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Reality Theory: Decision&Game Theory
[edit ]- Action axiom
- Additive utility
- Adjusted winner procedure
- Admissible decision rule
- Adverse selection
- Advice (opinion)
- Affect heuristic
- Affective forecasting
- Agent (economics)
- Aggregative game
- AL procedure
- All-pay auction
- Allais paradox
- Ambiguity aversion
- Analysis paralysis
- Analytic hierarchy process
- Anchoring
- Applied general equilibrium
- Apportionment (politics)
- Approval voting
- Arrow's impossibility theorem
- Arrow–Debreu model
- Attribute substitution
- Auction theory
- Austin moving-knife procedures
- Availability heuristic
- Backgammon
- Backward induction
- Banach–Mazur game
- Bargaining
- Bargaining problem
- Battle of the sexes (game theory)
- Bayesian game
- Bayesian regret
- Bayesian-optimal mechanism
- Behavioral economics
- Behavioral game theory
- Belief bias
- Bertrand competition
- Best response
- Bimatrix game
- Borda count
- Bounded rationality
- Brams–Taylor procedure
- Branching factor
- Brier score
- Bucklin voting
- Budget constraint
- Bullet voting
- Buyer's remorse
- Cardinal utility
- Cardinal voting
- Causal decision theory
- Certainty effect
- Chainstore paradox
- Chess
- Chicken (game)
- Choice
- Choice architecture
- Choice modelling
- Chore division
- Closed list
- Cognitive miser
- Combinatorial auction
- Combinatorial explosion
- Combinatorial game theory
- Common knowledge (logic)
- Comparison of electoral systems
- Compensating variation
- Compensation principle
- Competitive equilibrium
- Competitive regret
- Complete contract
- Complete information
- Computable general equilibrium
- Condorcet efficiency
- Condorcet loser criterion
- Condorcet method
- Condorcet paradox
- Condorcet winner criterion
- Condorcet's jury theorem
- Confirmation bias
- Congestion game
- Consistency criterion
- Consumer choice
- Continuous game
- Contract bridge
- Contract curve
- Contract theory
- Convex preferences
- Convexity in economics
- Coombs' method
- Cooperative game theory
- Coordination game
- Core (game theory)
- Correlated equilibrium
- Countersignaling
- Cournot competition
- Cumulative prospect theory
- Deadlock (game theory)
- Debreu theorems
- Decision fatigue
- Decision field theory
- Decision matrix
- Decision model
- Decision rule
- Decision theory
- Decision-making
- Decision-making paradox
- Default effect
- Defense of the Ancients
- Delayed gratification
- Description-experience gap
- Dichotomous preferences
- Dictator game
- Differential game
- Diplomacy (game)
- Disappointment
- Discount function
- Discounted utility
- Discrete choice
- Disposition effect
- Distinction bias
- Divide and choose
- Dodgson's method
- Dota 2
- Double majority
- Draughts
- Duopoly
- Duration neglect
- Dutch auction
- Duverger's law
- Dynamic inconsistency
- Ecological rationality
- Edgeworth box
- Efficient cake-cutting
- Efficient envy-free division
- El Farol Bar problem
- Electoral system
- Ellsberg paradox
- Emotions in decision-making
- Endowment effect
- English auction
- Envelope theorem
- Envy-free cake-cutting
- Envy-free item allocation
- Envy-freeness
- Envy-graph procedure
- Epsilon-equilibrium
- Equitable division
- Equity (economics)
- Equivalent variation
- Escalation of commitment
- Even–Paz protocol
- Evidential decision theory
- Evolutionarily stable state
- Evolutionarily stable strategy
- Evolutionary game theory
- Exact division
- Exhaustive ballot
- Expectation (epistemic)
- Expected utility hypothesis
- Expected value of including uncertainty
- Expected value of perfect information
- Expected value of sample information
- Expenditure function
- Expenditure minimization problem
- Exponential discounting
- Exponential utility
- Extension neglect
- Extensive-form game
- Fair cake-cutting
- Fair division
- Fair division experiments
- Fair division of a single homogeneous resource
- Fair item allocation
- Fair random assignment
- Fair river sharing
- Familiarity heuristic
- Fast-and-frugal trees
- Fictitious play
- Fink protocol
- First-past-the-post voting
- First-price sealed-bid auction
- Focal point (game theory)
- Folk theorem (game theory)
- Framing effect (psychology)
- Fundamental theorems of welfare economics
- Game
- Game complexity
- Game theory
- Game tree
- General equilibrium theory
- Generalized expected utility
- Generalized game theory
- Gibbard–Satterthwaite theorem
- Go (game)
- Gossen's laws
- Gossen's second law
- Graphical game theory
- Gratification
- Grim trigger
- Group decision-making
- Group-envy-free
- Hanabi (card game)
- Hearthstone
- Heuristics in judgment and decision-making
- Hex (board game)
- Hicksian demand function
- Highest averages method
- Highest median voting rules
- Hill–Beck land division problem
- Hindsight bias
- Hold-up problem
- Homothetic preferences
- Hyperbolic absolute risk aversion
- Hyperbolic discounting
- Impact bias
- Impartial game
- Implementation theory
- Imputation (game theory)
- Incentive compatibility
- Incomplete contracts
- Independence of clones criterion
- Independence of irrelevant alternatives
- Independence of Smith-dominated alternatives
- Indifference curve
- Indirect utility function
- Inequity aversion
- Info-gap decision theory
- Information asymmetry
- Information set (game theory)
- Instant-runoff voting
- Intertemporal choice
- Isoelastic utility
- Judge–advisor system
- Kalai–Smorodinsky bargaining solution
- Kaldor–Hicks efficiency
- Largest remainder method
- Last diminisher
- Later-no-harm criterion
- Later-no-help criterion
- Lemke–Howson algorithm
- Leontief utilities
- Less-is-more effect
- Lexicographic preferences
- Liberal paradox
- Limited voting
- Linear utility
- List of games in game theory
- Local nonsatiation
- Loss aversion
- Loss function
- Magic: The Gathering
- Mahjong
- Majority
- Majority criterion
- Majority judgment
- Majority loser criterion
- Majority rule
- Marginal rate of substitution
- Marginal use
- Marginal utility
- Marginal value
- Marginalism
- Market structure
- Markov perfect equilibrium
- Marshallian demand function
- Matching pennies
- Max-min item allocation
- Maximin share
- Maximization (psychology)
- Maximum theorem
- May's theorem
- Mean-field game theory
- Mechanism design
- Median voter theorem
- Mental accounting
- Mertens-stable equilibrium
- Metagame analysis
- Microeconomics
- Microfoundations
- Minimax
- Minimax estimator
- Mixed electoral system
- Mixed-member proportional representation
- Monopoly
- Monopsony
- Monotone preferences
- Monotonicity (mechanism design)
- Monotonicity criterion
- Monty Hall problem
- Moral hazard
- Multi-attribute utility
- Multiplayer online battle arena
- Multiple principal problem
- Multiple-criteria decision analysis
- Mutual majority criterion
- Myerson–Satterthwaite theorem
- Nakamura number
- Nanson's method
- Nash equilibrium
- Neuroeconomics
- Newcomb's paradox
- Nim
- Nimber
- No-win situation
- Non-convexity (economics)
- Non-cooperative game theory
- Non-credible threat
- Non-dictatorship
- Normal-form game
- Normative model of decision-making
- Nudge theory
- Null move
- Oligopoly
- Oligopsony
- Open list
- Optimal decision
- Optimal stopping
- Ordinal utility
- Outcome (game theory)
- Overchoice
- Overconfidence effect
- Pain of paying
- Paradox of value
- Parallel voting
- Pareto efficiency
- Partial equilibrium
- Participation constraint (mechanism design)
- Participation criterion
- Partisan game
- Party-list proportional representation
- Pascal's mugging
- Pascal's Wager
- Peak–end rule
- Perfect Bayesian equilibrium
- Perfect information
- Picking sequence
- Pigou–Dalton principle
- Planning fallacy
- Plurality (voting)
- Plurality voting
- Plurality-at-large voting
- Ply (game theory)
- Poker
- Positional voting
- Potential game
- Preference (economics)
- Preference relation
- Preferential voting
- Present bias
- Price of anarchy
- Price of fairness
- Price of stability
- Principal–agent problem
- Prisoner's dilemma
- Proper equilibrium
- Proportional division
- Proportional representation
- Prospect theory
- Proxy voting
- Pseudocertainty effect
- Psychological inertia
- Public choice
- Public goods game
- Purification theorem
- Quantal response equilibrium
- Quasi-perfect equilibrium
- Quasilinear utility
- Quasitransitive relation
- Randomised decision rule
- Range voting
- Rank reversals in decision-making
- Rank-dependent expected utility
- Ranked pairs
- Ranked voting
- Rational agent
- Rational choice theory
- Rational ignorance
- Rationalizability
- Real-time strategy
- Recency bias
- Recognition heuristic
- Recognition primed decision
- Reference dependence
- Regret
- Regret (decision theory)
- Rental harmony
- Repeated game
- Replicator equation
- Representativeness heuristic
- Resource monotonicity
- Responsive set extension
- Revealed preference
- Revelation principle
- Revenue equivalence
- Reversal symmetry
- Risk
- Risk aversion
- Risk aversion (psychology)
- Risk dominance
- Risk neutral preferences
- Risk perception
- Risk-seeking
- Robust decision-making
- Rock–paper–scissors
- Rubinstein bargaining model
- Rule complex
- Satisficing
- Scope neglect
- Score voting
- Scoring rule
- Secretary problem
- Selfridge–Conway procedure
- Sequential equilibrium
- Sequential game
- Shapley value
- Shared information bias
- Shogi
- Signaling game
- Signalling (economics)
- Simultaneous game
- Single crossing condition
- Single non-transferable vote
- Single peaked preferences
- Single transferable vote
- Single-parameter utility
- Sleeping Beauty problem
- Slutsky equation
- Smart market
- Smith criterion
- Smith set
- Social choice theory
- Social preferences
- Social utility efficiency
- Social welfare function
- Solution concept
- Solved game
- Sortition
- Spoiler effect
- Sprague–Grundy theorem
- St. Petersburg paradox
- Stable marriage problem
- Stag hunt
- StarCraft (video game)
- StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty
- Status quo bias
- Stochastic game
- Stochastic transitivity
- Strategic complements
- Strategic dominance
- Strategic fair division
- Strategic nomination
- Strategy (game theory)
- Strategy game
- Strategy video game
- Strategy-stealing argument
- Strategyproofness
- Stromquist moving-knives procedure
- Subgame
- Subgame perfect equilibrium
- Subjective expected utility
- Substitution effect
- Succinct game
- Super-proportional division
- Supermajority
- Superrationality
- Sure-thing principle
- Symmetric game
- Tactical voting
- Take-the-best heuristic
- Texas hold 'em
- Tic-tac-toe
- Time preference
- Tit for tat
- Topological game
- Trade-off
- Trembling hand perfect equilibrium
- Trigger strategy
- Truthful cake-cutting
- Truthful resource allocation
- Two-alternative forced choice
- Two-round system
- Ultimatum game
- Unanimity
- Uncorrelated asymmetry
- Undercut procedure
- Unrestricted domain
- Usual judgment
- Utility
- Utility functions on divisible goods
- Utility functions on indivisible goods
- Utility maximization problem
- Utility–possibility frontier
- Value of information
- Vickrey auction
- Vickrey–Clarke–Groves auction
- Vickrey–Clarke–Groves mechanism
- Von Neumann–Morgenstern utility theorem
- Vote splitting
- Wald's maximin model
- War of attrition (game)
- Wargame
- Wasted vote
- Weakly additive
- Weighted product model
- Weighted sum model
- Weighted voting
- Welfare economics
- Winner's curse
- Zero-sum game