User:Ruud Koot/Recursion theory
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- 21:48 Vedic mathematics Category:Computation -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:47 Vectorization Category:Computation -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:47 Typed lambda calculus Category:Computation -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:46 Trachtenberg system Category:Computation -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:46 The first draft Category:Computation -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:46 Supertask Category:Computation -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:46 Super-Turing computation Category:Computation -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:45 Slide rule Category:Computation -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:45 Simply typed lambda calculus Category:Computation -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:45 Roman abacus Category:Computation -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:45 Rewriting Category:Computation -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:45 Recursion Category:Computation -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:45 Recurrence relation Category:Computation -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:44 Pascal's calculator Category:Computation -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:44 Parallel terraced scan Category:Computation -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:44 Normalization property (lambda-calculus) Category:Computation -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:44 Nondeterministic algorithm Category:Computation -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:44 Nomogram Category:Computation -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:43 Misprediction Category:Computation -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:43 Machine that always halts Category:Computation -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:43 List of computability and complexity topics Category:Computation -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:43 Limits to computation Category:Computation -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:43 Interactive computation Category:Computation -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:43 Grand Challenge problem Category:Computation -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:43 Exact cover Category:Computation -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:42 Embarrassingly parallel Category:Computation -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:42 Differential analyser Category:Computation -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:42 Counting rods Category:Computation -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:42 Confluence Category:Computation -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:41 Computational semiotics Category:Computation -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:41 Computation Category:Computation -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:40 Common logarithm Category:Computation -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:40 Chinese abacus Category:Computation -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:40 Bi-directional delay line Category:Computation -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:40 Abstract state machine Category:Computation -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:40 Abstract machine Category:Computation -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:39 Abstract interpretation Category:Computation -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:39 Abacus Category:Computation -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:39 Word problem (computability) Category:Computability -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:39 Wang tile Category:Computability -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:39 Utm theorem Category:Computability -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:38 Turing tarpit Category:Computability -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:38 Turing jump Category:Computability -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:38 Turing equivalence Category:Computability -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:38 Turing degree Category:Computability -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:38 Turing completeness Category:Computability -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:38 Termination Category:Computability -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:38 Tarski–Kuratowski algorithm Category:Computability -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:38 String rewriting Category:Computability -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:38 Simple set Category:Computability -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:38 Semi-Thue system Category:Computability -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:37 Search problem Category:Computability -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:37 S-m-n theorem Category:Computability -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:36 Rogers equivalence theorem Category:Computability -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:36 Rice's theorem Category:Computability -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:36 Relative computability Category:Computability -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:36 Recursively enumerable set Category:Computability -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:36 Recursively enumerable language Category:Computability -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:36 Recursive set Category:Computability -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:36 Recursive language Category:Computability -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:36 Recursive function Category:Computability -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:36 Real computation Category:Computability -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:36 Range problem Category:Computability -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:36 Promise problem Category:Computability -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:36 Productive set Category:Computability -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:36 Primitive recursive function Category:Computability -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:35 Post's theorem Category:Computability -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:34 Post's problem Category:Computability -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:32 Post correspondence problem Category:Computability -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:32 Numbering (computability theory) Category:Computability -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:31 Myhill isomorphism theorem Category:Computability -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:31 Mu operator Category:Computability -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:31 Markov algorithm Category:Computability -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:31 List of undecidable problems Category:Computability -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:31 Kleene's recursion theorem Category:Computability -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:31 Hypercomputation Category:Computability -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:31 Halting problem Category:Computability -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:31 Gödel number Category:Computability -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:31 Fixed point combinator Category:Computability -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:31 Entscheidungsproblem Category:Computability -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:31 Effectively separable Category:Computability -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:31 Digital physics Category:Computability -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:30 Decision problem Category:Computability -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:29 Cylindrification Category:Computability -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:29 Cylindric numbering Category:Computability -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:29 Counting problem Category:Computability -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:29 Computation problem Category:Computability -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:28 Computably isomorphic Category:Computability -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:28 Computable number Category:Computability -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:28 Computable function Category:Computability -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:28 Complete numbering Category:Computability -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:27 Combinatory logic Category:Computability -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:27 Church–Turing thesis Category:Computability -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:27 Chaitin's constant Category:Computability -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:26 Busy beaver Category:Computability -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:26 Arithmetical hierarchy Category:Computability -> Category:Theory of computation
- 21:26 Ackermann function Category:Computability -> Category:Theory of computation