the award, and the result of the nomination
Award ceremony
Scribe Awards
Best Audio
Peake Season
[ 18]