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Module:Football manager history

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Module documentation[view] [edit] [history] [purge]
Warning This Lua module is used on approximately 22,000 pages and changes may be widely noticed. Test changes in the module's /sandbox or /testcases subpages, or in your own module sandbox. Consider discussing changes on the talk page before implementing them.
This module depends on the following other modules:

Implements Template:Football manager history.


{{Football manager history
|dissolved =
|name =
|teamname =
|managerlist =
|title =
|state = {{{state|}}}
|bgcolor =
|textcolor =
|bordercolor =
|note =
|list =
|below =
|american_english =

Normally |dissolved= would not be set; that causes a dash (–) to be added after the from year for the last manager if no to year is given. If the club has been dissolved, enter yes or the year of dissolution, for example |dissolved=yes or |dissolved=2010. No dash is added for the last manager of a dissolved club.

The navigation bar at the top of the navbox includes a link to the |teamname= page title. The link will display the |title= text, or teamname if no title is given.

By default, the navigation bar will display "managers". If |american_english= is defined (for example, |american_english=on), "Head coaches" is displayed instead of "managers".

|state= defaults to autocollapse.

The |list= parameter is followed by lines of wikitext, one manager per line. Each line must finish with either a year or a range of years. On each line, the first year must be four digits. If present, the second year must follow "to" and may be 1, 2, 3, or 4 digits, for example:

[[Levir Culpi|Culpi]] 2005
[[Paulo César Gusmão|PC Gusmão]] 2005 to 06

|note= may be used to add a note beneath the list.

If information is missing, an alternate syntax is available using from=FROM and to=TO. Any text can be used for FROM and TO, but there must be no spaces. For example:

[[Example|Example A]] from=19??
[[Levir Culpi|Culpi]] 2005
[[Paulo César Gusmão|PC Gusmão]] 2005 to 06
[[Example|Example B]] from=2011 to=?

Alternatives to avoid Wikipedia's Post-expand include size limit

Pages with many navboxes may come close to or exceed Wikipedia's Post-expand include size limit. For this reason, consider using Module:Football manager history directly by replacing {{football manager history with {{#invoke:football manager history|main.


{{Football manager history
|name = Cruzeiro Esporte Clube managers
|teamname = Cruzeiro Esporte Clube
|title = Cruzeiro
|state = {{{state|}}}
|bgcolor = #165A9E
|textcolor = white
|bordercolor = #77BBFF
|note = <small>(c) = [[caretaker manager]]</small>
|list =
[[Levir Culpi|Culpi]] 2005
[[Paulo César Gusmão|PC Gusmão]] 2005 to 06
[[Oswaldo de Oliveira|O. Oliveira]] 2006
[[Paulo Autuori|Autuori]] 2007
[[Emerson Ávila|Ávila]]<sup>c</sup> 2007
[[Dorival Júnior|Dorival Jr.]] 2007
[[Adílson Batista|Adílson]] 2008 to 10


Cruzeiro managers
(c) = caretaker manager
{{Football manager history
|name = Cruzeiro Esporte Clube managers
|teamname = Cruzeiro Esporte Clube
|title = Cruzeiro
|state = {{{state|}}}
|bgcolor = #165A9E
|textcolor = white
|bordercolor = #77BBFF
|note = <small>(c) = [[caretaker manager]]</small>
|list =
[[Example|Example A]] from=19??
[[Levir Culpi|Culpi]] 2005
[[Paulo César Gusmão|PC Gusmão]] 2005 to 06
[[Oswaldo de Oliveira|O. Oliveira]] 2006
[[Paulo Autuori|Autuori]] 2007
[[Emerson Ávila|Ávila]]<sup>c</sup> 2007
[[Dorival Júnior|Dorival Jr.]] 2007
[[Adílson Batista|Adílson]] 2008 to 10
[[Example|Example B]] from=2011 to=?


Cruzeiro managers
(c) = caretaker manager
The above documentation is transcluded from Module:Football manager history/doc. (edit | history)
Editors can experiment in this module's sandbox (edit | diff) and testcases (create) pages.
Subpages of this module.

 -- Implement [[Template:Football manager history]] to avoid articles being
 -- added to [[:Category:Pages where template include size is exceeded]]
 -- when the template is used many times.

 local function clean(text, default)
	-- Return text, if not empty, after trimming leading/trailing whitespace.
	-- Otherwise return default which is nil unless set by caller.
	if text then
		text = text:match("^%s*(.-)%s*$")
		if text ~= '' then
			return text
	return default

 local function yes(parameter)
	-- Return true if parameter should be interpreted as "yes".
	-- Do not want to accept mixed upper/lowercase.
	return ({ Y = true, y = true, yes = true, T = true, ['true'] = true })[parameter]

 local function collection()
	-- Return a table to hold items.
	return {
		n = 0,
		add = function (self, item)
			self.n = self.n + 1
			self[self.n] = item
		addif = function (self, item, fmt)
			if item then
				self.n = self.n + 1
				self[self.n] = fmt and string.gsub(fmt, '%%s', item) or item
		join = function (self, sep)
			return table.concat(self, sep)

 local function message(msg, caller, nocat)
	-- Return formatted message text for an error.
	-- Can append "#FormattingError" to URL of a page with a problem to find it.
	-- If given, caller is the title of the navbox which has the error.
	local anchor = '<span id="FormattingError"></span>'
	local category
	if not nocat and mw.title.getCurrentTitle():inNamespaces(0, 10) then
		-- Category only in namespaces: 0=article, 10=template.
		category = '[[Category:Football template errors]]'
		category = ''
	return anchor ..
		'<strong class="error">Error: ' ..
		msg ..
		(caller and (' at [[Template:' .. caller .. ']]') or '') ..
		'</strong>' ..
		category .. '\n'

 local function make_entry(name, from, to, islast)
	local result =
		'*<span class="vevent">' ..
		'<span class="agent attendee vcard">' ..
		'<span class="fn org summary">' ..
		name ..
		'</span></span>&nbsp;(<span class="dtstart">' ..
		from ..
	if to then
		result = result .. '–' .. to
	elseif islast then
		result = result .. '–'
	result = result .. ')</span>'
	return result

 local function make_list(text, note, dissolved)
	-- Return a list of formatted items.
	-- Input is a string of multiple lines, one item per line.
	-- Each item is 'NAME FROM to TO' or 'NAME FROM', where
	-- NAME = manager name (any text)
	-- FROM = four digits (from year)
	-- TO = 1, 2, 3 or 4 digits (to year), or empty
	-- Alternatively, an item can use syntax (TEXT is any text, possibly empty):
	-- NAME from=TEXT
	-- NAME from=TEXT to=TEXT
	-- The code detects the end of NAME from the start of FROM.
	-- A dash is added to the last line (to show the manager is continuing) if
	-- no 'to' year is given, but no dash is added if the club is dissolved.
	text = text or ''
	if text:find('<span class=', 1, true) then
		-- To allow a transition period where some navboxes use the old syntax, the
		-- given text is used if it appears to have come from the old subtemplates.
		return text
	-- Get the non-blank lines first so can tell when am processing the last line.
	-- Each line is left- and right-trimmed.
	local lines = collection()
	for line in string.gmatch(text .. '\n', '[\t ]*(.-)[\t\r ]*\n') do
		if line ~= '' then
	if lines.n <= 0 then
		return ''
	local ilast = dissolved and -1 or lines.n
	local entries = collection()
	for i, line in ipairs(lines) do
		-- Need to detect lines like "Name from=1930 & 1935" (probably should
		-- not be like that, but that is not up to the template to enforce).
		local name, from, to = line:match('^([^=]-)%s+(%d%d%d%d)%s+to%s+(%d%d?%d?%d?)$')
		if not name then
			name, from = line:match('^([^=]-)%s+(%d%d%d%d)$')
			if not name then
				name, from, to = line:match('^(.-) from=(.-) to=(.*)')
				if not name then
					name, from = line:match('^(.-) from=(.*)')
		name = clean(name)
		from = clean(from, '')
		to = clean(to)
		if ((name or '=') .. (from or '=') .. (to or '')):find('=', 1, true) then
			-- name and from must be defined (from can be ''); to is optional.
			-- Reject '=' to avoid typos in items like 'to=x' or 'from=xto=y'
			-- from being displayed.
			error('Invalid line "' .. mw.text.nowiki(line) .. '"', 0)
		entries:add(make_entry(name, from, to, i == ilast))
	return entries:join('\n')

 local function arg_style(bgcolor, textcolor, bordercolor)
	local result = collection()
	result:addif(clean(bgcolor), 'background:%s;')
	result:addif(clean(textcolor), 'color:%s;')
		'box-shadow: inset 1px 1px 0 %s,' ..
		'inset -1px -1px 0 %s;')
	result:add('width: 87%;')
	return result:join(' ')

 local function arg_title(title, teamname, managerlist, textcolor, american_english)
	title = clean(title)
	teamname = clean(teamname, 'MISSING "teamname"')
	managerlist = clean(managerlist)
	textcolor = clean(textcolor)
	american_english = clean(american_english)
	local spancolor = textcolor and ('<span style="color:' .. textcolor .. ';">') or '<span>'
	local mgr = spancolor .. (american_english and 'head coaches' or 'managers') .. '</span>'
		'<span class="fn org">[[' .. teamname .. '|' ..
		spancolor ..
		(title or teamname) .. '</span>]]</span> – ' ..
		(managerlist and ('[[' .. managerlist .. '|' .. mgr .. ']]') or mgr)

 local function _main(args)
	-- Return wikitext for a navbox.
	-- Code does not do much checking of inputs but will throw an error
	-- if input is found to be invalid.
	local style = arg_style(args.bgcolor, args.textcolor, args.bordercolor)
	local dissolved = args.dissolved
	if dissolved then
		-- May be a number of two or more digits (year club was dissolved; compatible
		-- with {{Infobox football club}}), or an alias for 'yes'.
		dissolved = dissolved:match('^%d%d+$') and true or yes(args.dissolved)
	local navargs = {
		bodyclass = 'vcard',
		name = clean(args.name),
		state = clean(args.state, 'autocollapse'),
		titlestyle = style,
		title = arg_title(args.title, args.teamname, args.managerlist, args.textcolor, args.american_english),
		listclass = 'hlist',
		nowrapitems = 'yes',
		list1 = make_list(args.list, clean(args.note), dissolved),
		belowstyle = style,
		below = clean(args.below),
	local navbox = require('Module:Navbox')._navbox
	return navbox(navargs)

 local function main(frame)
	-- Return wikitext for a navbox or an error message.
	local args = frame:getParent().args
	-- Read arguments in order of output (Module:Navbox says this puts
	-- reference numbers in the right order).
	local _
	_ = args.title
	_ = args.list
	_ = args.below
	if not args.teamname then
		args = frame.args
		_ = args.title
		_ = args.list
		_ = args.below
	local success, result = pcall(_main, args)
	if success then
		return result
	return message(result, clean(args.name), clean(args.nocat))

 return { main = main, _main = _main }

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