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History of Chrmistry 1
[edit ]- Ab initio
- Acid
- Adhesive
- Adolf von Baeyer
- Albert Einstein
- Alessandro Volta
- Alexander Butlerov
- Alexander Parkes
- Alexander William Williamson
- Alexandre-Émile Béguyer de Chancourtois
- Alfred Nobel
- Alfred Werner
- Alkali metal
- Alkaline earth metal
- Allotropy
- Alpha particle
- Amedeo Avogadro
- Amino acid
- Ammonia
- André-Marie Ampère
- Anode
- Anode ray
- Antoine Lavoisier
- Antonius van den Broek
- Aqua regia
- Archibald Scott Couper
- Argon
- Asphalt
- Aspirin
- Atom
- Atomic nucleus
- Atomic orbital
- Atomic physics
- Atomic theory
- August Kekulé
- August Wilhelm von Hofmann
- Auguste Comte
- Avogadro constant
- Avogadro's law
- Bakelite
- Barium
- Base (chemistry)
- Benzaldehyde
- Benzoic acid
- Benzyl alcohol
- Bernard Courtois
- Beta particle
- Bohr model
- Boric acid
- Born–Haber cycle
- Born–Oppenheimer approximation
- Bose–Einstein condensate
- Bragg's law
- Brownian motion
- Brussels
- Buckminster Fuller
- Caesium
- Calcium
- Calorimetry
- Cannizzaro reaction
- Carbohydrate
- Carbon
- Carbon nanotube
- Carl Bosch
- Carl von Linde
- Carl Wieman
- Carl Wilhelm Scheele
- Catalysis
- Cathode
- Cathode ray
- Cathode ray tube
- Cato Maximilian Guldberg
- Cerium
- Charles Bernard Desormes
- Charles Frédéric Gerhardt
- Charles's law
- Charles-Adolphe Wurtz
- Chemical bond
- Chemical compound
- Chemical element
- Chemical equilibrium
- Chemical formula
- Chemical industry
- Chemical kinetics
- Chemical potential
- Chemical warfare
- Chlorine
- Christopher Kelk Ingold
- Chromatography
- Claude Louis Berthollet
- Cleveite
- Coal tar
- Collodion
- Complementarity (physics)
- Computational chemistry
- Computer
- Concentration
- Coordination complex
- Cosmic ray
- Covalent bond
- Crookes radiometer
- Crookes tube
- Cupellation
- Curie temperature
- Curie's law
- Dalton's law
- Davy lamp
- Detergent
- Diamagnetism
- Diatomaceous earth
- Diatomic molecule
- Diesel fuel
- Dimethyl ether
- Dmitri Mendeleev
- DNA sequencing
- Douglas Hartree
- DuPont
- Dynamic equilibrium
- Dynamite
- Edward Teller
- Edwin McMillan
- Electric field
- Electrolysis
- Electrolyte
- Electromagnetic radiation
- Electrometer
- Electron
- Electron microscope
- Electron pair
- Elementary Principles in Statistical Mechanics
- Elias James Corey
- Emission spectrum
- Entropy
- Eric Allin Cornell
- Erich Hückel
- Ernest Marsden
- Ernest Rutherford
- Ernst Mach
- Erwin Schrödinger
- Eugen Goldstein
- Ferromagnetism
- Fertilizer
- Fiber
- Firedamp
- Fluid dynamics
- Formaldehyde
- Fourier series
- Francis Crick
- Franklin Stahl
- François-Marie Raoult
- Frederick Sanger
- Frederick Soddy
- French Academy of Sciences
- Friedrich Wöhler
- Fritz Haber
- Fritz London
- Fullerene
- Fulminic acid
- Functional group
- Gallium
- Gamma ray
- Gasoline
- Gaussian (software)
- Gay-Lussac's law
- Geiger counter
- Geiger–Marsden experiment
- Gelignite
- George Stephenson
- Germanium
- Gibbs free energy
- Gilbert N. Lewis
- Glenn T. Seaborg
- Glucose
- Gustav Kirchhoff
- Haber process
- Half-life
- Hans Geiger
- Hantaro Nagaoka
- Harry Kroto
- Hartree–Fock method
- Helium
- Henri Becquerel
- Henry Louis Le Chatelier
- Henry Moseley
- Hermann Emil Fischer
- History of biochemistry
- History of chemistry
- History of chromatography
- History of electrochemistry
- History of energy
- History of materials science
- History of molecular biology
- History of molecular theory
- History of physics
- History of science and technology
- History of the periodic table
- History of thermodynamics
- Holton Taxol total synthesis
- Humphry Davy
- Hydrogen
- Hydrogen atom
- Indigo dye
- Integrated circuit
- Iodine
- Ion
- Irving Langmuir
- Isaac Newton
- Isocyanic acid
- Isomer
- Isotope
- J. J. Thomson
- J. Robert Oppenheimer
- Jacobus Henricus van 't Hoff
- Jacques Charles
- James Watson
- Jean Baptiste Perrin
- Jeremias Benjamin Richter
- Johann Josef Loschmidt
- John Alexander Reina Newlands
- John Dalton
- John Pople
- John William Strutt, 3rd Baron Rayleigh
- Joseph Achille Le Bel
- Joseph Black
- Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac
- Joseph Priestley
- Joseph Proust
- Josiah Willard Gibbs
- Julius Lothar Meyer
- Justus von Liebig
- Jöns Jacob Berzelius
- Karl Barry Sharpless
- Karlsruhe
- Karlsruhe Congress
- Kary Mullis
- Krypton
- Law of definite proportions
- Law of mass action
- Law of multiple proportions
- Le Chatelier's principle
- Leo Baekeland
- Lewis acids and bases
- Lewis structure
- Liebig's law of the minimum
- Lime (material)
- Linus Pauling
- Lipid
- Liquid fuel
- List of synthetic polymers
- List of years in science
- Lithium
- Louis de Broglie
- Louis Pasteur
- Lubricant
- Ludwig Boltzmann
- Magnesium
- Malaria
- Maltese cross
- Marie Curie
- Mass spectrometry
- Mass-to-charge ratio
- Matthew Meselson
- Maurice Loyal Huggins
- Mauveine
- Max Born
- Max Planck
- Mendeleev's predicted elements
- Mercury(II) oxide
- Merle Randall
- Meselson–Stahl experiment
- Methane
- Michael Faraday
- Microwave
- Mikhail Tsvet
- Miller–Urey experiment
- Mole (unit)
- Molecular geometry
- Molecular mass
- Molecular physics
- Monatomic gas
- Morris Travers
- Nanotechnology
- Naval stores
- Neon
- Neoplasm
- Neutrino
- Nevil Sidgwick
- Newton's laws of motion
- Nicolas Clément
- Niels Bohr
- Nitrogen
- Nitroglycerin
- Nobel Prize in Chemistry
- Nobel Prize in Physics
- Noble gas
- Nuclear fission
- Nuclear physics
- Nuclear reaction
- Nuclear reactor
- Nuclear transmutation
- Nutrient
- Oil drop experiment
- Olefin metathesis
- On the Equilibrium of Heterogeneous Substances
- Optical rotation
- Organic chemistry
- Osmotic pressure
- Otto Hahn
- Otto Stern
- Oxygen
- Paint
- Paramagnetism
- Parkesine
- Paul Dirac
- Pauli exclusion principle
- Periodic table
- Peter Atkins
- Peter Debye
- Peter Waage
- Petroleum
- Pharmaceutical drug
- Phase rule
- Physical chemistry
- Pierre Curie
- Plum pudding model
- Polonium
- Polymer
- Polymerase chain reaction
- Potassium
- Potassium dichromate
- Potassium hydroxide
- Potassium nitrate
- Pressure
- Probability
- Process (science)
- Protactinium
- Protein
- Proton
- Prout's hypothesis
- Purine
- Quantum chemistry
- Quantum mechanics
- Quantum number
- Quantum state
- Quinine total synthesis
- Radical (chemistry)
- Radioactive decay
- Radium
- Radon
- Redox
- Refrigeration
- Research reactor
- Richard Smalley
- Robert A. Holton
- Robert Andrews Millikan
- Robert Boyle
- Robert Bunsen
- Robert Burns Woodward
- Robert Curl
- Robert S. Mulliken
- Roothaan equations
- Rosalind Franklin
- Rudolph A. Marcus
- Rue Dauphine
- Rumford Medal
- Rutherford model
- S. P. L. Sørensen
- Safety lamp
- Scandium
- Schrödinger equation
- Seaborgium
- Selenium
- Semi-empirical mass formula
- Semiconductor
- Sharpless asymmetric dihydroxylation
- Sharpless epoxidation
- Sharpless oxyamination
- Silicon
- Smithson Tennant
- Sodium
- Sodium hydroxide
- Solvay Conference
- Solvent
- Spectroscopy
- Standard conditions for temperature and pressure
- Stanislao Cannizzaro
- Statistical mechanics
- Stereochemistry
- Stoichiometry
- Strontium
- Subatomic particle
- Sugar
- Sumio Iijima
- Svante Arrhenius
- Temperature
- Tempio Voltiano
- Thallium
- The Chemical History of a Candle
- Thermodynamics
- Thorium
- Timeline of atomic and subatomic physics
- Timeline of chemical element discoveries
- Timeline of chemistry
- Timeline of materials technology
- Timeline of thermodynamics
- Toluidine
- Transuranium element
- Turbulence
- Ultraviolet
- Uncertainty principle
- Underpotential deposition
- Uraninite
- Uranium
- Urea
- Valence bond theory
- Vanadium
- Vapor pressure
- Visible spectrum
- Vitalism
- Vladimir Fock
- Walter Gerlach
- Walter Heitler
- Walther Nernst
- Wave–particle duality
- Wax
- Werner Heisenberg
- Whale oil
- Whole number rule
- Wilhelm Ostwald
- Wilhelm Röntgen
- Wilhelm Wien
- William Crookes
- William Henry Bragg
- William Henry Perkin
- William Lawrence Bragg
- William Prout
- William Ramsay
- William Reid Clanny
- Wolfgang Pauli
- Wöhler synthesis
- X-ray
- X-ray crystallography
- Xenon
- Yves Chauvin
- Éleuthère Irénée du Pont