From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Normand Perron
fr Cet utilisateur a pour langue maternelle le français .
This user can speak Quebec French .
de-0 Dieser Benutzer hat keine Deutschkenntnisse .
nl-0 Deze gebruiker begrijpt geen Nederlands .
The last two have improved in the past few years, but not to the point to merit a 1.
Wikipedia I support the English language Wikipedia with my contributions.
Public domain This user comes from Canada .
This user is proud to come from Quebec .
This user is a Graduate of the Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières .
BEng This user has a Bachelor of Engineering degree.
This user served as a helicopter pilot in the Canadian Forces
This user has visited 13 of the 10 provinces and 3 territories of Canada. 13
Well, I went to Nunavut a number of times, years before it became Nunavut... Does it still count?
This user thinks Apple Inc. products are cool.
As my user name indicates, I live in Chambly, Quebec, a suburb of Montreal. I came back to Chambly in the summer of 2014, after living in Geilenkirchen, Germany, from 2009 to 2014. In the past, I have made a number of corrections to several Wikipedia articles in French and in English, but as my IP address changes sometimes, it was difficult to keep track of what I had changed and when. I decided to register as a member to make it easier to keep track of my modest contributions. I have the same user name in the French version of Wikipedia.
I (削除) will (削除ここまで) may expand the information on this page with time...