
From Uncyclopedia, the content-free encyclopedia
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  1. NRA approves of law allowing blind to own firearms
  2. California police prove they are not racist by shooting black man
  3. U.N. warns Syria to halt violence or face further warnings
  4. Teenager admits to having fun; D.E.A. moves to classify 'fun' as a Schedule I drug
  5. Putin denies voting irregularities; says corruption is "fairly regular now"
  6. Utah passes law mandating a nine-month waiting period prior to getting an abortion
  7. Nachlader copulates with own mom, arrested for bestiality
  8. Italian ship captain violates house arrest; abandons "sinking" house
  9. Justin Bieber eats a sandwich
  10. Study shows news stories which cite studies are least informative
  11. Man goes to work; wife fucks his neighbor
  12. Congresswoman survives headshot (so far); Glock considers redesign
  13. Alabama hospital launches controversial program
  14. Terrorist group claims responsibility for Williams' foot fault
  15. Heterosexuality declared "a vile abomination and unnatural sexual preference according to scripture and now according to scientists. Kekekeke!"
  16. I love him!!!1
  17. Bush declares "Mission Accomplished" in War on E. coli
  18. Uncyclopedia editor actually writes an article using a headline from Minitrue
  19. Terrorist group claims responsibility for Craig sex scandal
  20. Uncyclopedia predicts Benoit tragedy
  21. Conflict in Darfur continues; nobody cares Grue Jammy.gif
  22. ED's new reskin rakes in the lulz Grue Jammy.gif
  23. E. coli strikes again; US responds again
  24. E. coli strikes again; United States declares war
  25. Iowa is destroyed in a wildfire; perpetrators lauded
  26. Racist fan still thinks a white coach would have beaten Dungy in the Super Bowl
  27. Maddox doesn't update; the end is nigh! Grue Jammy.gif
  28. Strange activity between Area 50 and Area 52 reported
  29. San Franciso bans gay marriage, evacuated
  30. Germans finally getting tired of the "Nazi" stereotype Grue Jammy.gif
  31. Britney Spears finally gets her eyes checked, files for divorce from Kevin Federline
  32. Spencer claims Hillary is ugly; Bill claims, "no comment"
  33. New breed of rat discovered; exterminators called
  34. Bin Laden dies; E. coli lauded Grue Jammy.gif
  35. UnNews:DUMB-asses censored for no apparent reason
  36. Kofi Annan's lunch: rap and a cheese sandwich Grue Jammy.gif
  37. Denny's number one customer dies at 112 Grue Jammy.gif
  38. The Governator hospitalized; claims "it's not a tumor!" Grue Jammy.gif
  39. Howard Dean intends to campaign on Jupiter Grue Jammy.gif
  40. Hurricane Katrina: seems as though it just happened yesterday
  41. Italy may replace France as main UN peacekeeping force Grue Jammy.gif
  42. Could Queen Latifah be considered a planet? Grue Jammy.gif
  43. Airstrike accidentally kills a baker's dozen of Afghan police Grue Jammy.gif
  44. Three die in airport terminal after dehydration; airport security measures to blame
  45. Rumsfeld gives Clinton two options Grue Jammy.gif
  46. Tropical Storm Chris approaches No Orleans Grue Jammy.gif
  47. Castro undergoes surgery; citizens flee while they can Grue Jammy.gif
  48. New amusement park opened in Chernobyl Grue Jammy.gif
  49. Zawahri claims "entire world is a battlefield"; Switzerland surrenders Grue Jammy.gif
  50. Recently discovered "blob" the biggest thing in the universe Grue Jammy.gif
  51. Coauthor of the "Left Behind" series agrees: world will be ending
  52. California heat-wave deadly; Antarctica heat-wave deadlier
  53. Bush welcomes Sheehan to neighborhood with customary Jello-O mold Grue Jammy.gif
  54. Lance Bass of 'N Sync reveals he's gay; surprise, surprise Grue Jammy.gif
  55. World may be ending soon! Grue Jammy.gif
  56. Hezbollah baffled by Israel's response Grue Jammy.gif
  57. Former Israeli PM Sharon near death Grue Jammy.gif
  58. Will Smith alleges racism and leaves Hollywood
  59. Pastafarians see "the face of the Flying Spaghetti Monster" in a window
  60. Power is still out in St. Louis; nobody cares
  61. After 30 years of marriage, a London man discovers that his wife is actually a rare Yucca plant Grue Jammy.gif
  62. Sex offenders receive Viagra via Medicaid; playgrounds closed Grue Jammy.gif

Grue Jammy.gif = Audio Available

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