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My Userboxes
This user is from Indonesia .
This user lives in Indonesia.
This user is of Chinese descent.
This user is Catholic .
This user doesn't support the North Korean government
This user is strongly against the terrorism of Hamas
GOP This user supports the
Republican Party
of the United States .
Republican Party
of the United States .
This user neither recognizes Abkhazia nor South Ossetia and supports Georgia's territorial integrity.
This user stands in solidarity with the people of Ukraine.
Flag of the Taliban, with an x-mark.
This user vehemently opposes the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan, because of general backwardism of their movement.
This user is a Geograpeep .
This user saved the princess countless times.
This user likes Sonic the Hedgehog .
This user enjoys computer and video game music outside gaming.
K This user listens to K-pop.