Mansoori (Mansuri) is the community of an Indian Muslim, and this community belongs to Pathans and Rajputs. They are regionally known as Mansoori, Naddaf and Pinjara. They are found in the states of Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, and North India.[citation needed ]
This community consist of local converts and migrated from subcontinent, such as Persia and Afghanistan. In the ancient time this tribe used to work, traditional occupations of cotton farming, trading, and making carpets.
Their traditional occupation of cotton carding was eliminated by industrialization. Few continued to work as cotton carders or traders. Many turned towards manufacturing or other sectors. Marriages with members of other castes of the same status are occasionally permitted. Gujarati Mansoori are mostly active in the semiprecious stone business or in engineering or accounting.
The Mansoori are Sunni Muslim of the Barelvi and Deoband sect. They speak Urdu and various dialects of Hindi. Their customs are similar to other Uttar Pradesh Muslims.
See also