Nerve complex
In topology, the nerve complex of a set family is an abstract complex that records the pattern of intersections between the sets in the family. It was introduced by Pavel Alexandrov [1] and now has many variants and generalisations, among them the Čech nerve of a cover, which in turn is generalised by hypercoverings. It captures many of the interesting topological properties in an algorithmic or combinatorial way.[2]
Basic definition
[edit ]Let {\displaystyle I} be a set of indices and {\displaystyle C} be a family of sets {\displaystyle (U_{i})_{i\in I}}. The nerve of {\displaystyle C} is a set of finite subsets of the index set {\displaystyle I}. It contains all finite subsets {\displaystyle J\subseteq I} such that the intersection of the {\displaystyle U_{i}} whose subindices are in {\displaystyle J} is non-empty:[3] : 81
- {\displaystyle N(C):={\bigg \{}J\subseteq I:\bigcap _{j\in J}U_{j}\neq \varnothing ,J{\text{ finite set}}{\bigg \}}.}
In Alexandrov's original definition, the sets {\displaystyle (U_{i})_{i\in I}} are open subsets of some topological space {\displaystyle X}.
The set {\displaystyle N(C)} may contain singletons (elements {\displaystyle i\in I} such that {\displaystyle U_{i}} is non-empty), pairs (pairs of elements {\displaystyle i,j\in I} such that {\displaystyle U_{i}\cap U_{j}\neq \emptyset }), triplets, and so on. If {\displaystyle J\in N(C)}, then any subset of {\displaystyle J} is also in {\displaystyle N(C)}, making {\displaystyle N(C)} an abstract simplicial complex. Hence N(C) is often called the nerve complex of {\displaystyle C}.
[edit ]- Let X be the circle {\displaystyle S^{1}} and {\displaystyle C=\{U_{1},U_{2}\}}, where {\displaystyle U_{1}} is an arc covering the upper half of {\displaystyle S^{1}} and {\displaystyle U_{2}} is an arc covering its lower half, with some overlap at both sides (they must overlap at both sides in order to cover all of {\displaystyle S^{1}}). Then {\displaystyle N(C)=\{\{1\},\{2\},\{1,2\}\}}, which is an abstract 1-simplex.
- Let X be the circle {\displaystyle S^{1}} and {\displaystyle C=\{U_{1},U_{2},U_{3}\}}, where each {\displaystyle U_{i}} is an arc covering one third of {\displaystyle S^{1}}, with some overlap with the adjacent {\displaystyle U_{i}}. Then {\displaystyle N(C)=\{\{1\},\{2\},\{3\},\{1,2\},\{2,3\},\{3,1\}\}}. Note that {1,2,3} is not in {\displaystyle N(C)} since the common intersection of all three sets is empty; so {\displaystyle N(C)} is an unfilled triangle.
The Čech nerve
[edit ]Given an open cover {\displaystyle C=\{U_{i}:i\in I\}} of a topological space {\displaystyle X}, or more generally a cover in a site, we can consider the pairwise fibre products {\displaystyle U_{ij}=U_{i}\times _{X}U_{j}}, which in the case of a topological space are precisely the intersections {\displaystyle U_{i}\cap U_{j}}. The collection of all such intersections can be referred to as {\displaystyle C\times _{X}C} and the triple intersections as {\displaystyle C\times _{X}C\times _{X}C}.
By considering the natural maps {\displaystyle U_{ij}\to U_{i}} and {\displaystyle U_{i}\to U_{ii}}, we can construct a simplicial object {\displaystyle S(C)_{\bullet }} defined by {\displaystyle S(C)_{n}=C\times _{X}\cdots \times _{X}C}, n-fold fibre product. This is the Čech nerve.[4]
By taking connected components we get a simplicial set, which we can realise topologically: {\displaystyle |S(\pi _{0}(C))|}.
Nerve theorems
[edit ]The nerve complex {\displaystyle N(C)} is a simple combinatorial object. Often, it is much simpler than the underlying topological space (the union of the sets in {\displaystyle C}). Therefore, a natural question is whether the topology of {\displaystyle N(C)} is equivalent to the topology of {\displaystyle \bigcup C}.
In general, this need not be the case. For example, one can cover any n-sphere with two contractible sets {\displaystyle U_{1}} and {\displaystyle U_{2}} that have a non-empty intersection, as in example 1 above. In this case, {\displaystyle N(C)} is an abstract 1-simplex, which is similar to a line but not to a sphere.
However, in some cases {\displaystyle N(C)} does reflect the topology of X. For example, if a circle is covered by three open arcs, intersecting in pairs as in Example 2 above, then {\displaystyle N(C)} is a 2-simplex (without its interior) and it is homotopy-equivalent to the original circle.[5]
A nerve theorem (or nerve lemma) is a theorem that gives sufficient conditions on C guaranteeing that {\displaystyle N(C)} reflects, in some sense, the topology of {\displaystyle \bigcup C}. A functorial nerve theorem is a nerve theorem that is functorial in an appropriate sense, which is, for example, crucial in topological data analysis.[6]
Leray's nerve theorem
[edit ]The basic nerve theorem of Jean Leray says that, if any intersection of sets in {\displaystyle N(C)} is contractible (equivalently: for each finite {\displaystyle J\subset I} the set {\displaystyle \bigcap _{i\in J}U_{i}} is either empty or contractible; equivalently: C is a good open cover), then {\displaystyle N(C)} is homotopy-equivalent to {\displaystyle \bigcup C}.
Borsuk's nerve theorem
[edit ]There is a discrete version, which is attributed to Borsuk.[7] [3] : 81, Thm.4.4.4 Let K1,...,Kn be abstract simplicial complexes, and denote their union by K. Let Ui = ||Ki|| = the geometric realization of Ki, and denote the nerve of {U1, ... , Un } by N.
If, for each nonempty {\displaystyle J\subset I}, the intersection {\displaystyle \bigcap _{i\in J}U_{i}} is either empty or contractible, then N is homotopy-equivalent to K.
A stronger theorem was proved by Anders Bjorner.[8] if, for each nonempty {\displaystyle J\subset I}, the intersection {\displaystyle \bigcap _{i\in J}U_{i}} is either empty or (k-|J|+1)-connected, then for every j ≤ k, the j-th homotopy group of N is isomorphic to the j-th homotopy group of K. In particular, N is k-connected if-and-only-if K is k-connected.
Čech nerve theorem
[edit ]Another nerve theorem relates to the Čech nerve above: if {\displaystyle X} is compact and all intersections of sets in C are contractible or empty, then the space {\displaystyle |S(\pi _{0}(C))|} is homotopy-equivalent to {\displaystyle X}.[9]
Homological nerve theorem
[edit ]The following nerve theorem uses the homology groups of intersections of sets in the cover.[10] For each finite {\displaystyle J\subset I}, denote {\displaystyle H_{J,j}:={\tilde {H}}_{j}(\bigcap _{i\in J}U_{i})=} the j-th reduced homology group of {\displaystyle \bigcap _{i\in J}U_{i}}.
If HJ,j is the trivial group for all J in the k-skeleton of N(C) and for all j in {0, ..., k-dim(J)}, then N(C) is "homology-equivalent" to X in the following sense:
- {\displaystyle {\tilde {H}}_{j}(N(C))\cong {\tilde {H}}_{j}(X)} for all j in {0, ..., k};
- if {\displaystyle {\tilde {H}}_{k+1}(N(C))\not \cong 0} then {\displaystyle {\tilde {H}}_{k+1}(X)\not \cong 0} .
See also
[edit ]References
[edit ]- ^ Aleksandroff, P. S. (1928). "Über den allgemeinen Dimensionsbegriff und seine Beziehungen zur elementaren geometrischen Anschauung". Mathematische Annalen . 98: 617–635. doi:10.1007/BF01451612. S2CID 119590045.
- ^ Eilenberg, Samuel; Steenrod, Norman (1952年12月31日). Foundations of Algebraic Topology. Princeton: Princeton University Press. doi:10.1515/9781400877492. ISBN 978-1-4008-7749-2.
- ^ a b Matoušek, Jiří (2007). Using the Borsuk-Ulam Theorem: Lectures on Topological Methods in Combinatorics and Geometry (2nd ed.). Berlin-Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag. ISBN 978-3-540-00362-5.
Written in cooperation with Anders Björner and Günter M. Ziegler
, Section 4.3 - ^ "Čech nerve in nLab". Retrieved 2020年08月07日.
- ^ Artin, Michael; Mazur, Barry (1969). Etale Homotopy. Lecture Notes in Mathematics. Vol. 100. doi:10.1007/bfb0080957. ISBN 978-3-540-04619-6. ISSN 0075-8434.
- ^ Bauer, Ulrich; Kerber, Michael; Roll, Fabian; Rolle, Alexander (2023). "A unified view on the functorial nerve theorem and its variations". Expositiones Mathematicae . 41 (4). arXiv:2203.03571 . doi:10.1016/j.exmath.202304005.
- ^ Borsuk, Karol (1948). "On the imbedding of systems of compacta in simplicial complexes". Fundamenta Mathematicae. 35 (1): 217–234. doi:10.4064/fm-35-1-217-234 . ISSN 0016-2736.
- ^ Björner, Anders (2003年04月01日). "Nerves, fibers and homotopy groups". Journal of Combinatorial Theory . Series A. 102 (1): 88–93. doi:10.1016/S0097-3165(03)00015-3 . ISSN 0097-3165.
- ^ Nerve theorem at the nLab
- ^ Meshulam, Roy (2001年01月01日). "The Clique Complex and Hypergraph Matching". Combinatorica . 21 (1): 89–94. doi:10.1007/s004930170006. ISSN 1439-6912. S2CID 207006642.