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- Plant
- Forest
- Woodland
- Tree
- Tree farm
- List of woods
- List of Pinus species
- Tree allometry
- List of Indian timber trees
- List of old-growth forests
- List of Quercus species
- List of Southern African indigenous trees and woody lianes
- List of superlative trees
- List of trees
- List of trees and shrubs by taxonomic family
- List of trees native to New Zealand
- List of trees of Canada
- List of trees of Great Britain and Ireland
- List of trees of Iran
- Lists of trees
- List of trees of the Caribbean
- List of trees of Denmark
- Trees and shrubs of Lithuania
- Trees of Pakistan
- Abies alba
- Abies amabilis
- Abies balsamea
- Abies procera
- Acacia ataxacantha
- Acacia dealbata
- Acacia erioloba
- Acacia horrida
- Acacia karroo
- Acacia laeta
- Acacia melanoxylon
- Acacia mellifera
- Acacia nigrescens
- Acacia nilotica
- Acacia nilotica subsp. adstringens
- Acacia oerfota
- Acacia podalyriifolia
- Acacia polyacantha
- Acacia polyacantha subsp. campylacantha
- Acacia reficiens
- Acacia sassa
- Acacia seyal
- Acacia sieberiana
- Acacia tortilis
- Acacia visco
- Acacia xanthophloea
- Acer negundo
- Acer nigrum
- Acer pseudoplatanus
- Acer rubrum
- Acer saccharinum
- Acer saccharum
- Aesculus
- Aesculus flava
- Aesculus glabra
- Aesculus hippocastanum
- Afzelia africana
- Afzelia bipindensis
- Afzelia pachyloba
- Agathis australis
- Agathis robusta
- Albizia adianthifolia
- Albizia obbiadensis
- Albizia vaughanii
- Alchornea cordifolia
- Alder
- Alnus glutinosa
- Alnus rubra
- Aloe marlothii
- American chestnut
- Androstachys
- Anthonotha lebrunii
- Anthonotha leptorrhachis
- Anthonotha nigerica
- Anthonotha obanensis
- Anthonotha vignei
- Arabinose
- Araucaria angustifolia
- Araucaria araucana
- Araucaria cunninghamii
- Asimina
- Aspen
- Astronium
- Atherosperma
- Aucoumea klaineana
- Avicennia germinans
- Balanites aegyptiaca
- Bamboo
- Bersama abyssinica
- Betula alleghaniensis
- Betula lenta
- Betula nigra
- Betula papyrifera
- Betula pendula
- Betula populifolia
- Betula pubescens
- Biosphere
- Birch
- Boscia senegalensis
- Brachystegia boehmii
- Brachystegia glaucescens
- Brachystegia spiciformis
- Buxus sempervirens
- Caesalpinia echinata
- Caesalpinia ferrea
- Calodendrum capense
- Calodendrum eickii
- Calophyllum brasiliense
- Camwood
- Capparis decidua
- Carapa
- Cardwellia
- Carpinus caroliniana
- Carya glabra
- Carya laciniosa
- Carya ovata
- Castanospermum
- Casuarina equisetifolia
- Catalpa
- Cedrela odorata
- Cedrus
- Cell wall
- Cellulose
- Celtis occidentalis
- Ceratopetalum apetalum
- Certified wood
- Chamaecyparis
- Chamaecyparis lawsoniana
- Chamaecyparis obtusa
- Chamaecyparis thyoides
- Cherry
- Chlorocardium rodiei
- Chloroxylon
- Choricarpia subargentea
- Chrysophyllum albidum
- Cinnamomum camphora
- Clearcutting
- Coconut timber
- Cola boxiana
- Cola mossambicensis
- Cola umbratilis
- Combretum glutinosum
- Combretum micranthum
- Commiphora africana
- Copaifera langsdorffii
- Cordia africana
- Cordia alliodora
- Cordia platythyrsa
- Cornus (genus)
- Cornus florida
- Corymbia calophylla
- Craibia atlantica
- Croton gratissimus
- Cryptocarya woodii
- Cryptomeria
- Cupressaceae
- Cupressus
- Cupressus arizonica
- Cupressus dupreziana
- Cupressus nootkatensis
- Cupressus sempervirens
- Cyphostemma bainesii
- Dacrydium cupressinum
- Dacryodes edulis
- Dalbergia cochinchinensis
- Dalbergia melanoxylon
- Dalbergia nigra
- Dalbergia retusa
- Date palm
- Deinbollia oblongifolia
- Delonix regia
- Detarium
- Diospyros crassiflora
- Diospyros mespiliformis
- Dodonaea angustifolia
- Douglas fir
- Ebony
- Elm
- Environmental audit
- Eribroma oblonga
- Erythrina fusca
- Erythrina latissima
- Eucalyptus
- Eucalyptus acmenoides
- Eucalyptus botryoides
- Eucalyptus camaldulensis
- Eucalyptus delegatensis
- Eucalyptus diversicolor
- Eucalyptus globulus
- Eucalyptus grandis
- Eucalyptus loxophleba
- Eucalyptus marginata
- Eucalyptus microcorys
- Eucalyptus obliqua
- Eucalyptus paniculata
- Eucalyptus pilularis
- Eucalyptus regnans
- Eucalyptus resinifera
- Eucalyptus robusta
- Eucalyptus saligna
- Eucalyptus sideroxylon
- Eucalyptus wandoo
- European Pear
- Eusideroxylon zwageri
- Even-aged timber management
- Evolutionary history of plants
- Fagus grandifolia
- Fagus sylvatica
- Faidherbia albida
- Ficus capreifolia
- Ficus craterostoma
- Ficus glumosa
- Ficus ingens
- Ficus salicifolia
- Ficus sansibarica
- Ficus sur
- Ficus sycomorus
- Fir
- Fitzroya
- Flindersia brayleyana
- Flora of Australia
- Flowering plant
- Forest farming
- Forest management
- Forest protection
- Forest Stewardship Council
- Forestry
- Fraxinus
- Fraxinus americana
- Fraxinus excelsior
- Fraxinus latifolia
- Fraxinus nigra
- Fraxinus pennsylvanica
- Fraxinus profunda
- Fraxinus quadrangulata
- Galactose
- Garcinia epunctata
- Gilbertiodendron splendidum
- Glucose
- Gonystylus
- Gossweilerodendron balsamiferum
- Grevillea robusta
- Guaiacum officinale
- Guaiacum sanctum
- Guibourtia
- Gymnosporia heterophylla
- Gymnostemon zaizou
- Handroanthus
- Hardwood
- Harrisonia abyssinica
- Hemicellulose
- Hickory
- Honey locust
- Hopea odorata
- Hornbeam
- Hunteria ghanensis
- Hymenaea courbaril
- Hymenostegia gracilipes
- Hyphaene thebaica
- Ilex aquifolium
- Intsia bijuga
- Iroko
- Ironwood
- Isoberlinia
- Jacaranda brasiliana
- Jack pine
- Janka hardness test
- Juglans cinerea
- Juglans nigra
- Juglans regia
- Juniperus virginiana
- Khat
- Khaya
- Khaya ivorensis
- Kingwood (wood)
- Krugiodendron ferreum
- Lacewood
- Lagarostrobos
- Larch
- Larix decidua
- Larix kaempferi
- Larix laricina
- Larix occidentalis
- Lasiodiscus
- Lasiodiscus rozeirae
- Leitneria
- Lignin
- Lignum vitae
- Liquidambar styraciflua
- Liriodendron tulipifera
- Loesenera kalantha
- Lumber
- Lyonothamnus
- Lyptus
- Magnolia acuminata
- Mahogany
- Malus sylvestris
- Mannose
- Maple
- Mesua ferrea
- Microberlinia
- Microberlinia brazzavillensis
- Millettia laurentii
- Monocotyledon
- Monotes lutambensis
- Moringa stenopetala
- Nyssa sylvatica
- Oak
- Ochroma pyramidale
- Ocotea porosa
- Okoubaka
- Olea
- Olea capensis
- Olea europaea subsp. cuspidata
- Olea woodiana
- Olive
- Olneya
- Ostrya virginiana
- Oxydendrum
- Pacific Dogwood
- Pappea
- Parrotia persica
- Pecan
- Peltogyne
- Phyllocladus aspleniifolius
- Picea abies
- Picea glauca
- Picea mariana
- Picea rubens
- Picea sitchensis
- Pine
- Pink Ivory
- Pinophyta
- Pinus contorta
- Pinus echinata
- Pinus lambertiana
- Pinus nigra
- Pinus palustris
- Pinus ponderosa
- Pinus radiata
- Pinus resinosa
- Pinus rigida
- Pinus strobus
- Pinus taeda
- Placodiscus oblongifolius
- Plant identification
- Plant perception (paranormal)
- Plant perception (physiology)
- Plants in space
- Platanus occidentalis
- ×ばつ acerifolia">Platanus ×ばつ acerifolia
- Polysaccharide
- Populus
- Populus balsamifera
- Populus deltoides
- Populus grandidentata
- Populus heterophylla
- Populus nigra
- Populus sect. Aigeiros
- Populus tremula
- Populus tremuloides
- Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification
- Prunus
- Prunus africana
- Prunus avium
- Prunus pensylvanica
- Prunus serotina
- Pseudotsuga
- Pseudotsuga menziesii var. glauca
- Pseudotsuga menziesii var. menziesii
- Psydrax livida
- Ptaeroxylaceae
- Pterocarpus erinaceus
- Pterocarpus soyauxii
- Pulpwood
- Pycnanthus angolensis
- Quercus alba
- Quercus bicolor
- Quercus chrysolepis
- Quercus corrugata
- Quercus falcata
- Quercus laurifolia
- Quercus lyrata
- Quercus macrocarpa
- Quercus michauxii
- Quercus muehlenbergii
- Quercus nigra
- Quercus phellos
- Quercus prinus
- Quercus robur
- Quercus rubra
- Quercus stellata
- Quercus texana
- Quercus velutina
- Quercus virginiana
- Rainforest
- Rapid plant movement
- Red Forest
- Rhamnose
- Robinia pseudoacacia
- Salix alba
- Salix babylonica
- Salix nigra
- Salvadora persica
- Sandalwood
- Santalum album
- Sapele
- Sassafras albidum
- Scots pine
- Sequoia sempervirens
- Shorea
- Shorea robusta
- Sideroxylon grandiflorum
- Sideroxylon majus
- Sneeze-wood
- Softwood
- Southern yellow pine
- Spirostachys africana
- Spruce
- Sustainable forest management
- Sustainable management
- Swietenia
- Swietenia humilis
- Swietenia macrophylla
- Swietenia mahagoni
- Symphonia globulifera
- Syncarpia glomulifera
- Synsepalum
- Tabebuia serratifolia
- Talbotiella gentii
- Tamarix aphylla
- Taxodium
- Taxodium distichum
- Taxus baccata
- Teak
- Teclea carpopunctifera
- Terminalia schimperiana
- Terminalia superba
- The Plant List
- Thuja occidentalis
- Thuja plicata
- Tilia
- Tilia americana
- Tilia heterophylla
- Toona calantas
- Toona ciliata
- Toona sinensis
- Torreya nucifera
- Triplochiton scleroxylon
- Tsuga
- Tsuga canadensis
- Tsuga heterophylla
- Tsuga mertensiana
- Tupelo
- Turraea adjanohounii
- Ulmus americana
- Ulmus glabra
- Ulmus procera
- Ulmus rubra
- Ulmus thomasii
- Umbellularia
- Vascular cambium
- Vascular tissue
- Vateriopsis seychellarum
- Voacanga africana
- Walnut
- Western white pine
- Willow
- Wood
- Xanthocercis
- Xylem
- Xylopia aethiopica
- Xylose
- Zanthoxylum atchoum
- Ziziphus abyssinica
- Abrasive
- Abrasive saw
- Acacia nilotica subsp. indica
- Adze
- Aerial work platform
- Albizia
- Altendorf GmbH
- Andreas Stihl
- Anogeissus latifolia
- Arecaceae
- Artocarpus hirsutus
- Avicennia marina
- Axe
- Backsaw
- Ball-peen hammer
- Band clamp
- Bandsaw
- Banyan
- Bark spud (tool)
- Barn raising
- Bead (woodworking)
- Beam compass
- Belt sander
- Bench hook
- Bevel
- Bhitarkanika National Park
- Billhook
- Birdsmouth joint
- Block and tackle
- Block plane
- Boat building
- Bombax
- Boring machine (carpentry)
- Bow saw
- Bridle joint
- Broadaxe
- Bullwheel
- Burl
- Bush carpentry
- Butt joint
- Butterfly joint
- Cabinetry
- Carbide Saws
- Card scraper
- Caricature
- Carpenter ant
- Carpentry
- Casuarina
- Cedrus deodara
- Chainsaw
- Chainsaw carving
- Chainsaw mill
- Chainsaw safety clothing
- Chainsaw safety features
- Chalk line
- Chamfer
- Cheese knife
- Chip carving
- Chisel
- Circular saw
- Cleaving axe
- CNC router
- CNC wood router
- Coconut
- Combination machine
- Compass (architecture)
- Concrete saw
- Conocarpus erectus
- Coping (joinery)
- Coping saw
- Crane (machine)
- Crosscut saw
- Crown of Thorns (woodworking)
- Dado (joinery)
- Dalbergia latifolia
- Dalbergia sissoo
- Diamond blade
- Dicing saw
- Dolmar
- Dovetail joint
- Dowelmax
- Drawknife
- Hole saw
- Drill
- Drill bit
- Dunnage
- East African mangroves
- Farrier
- Felling
- Ficus benghalensis
- File (tool)
- Finger joint
- Finger plane
- First aid kit
- Float (woodworking)
- Flora of Madhya Pradesh
- Florida mangroves
- Formica rufa group
- Frame saw
- French polish
- Fretsaw
- Froe
- Gigli saw
- Glasses
- Glossary of woodworking
- Gmelina arborea
- Grey Mangrove
- Grindstone (tool)
- Groove (joinery)
- Hacking knife
- Hacksaw
- Halved joint
- Hammer-headed tenon
- Hand saw
- Hard hat
- Hearing protectors
- Heat bending of wood
- Heritiera fomes
- Hewing
- Hopea parviflora
- Husqvarna AB
- Intarsia
- Jack plane
- Jackfruit
- Japanese carpentry
- Japanese plane
- Japanese saw
- Jigsaw (power tool)
- Jin-pole
- Jointer
- Jointer plane
- Keyhole saw
- Knee (construction)
- Ladder
- Lagerstroemia
- Lap joint
- Laser line level
- Lauraceae
- List of timber framing tools
- Log building
- Lovespoon
- Lumber edger
- Lumberjack
- Mallet
- Mangifera caesia
- Mango
- Mangrove
- Marking gauge
- Marking knife
- Mason's mitre
- Microplane
- Mimusops elengi
- Miter joint
- Miter saw
- Mitre box
- Mitre clamp
- Moisture meter
- Mortise and tenon
- Mortiser
- Morus (plant)
- Moulder
- Moulding plane
- Nailset
- Numerical control
- Ogee
- Ogive
- Paint
- Panel dividing equipment
- Panel saw
- Pellona ditchela
- Pendulum saw
- Pike pole
- Pipe clamp
- Plane (tool)
- Planer
- Plumb bob
- Plywood
- Plywood saw
- Poaceae
- Pole lathe
- Polyamide 11
- Portable sawmill
- Power tool
- Profile gauge
- Pterocarpus marsupium
- Punch (tool)
- Rabbet
- Radial arm saw
- Rasp
- Rebate plane
- Reciprocating saw
- Reciprocating sawing
- Relief carving
- Rema s.c.
- Resaw
- Ring saw
- Rip saw
- Riving knife
- Rose engine lathe
- Rosewood
- Router (woodworking)
- Router table (woodworking)
- Rubber band
- Safety harness
- Sally Saw
- Sander
- Sandpaper
- Satinwood
- Saw
- Saw chain
- Saw pit
- Saw set
- Sawdust
- Sawfiler
- Sawhorse
- Sawmill
- Scandinavian flat-plane style of woodcarving
- Scarf joint
- Scratch awl
- Scratch stock
- Screwdriver
- Scriber
- Scroll saw
- Scrub plane
- Segmented turning
- Sharpening jig
- Sharpening stone
- Shaving horse
- Shear legs
- Shipbuilding
- Shooting board
- Shoulder plane
- Slick (tool)
- Smoothing plane
- Spindle turning
- Spokeshave
- Staging
- Stanley Black & Decker
- Staple gun
- Steam bending
- Steel square
- Sternal saw
- Storey pole
- Sundarbans
- Surform
- Table saw
- Tamarind
- Taxonomy (biology)
- Terminalia arjuna
- Terminalia elliptica
- Thermally modified wood
- Thickness planer
- Timber framing
- Timberjigs
- Tinder
- Tongue and groove
- Treen (wooden)
- Treenail
- Try square
- Two-man saw
- Twybil
- Ulmus wallichiana
- Upholstery hammer
- Utility knife
- Varnish
- Veneer hammer
- Veneer saw
- Vise
- Water jet cutter
- Whipsaw
- White mangrove
- Whittling
- Winding stick
- Windlass
- Wire saw
- Wood drying
- Wood flooring
- Wood flour
- Wood scribe
- Wood shaper
- Wood stain
- Wood-plastic composite
- Workbench
- Workbench (woodworking)
- Wrench
- Xylia xylocarpa
- Yardstick
- Woodworking
- Woodworking machine
- Woodworking joints
- Woodworm
- Woodboring beetle
- Termite
- Root carving
- Wood preservation
- Wood art
- History of wood carving
- Wood carving
- Woodcut
- Marquetry
- Woodturning
- Wood warping
- Wood engraving
- Wood economy
- Parquetry
- Book:WOOD
- Main Page