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This page is a season-by-season record of Everton F.C.'s league and cup performance. For a written history, see History of Everton F.C., and for a list of honours, see the club's main article.


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Season Division Position FA Cup League Cup Charity Shield Europe Top scorer Average attendance
1886-87 n/a n/a withdrew[1] n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
1887-88 n/a n/a R2 n/a n/a n/a R Watson G Farmer (2) n/a
1888-89 [2] Lancashire League 1st 3Q n/a n/a n/a John Miller (27) 2,707
1889-90 [2] Lancashire League 1st 3Q n/a n/a n/a John Miller (27) 2,707
1890-91 [2] Lancashire League 1st 3Q n/a n/a n/a John Miller (27) 2,707
1891-92 [2] Lancashire League 1st 3Q n/a n/a n/a John Miller (27) 2,707
1892-93 [2] Lancashire League 1st 3Q n/a n/a n/a John Miller (27) 2,707
1893-94 Division 2 1st R3 n/a n/a n/a James Stott (14) 6,235
1894-95 Division 1 16th R2 n/a n/a n/a Thomas Bradshaw (18) 11,529
1895-96 Division 2 1st R2 n/a n/a n/a George Allan (29) 8,055
1896-97 Division 1 5th SF n/a n/a n/a George Allan (18) 13,055
1897-98 Division 1 9th R3 n/a n/a n/a Frank Becton (13) 13,733
1898-99 Division 1 2nd SF n/a n/a n/a Hugh Morgan (13) 15,624
1899-1900 Division 1 10th R2 n/a n/a n/a Tom Robertson (10)
John Walker (10)
1900-01 Division 1 1st R1 n/a n/a n/a Sam Raybould (18) 15,647
1901-02 Division 1 11th R2 n/a n/a n/a Sam Raybould (16) 15,388
1902-03 Division 1 5th R1 n/a n/a n/a Sam Raybould (32) 15,470
1903-04 Division 1 17th R1 n/a n/a n/a Jack Cox (9) 15,411
1904-05 Division 2 1st R1 n/a n/a n/a Robbie Robinson (23) 15,222
1905-06 Division 1 1st SF n/a n/a n/a Joe Hewitt (27) 18,240
1906-07 Division 1 17th R4 n/a n/a[3] n/a Sam Raybould (17) 18,666
1907-08 Division 1 8th R3 n/a n/a n/a Joe Hewitt (21) 18,380
1908-09 Division 1 16th R2 n/a DNQ n/a Ronald Orr (23) 18,047
1909-10 Division 1 2nd R1 n/a DNQ n/a Jack Parkinson (30) 24,052
1910-11 Division 1 13th R2 n/a DNQ n/a Jack Parkinson (20) 16,900
1911-12 Division 1 17th R2 n/a DNQ n/a Jack Parkinson (13) 22,350
1912-13 Division 1 12th R3 n/a DNQ n/a Arthur Metcalf (18) 23,423
1913-14 Division 1 16th Runner-Up n/a DNQ n/a Tom Miller (20) 29,281
1914-15 Division 1 13th R2 n/a DNQ n/a Fred Pagnam (26) 18,100
League suspended from 1915-1919 due to World War I
1919-20 Division 1 4th R4 n/a DNQ n/a Harry Chambers (15) 31,507
1920-21 Division 1 4th R2 n/a DNQ n/a Harry Chambers (24) 36,636
1921-22 Division 1 1st R2 n/a DNQ n/a Harry Chambers (21) 37,333
1922-23 Division 1 1st R3 n/a Runner-Up n/a Harry Chambers (25) 34,790
1923-24 Division 1 12th R4 n/a DNE [4] n/a Jimmy Walsh (19) 30,434
1924-25 Division 1 4th R4 n/a DNQ n/a Dick Forshaw (19) 30,225
1925-26 Division 1 7th R4 n/a DNQ n/a Dick Forshaw (29) 27,894
1926-27 Division 1 9th R5 n/a DNQ n/a Harry Chambers (21) 30,032
1927-28 Division 1 16th R4 n/a DNQ n/a Gordon Hodgson (23) 29,738
1928-29 Division 1 5th R4 n/a DNQ n/a Gordon Hodgson (32) 29,475
1929-30 Division 1 12th R3 n/a DNQ n/a Jimmy Smith (23) 31,276
1930-31 Division 1 9th R3 n/a DNQ n/a Gordon Hodgson (36) 26,652
1931-32 Division 1 10th QF n/a DNQ n/a Gordon Hodgson (27) 25,443
1932-33 Division 1 14th R3 n/a DNQ n/a Gordon Hodgson (24) 23,381
1933-34 Division 1 18th R5 n/a DNQ n/a Gordon Hodgson (25) 32,482
1934-35 Division 1 7th R4 n/a DNQ n/a Gordon Hodgson (29) 25,198
1935-36 Division 1 19th R3 n/a DNQ n/a Fred Howe (17) 28,686
1936-37 Division 1 18th R3 n/a DNQ n/a Fred Howe (16) 23,817
1937-38 Division 1 11th R5 n/a DNQ n/a Alf Hanson (15) 30,141
1938-39 Division 1 11th R5 n/a DNQ n/a Berry Nieuwenhuys (16) 32,160
League suspended from 1939-1946 due to World War II
1945-46 n/a[5] n/a R4 n/a n/a n/a Willie Fagan (3) 23,227
1946-47 Division 1 1st SF n/a n/a [6] n/a Jack Balmer (28)
Albert Stubbins (28)
1947-48 Division 1 11th R5 n/a n/a n/a Albert Stubbins (26) 44,271
1948-49 Division 1 12th R5 n/a DNQ n/a Jack Balmer (16) 45,273
1949-50 Division 1 8th Runner-Up n/a DNQ n/a Billy Liddell (19) 45,597
1950-51 Division 1 9th R3 n/a DNQ n/a Billy Liddell (15) 38,180
1951-52 Division 1 11th R5 n/a DNQ n/a Billy Liddell (19) 39,928
1952-53 Division 1 17th R3 n/a DNQ n/a Billy Liddell (13) 40,172
1953-54 Division 1 22nd R3 n/a DNQ n/a Sammy Smyth (13) 40,979
1954-55 Division 2 11th R5 n/a DNQ n/a John Evans (33) 36,888
1955-56 Division 2 3rd R5 n/a DNQ DNQ Billy Liddell (32) 39,295
1956-57 Division 2 3rd R3 n/a DNQ DNQ Billy Liddell (21) 35,725
1957-58 Division 2 4th QF n/a DNQ DNQ Billy Liddell (23) 39,494
1958-59 Division 2 4th R3 n/a DNQ DNQ Jimmy Melia (21) 36,653
1959-60 Division 2 3rd R4 n/a DNQ DNQ Roger Hunt (23) 31,859
1960-61 Division 2 3rd R4 R3 DNQ DNQ Kevin Lewis (32) 29,731
1961-62 Division 2 1st R5 DNE DNQ DNQ Roger Hunt (42) 40,463
1962-63 Division 1 8th SF DNE DNQ DNQ Roger Hunt (26) 43,854
1963-64 Division 1 1st QF DNE DNQ DNQ Roger Hunt (33) 45,710
1964-65 Division 1 7th Winner DNE Shared EC - SF Roger Hunt (37) 45,192
1965-66 Division 1 1st R3 DNE Shared ECWC - Runner-Up Roger Hunt (33) 47,214
1966-67 Division 1 5th R5 DNE Winner EC - R2 Roger Hunt (19) 45,772
1967-68 Division 1 3rd QF R2 DNQ ICFC - R3 Roger Hunt (30) 47,214
1968-69 Division 1 2nd R5 R4 DNQ ICFC - R1 Roger Hunt (17) 46,818
1969-70 Division 1 5th QF R3 DNQ ICFC - R2 Bobby Graham (21) 44,185
1970-71 Division 1 5th Runner-Up R3 DNQ ICFC - SF Alun Evans (15) 46,394
1971-72 Division 1 3rd R4 R4 DNQ ECWC - R2 John Toshack (13) 46,150
1972-73 Division 1 1st R4 R5 DNQ UEFA - Winner[7] Kevin Keegan (22) 44,863
1973-74 Division 1 2nd Winner R5 DNE EC - R2 Kevin Keegan (19) 43,362
1974-75 Division 1 3rd R4 R4 Winner ECWC - R4 Steve Heighway (13) 43,242
1975-76 Division 1 1st R4 R3 DNQ UEFA - Winner John Toshack (23) 39,847
1976-77 Division 1 1st Runner-Up R2 Winner EC - Winner Kevin Keegan (20) 49,224
1977-78 Division 1 2nd R3 Runner-Up Shared EC - Winner
ESC - Winner
Kenny Dalglish (31) 48,621
1978-79 Division 1 1st SF R1 DNQ EC - R1
ESC - Runner-Up
Kenny Dalglish (25) 45,992
1979-80 Division 1 1st SF SF Winner EC - R1 David Johnson (27) 43,748
1980-81 Division 1 5th R4 Winner Winner EC - Winner Terry McDermott (22) 39,666
1981-82 Division 1 1st R5 Winner DNQ EC - R3
WCC - Runner-Up
Ian Rush (30) 35,387
1982-83 Division 1 1st R5 Winner Winner EC - R3 Ian Rush (31) 35,677
1983-84 Division 1 1st R4 Winner Runner-Up EC - Winner Ian Rush (47) 35,793
1984-85 Division 1 2nd SF R3 Runner-Up EC - Runner-Up
ESC - Runner-Up
WCC - Runner-Up
John Wark (27) 38,056
1985-86 Division 1 1st Winner SF DNQ Banned[8] Ian Rush (33) 33,928
1986-87 [9] Division 1 2nd R3 Runner-Up Shared Banned Ian Rush (40) 35,538
1987-88 Division 1 1st Runner-Up R3 DNQ Banned John Aldridge (29) 42,267
1988-89 Division 1 2nd Winner R4 Winner Banned John Aldridge (31) 38,713
1989-90 Division 1 1st SF R3 Winner Banned Ian Rush (40) 35,538
1990-91 Division 1 2nd R5 R3 Shared Banned Ian Rush (26) 36,389
1991-92 Division 1 6th Winner R4 DNQ UEFA - R4 Dean Saunders (23) 33,844
1992-93 Premier League [10] 6th R3 R4 Runner-Up ECWC - R2 Ian Rush (22) 34,741
1993-94 Premier League 8th R3 R4 DNQ DNQ Ian Rush (19) 35,847
1994-95 Premier League 4th QF Winner DNQ DNQ Robbie Fowler (31) 34,743
1995-96 Premier League 3rd Runner-Up R4 DNQ UEFA - R2 Robbie Fowler (36) 39,010
1996-97 Premier League 4th R4 R5 DNQ ECWC - SF Robbie Fowler (31) 38,436
1997-98 Premier League 3rd R3 SF DNQ UEFA - R2 Michael Owen (23) 39,100
1998-99 Premier League 7th R4 R4 DNQ UEFA - R3 Michael Owen (23) 39,427
1999-2000 Premier League 4th R4 R3 DNQ DNQ Michael Owen (12) 42,598
2000-01 Premier League 3rd Winner Winner DNQ UEFA - Winner Michael Owen (24) 42,768
2001-02 Premier League 2nd R4 R3 Winner CL - QF[11]
ESC - Winner
Michael Owen (29) 41,484
2002-03 Premier League 5th R4 Winner Runner-Up CL - 1GS[12]
Michael Owen (28) 42,803
2003-04 Premier League 4th R5 R4 DNQ UEFA - R4 Michael Owen (19) 41,777
2004-05 Premier League 5th R3 Runner-Up DNQ CL - Winner Milan Baroš (13)
Steven Gerrard (13)
Luis Garcia (13)
2005-06 Premier League 3rd Winner R3 DNQ CL - R2
ESC - Winner
WCC - Runner-Up
Steven Gerrard (23) 43,913
2006-07 Premier League 3rd R3 QF Winner CL - Runner-up Peter Crouch (18) 43,505
2007-08 Premier League DNQ CL

See also

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  1. ^ Everton were drawn to play Glasgow Rangers but realised before kick-off that they would be fielding ineligible players. They therefore withdrew from the competition and the match was played as a friendly.
  2. ^ a b c d e Liverpool also competed in the Lancashire Cup in 1892-93, reaching the second round.
  3. ^ Liverpool won the Dewar Shield, a similar competition, in 1906, beating Corinthians 5-1.
  4. ^ The 1923 Charity Shield was contested between an Amateurs XI and a Professionals XI.
  5. ^ The FA Cup was played in 1945-46, but League competition was not resumed until a year later. Wartime leagues continued to be played.
  6. ^ The Charity Shield did not resume until 1948.
  7. ^ The Fairs Cup was renamed the UEFA Cup in 1971.
  8. ^ Following the Heysel Disaster, English clubs were banned from European competition from 1985 to 1990. Liverpool were banned for ten years, but were allowed back in 1991.
  9. ^ In 1985, the Football League sought to compensate for the ban on English clubs in Europe by founding the Super Cup, a competition for clubs that would normally have qualified. The 1985-86 competition ran over into 86-87, and was won by Liverpool, but the competition was scrapped thereafter.
  10. ^ in 1992, the top flight of English football broke from the Football League to form the FA Premier League. Division 1 became the second tier, Division 2 the third tier, and Division 3 the fourth tier. Division 4 was rendered obsolete. The competitions worked in the same way as before, but with different distribution of wealth.
  11. ^ The European Cup was renamed the Champions League in 1992. In 1997, it was expanded to allow runners up, and in 1999 it was further expanded, allowing up to four teams. England was awarded three places, gaining a fourth in 2002.
  12. ^ Teams finishing third in the first group stage of the Champions League enter the UEFA Cup at round 3.


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