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Octachlorotetraphosphazene is an inorganic compound with the formula (NPCl2)4. The molecule has a cyclic, unsaturated backbone consisting of alternating phosphorus and nitrogen centers, and can be viewed as a tetramer of the hypothetical compound N≡PCl2.
The compound has not been studied as much as the related species hexachlorotriphosphazene, in the samples of which octachlorotetraphosphazene is usually found as an unwanted contamintant.[1]
Structure and bonding
Octachlorotetraphosphazene has a P4N4 core with six equivalent P–N bonds.[2]
NH4Cl + PCl5 → 1/n (NPCl2)n + HCl
Substitution at P
Some spiro-, ansa-, and spiro-ansa-cyclic derivatives have been prepared via nucleophilic substitution of octachlorotetraphosphazene with alkoxides.[3]
^Ture, Sedat (2016年01月02日). "Synthesis and characterization of spiro-, ansa-, and spiro-ansa-cyclic derivatives of cyclotetraphosphazene with the reactions of pentane-1,5-diol". Phosphorus, Sulfur, and Silicon and the Related Elements. 191 (1): 129–139. doi:10.1080/10426507.2015.1054483.