UnBooks:My frozen breath above the stars

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Chapter 1[edit | edit source ]

She was sixteen and different from other girls. She wasn't notably pretty and was socially awkward. She was the only Alien in her school, which didn't help her feelings of exclusion. But the tolerant people of her town for the most part saw past her glowing blue skin.

Despite this all, she was in with the popular girls. Guys were cordial with her but nothing more. Drunken jocks at parties often dared each other to score with the alien chick. "Fifty bucks for the bro who scores some Pluto pussy" they said. They always failed. At parties she was so socially awkward that any guy coming near her would set off blue LED like lights in her cheeks. It is a biological trait Plutonian females have. It instantly freaks out any guy who got near her.

Chapter 2[edit | edit source ]

She desired a boyfriend. Not to have a boyfriend but to get what she really wanted. She wanted what every girl in the popular crowd at school had done. A secret abortion. An abortion done anonymously so that no one else knew...except the abortionist, his assistant nurses (the abortion nurse) and the receptionist and any other girl in the clinic getting a secret abortion too. All her friends had gotten secret abortions. To truly fit in, she needed one too.

Having an abortion meant getting pregnant first. Getting pregnant meant being inseminated. The barriers were enormous and made her cry at night. Her purple tears were very dangerous. When in contact with human skin or open tissue...it would instantly freeze leaving it fragile and likely to shatter if touched or warmed up too fast.

Her purple tears soaked the ikea bed spread her mother bought. It was a purple one so that her many many Plutonian tears wouldn't stain it. The carpet was also purple. She had nice pink silky curtains and a few teddy bears and posters of douche-bag boy band singers.

Chapter 3[edit | edit source ]

Though she was actually an adult by Plutonian standards, she looked like a child, so her parents treated her so on Earth. They were aware of their daughter's worries because Pluto-people read each other's minds. It was painful watching their daughter suffer. Their own work colleagues were also confusing and unwelcoming at times. They sat at the dinner table ingesting sustenance in silence. They would pick off a piece of their body the day before and leave it in a jar of nutrients suspended in gelatin. They then ate this. Naturally they didn't have dinner guests over ever. This also made their daughter feel like an out-caste.

"What did you accomplished at the educational institute today daughter" asked the equivalent of a Plutonian mother.

"I had an incredibly elementary lesson on calculus" she said without complaining.

"These humans are terrible at math and reasoning. Even the humans who eat rice and fermented cabbage aren't as good as they think. I'm sure the lessons will be more interesting once you are at a PhD level in physics" she said.

"I think much will change once I'm there".

Her parents felt a negative feeling they never knew on Pluto. There everything was always in order and difficulties were worked out amongst a larger group of caring citizens. Her parents didn't know how to help her with finding a physical lover let alone insemination and how to navigate a fetus termination.

"Well...we will think about it and find away to get you the abortion if it is so important to you".

"It's not important...just I would feel far more accepted among my study colleagues if I were to have a secret one".

"Until then...let's focus on other things. We have learned to deal with our flatulance and how to imitate a smile...now we need to learn to tell jokes and communicate our feelings to complete strangers".

"But we cannot change ourselves too much" said her father.

"Of course" his daughter agreed. Finding a balance between hiding shame yet being true to who you were...was something all three of them dealt with every day.

"Striving to have an abortion will not get in the way of who I am" she thought. Her parents read this and felt less stress and more contentment. They ate the rest of their food and flatulated and enjoyed the aroma of nutrients and the combined smell of each others farts lingering in the room.

Chapter 4[edit | edit source ]

The abortion clinic entrance was blocked by insane fundamentalist Christians who obsessed over the safety of undeveloped fetuses in the bellies of strangers. They liked drinking coffee in the cold. Getting in there secretly was tough...especially for a Plutonian. She knew it would be tricky, once pregnant, to get in without being noticed. She watched the fundamentalist believers in the bearded man in the sky who cared about human reproduction. How this species managed to survive until now made her wonder, if there really must have been supernatural intervention or not.

Chapter 5[edit | edit source ]

She was on the cheerleader team because her legs were long and supple. She could twist her body in any position she liked. The girls found a new makeup that covered up the LED lights and also made her look slutty but not whory. They tested it out by showing her a picture of her favourite boy band singer from a Korean k-pop band (the one that looked less gay than the others). No one could see the LED lights the make-up covered it. She was so happy she started to cry and the girls ran out of the room in fear for their lives, Pluto tears being so dangerous. They came back when it was safe and reapplied the make-up.

Inside a roudy bar on the highway out of town the girls were dancing. She was very good at dancing. Her ass cheeks stretched out her short skirt showing the curviest lines. She was having fun pretending to be just like them. While her friends were giving blow-jobs to 45 year old construction workers and snorting as much cocaine as a 16 year old could handle...she danced alone on the dance floor. A few guys approached her and bought her drinks. Drinks give Plutonians gas so she held it all in until the end of the night and flirted with them. When she went to the bathroom the girls were spitting out cum from their mouths. Human seamen couldn't touch a plutonian's mouth as the bacteria on her tongue would react with male cum and set on fire.

Once home she closed the door and expelled all the gas she had been keeping in making a sound similar to a jackhammer breaking open a concrete sidewalk.

"Are you home my daughter?" called out her father.

"Yes...I'm fine. I got five phone numbers tonight" she said. And she went to sleep both her and her parents feeling pleased.

Chapter 6[edit | edit source ]

Her parents didn't want her inseminated with construction worker seamen...even if the fetus would be later vacume sucked out of her insides. After reviewing the five men there was one acceptable boy who had no special qualities except that he was the designated driver amongst his friends that night. He wasn't particularily cute or intelligent or driven in life...but he wasn't a loser either. He seemed pleasant. Her parents suggested that she try to mate with him. That night they searched google for websites explaining human procreation in detail. Her parents felt their daughter was well on track to having the abortion she dreamed of.

Chapter 7[edit | edit source ]

She wrote in her litte diary about the three wonderful dates with a guy who was a little boring but nice. Despite his blandness by the fourth date her entire body was glowing like a blasting furnace in a steel factory. He didn't seem to care. He loved everything about her. On the fifth date they kissed. The sixth date they fooled around. She was careful to not get any semen in her mouth. She hated having her tongue blow up. They made love on the seventh date even though legally what he did made him a sex offender. She was not inseminated that night because that's not how Pluto chicks get knocked up. Her parents however had planned for that.

Chapter 8[edit | edit source ]

Once at home her mother placed a turkey baster into the orifice that resembles a human vagina. This orifice has a totally different use on her planet so it was more an empty cavity that could hold onto and preserve the mans semen. Her orifice was tight, because it was actually meant to hold a venom that will kill predator animals on Pluto. Releasing even a small amount will kill life forms on Pluto. Lucky for the young man's penis, the chemical didn't affect humans (at least for one week). Her parents then worked all night long adapting the human semen and changing its genetic order and adding stringy fibers and fatty tissue. To do this her father had to pleasure himself a little to extract a transparent gelatinous fat that would keep the spermatoza together.

They then inserted the matter through one of her six expultion tubes and then did some minor invasive surgery cutting through some of her internal organs and slicing open many membranes. They also had to cut off her two ass cheeks to activate two tiny organs which only Plutonians could stimulate. Her mother shook her daughters ass cheeks for a few minutes until her daughter calmed down and relaxed feeling peaceful and sleepy. Her parents fixed up her insides and replaced her ass cheecks stitching it all together and then smoked some Plutonian cigarettes.

She had to lie down for several weeks...as all inseminated Plutonians do to ensure fetal development. The boy stopped by several times to see how she was but her parents lied to him. She was on vacation. Their faces turned black when they did this. Plutonians had black skin whenever the lied. The boy noticed but didn't draw any conclusions.

Chapter 9[edit | edit source ]

When she went back to school with her whole body was more supple as pregnant Plutonians loose weight. Everyone found her to be smoking hot...especially the gym teacher. At lunch time one of the cheerleaders confided that she had her second secret abortion. The other girls consoled her and spoke reassuring words. Oh to have the girls hugging her and showing such compassionate care. But her abortion was only days away now...she knew it.

Her impregnator came by school that day to see her. She didn't understand why he cried when he saw her.

"Because I care about you. I only want to be sure you are safe and healthy" he said. "You look different. Even more beautiful than before." Her LED lights set off throughout her whole body. Her inner lights started to magnify with extremely intense radioactive radiation. This seemed to hurt him as her radiation gave him several forms of blood cancer.

Her only choice was to run away before he developed advanced lukemia. When she got home she insisted that she get an abortion right away. Her parents were uncomfortable with the idea. They hadn't had enough time to research how it worked. A Plutonian had never had an abortion because on their planet offspring is often abandoned once born.

Chapter 10[edit | edit source ]

They could sense their daugher suffering and the sad thoughts in her mind. They drove quickly to the abortion clinic in a delivery van they bought in advance. They drove over one of the protesters and went straight to the cargo bay of the clinic. After a two minute interview and psychological assessment she was certified to have an abortion. She was tied down to the bed. The doctor wasn't sure which orifice to stick the vacuum tube in. Her parents watched patiently.

"Do you know what you're doing" she asked the doctor.

"I have no clue" he said asking her to keep still.

He probed her young body inserting two chopstick from his previous lunch into the orifice that looked like a vagina. He spread open the lips but realized it was filled with venom. He tried another hole but she let out a monstrous screech.

"Does that hurt" he asked?

"No...that gives her insane pleasure" said her mother.

"It's customary for the entire family to push each other's pleasure buttons whenever we collectively feel sad" said her father.

The doctor ignored the comment and prodded and poked every hole he saw.

Chapter 11[edit | edit source ]

He reluctantly inserted the vacume into the deepest orifice and then turned the suction on. A sputtering stream of purple liquid spattered onto the dressing table along with chunks of matter.

"That was her heart" said her parrents".

"Then what do I do" he yelled.

"Put it back inside!" screamed out the daughter. "Oh my god it hurts so much...make the pain stop Daddy" she yelled.

"You'll have to use your hand to shove it back inside." said her father. "Her body will take care of the rest".

But when he touched her heart his hand started to melt. He screamed in agony as his skin started sizzling.

"This hurts so much...the pain is crunching agony. Kill me. Sombody kill me please" their daughter then started hyperventalating. The nurses ran in. One attended to the doctor as the other picked up the chuncks of heart with pinzers and shoved it into the wrong cavity.

Two policemen then entered the room investigating the death of one of the protesters.

"You can't put her heart there...that's her stomache...it will digest the heart".

"But...I can't get it back out" she cried.

Her body was convusing and she looked at her parents in fear and distress. Her body went into acute shock shaking and convulsing with a thick pink paste coming out of her nose.

Her parents now unable to watch without doing anything threw the nurse to the side...but with a force no non-plutonian could survive. The nurses head cracked into two and the doctor and other nurse started to scream. The policemen tried to aprehend her parents but her mother held them back. Her father shoved his fist deep into his daughter's orifice and managed to extract her heart and put it back in the right hole however her fingers had already started falling off one by one.

"Help" she whispered out to them.

"We have only seconds to correct this problem" the mother said as the police took out their guns.

"Indeed" he replied. "she is so set on having an abortion if we save her then the child will stay alive. And she doesn't want that". The policemen ordered the two to put their hands up in the air or they would shoot.

Suddenly her eyeballs started to expand.

"Hands in the air now. I'll count to three" said the other cop.

"But perhaps she prefers to live and keep the child than to die" thought the mother.

Her eyes suddenly exploded sending pieces of her eyeballs everywhere. It was extremely corrosive to humans and it quickly burned through all of the humans' flesh and bones. Their screaming made the other patients flee the clinic.

"It's a difficult decision" said the mother.

Their daughter then deficated a chunky colourful excrement all over the table and it smeared together with her blood, orifice liquids and pieces of her eyeballs creating a chemical reaction that was similar to fire..

"I can't read her mind right now so I'm not sure what to do" said her father.

Her legs and arms then fell off and what remained of her body was shaking so violently that she was bouncing up and down off the bed like a chef flipping pancakes.

"She will never realise her dream of having a secret abortion if we correct her body malfunctions now" pained her father.

"Though...I doubt what is happening now will ever be kept secret" she noted.

Slowly her body began to melt and an what was left of it turned into a burning blue light that slowly turned into a green glowing napalm.

"But then...she wouldn't be able to realise any dreams at all if she dies" countered her father.

The bed caught fire and her blood seemed to act as a fuel.

"We better leave now" said her mother. Plutonians are immune to fire but not to collapsing buildings. They exited the clinic. The fire burned wildly in the room with her orific juices fueling the fire as though it was TNT.

"I hope we made the right decision" said her father.

"Did we even make a decision"? asked her mother.

The building quickly imploded and the protesters outside of the clinic jumped up and down in joy at the demise of a centre of baby murder.

Her parents started walking very fast. "She did live a good life and seemed content here on earth" said her mother.

"What more could we have asked for" replied her father.

The remains of the building then errupted sending out shards of metal that flew through the protesters body chopping them up into tiny pieces as well as some bystanders. The surrounding buildings then caught on fire.

"Should we stay here on earth" asked her father.

"I don't see why not".

"We will have to inform her boyfriend" said her mother "if he hasn't died of cancer yet".

"You know...we should think about having another offspring" noted her father.

"That's such a...how the earthlings say...mmmm....romantic idea!" she gushed with the LED lights in her cheeks glowing".

"We should go home right now and commense the insemination" said her father. And this time we should give her a name."

"Good idea" noted her mother.

They went home holding hands as earthlings did with big fake smiles. His penis like organ glowed purple and her breasts did too though they were both covered up with clothing so no one else noticed.



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