William Shatner Syndrome

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Sufferer, of, Late-Stage, William, Shatner, Syndrome,.

"KHAAAAAAAN,!!!, is, a, very, bad, man,!!"

~ Captain Kirk on Khan

William, Shatner, Syndrome, is, a, psy,cho,logical, and phys,i,o,logical, disorder, that,,, causes people, to,,, pause, and, add, a, comma, at, the, end, of, every, word, that, they, speak,,.

This, was, named, after, William, Shatner, after, he, became, famous, for,, by, playing, the, role, of,,, Captain, Kirk, but, no, one, could,, help, but, notice, the, strange, way, he, spoke, when, he, talked, as,, Captain, Kirk,. Many, people, thought, it, was,, a, character, trait, but, when, William, Shatner,,, is, seen, elsewhere, the, syndrome, is, still, prevalent,.

William, Shatner, Syndrome, is, attributed, to, overacting, as, well, as, age-prevention,. Although, William, Shatner, is, a, mean, 75, years, old, he, looks, like, he, could, be, in, his, late, forties, or, early, fifties,. This, seems, to, be, a, positive, side, effect, of, the, syndrome, but, one, must, decide, whether, it,is, worth, it, to, stay, young, looking, but, to, have, to, talk, like, your, brain, is, a, Commodore 64 processor,.

Gary, Coleman once, had, William, Shatner, Syndrome, but, managed, to, overcome, it,. However, age-prevention, in, Coleman, regressed, so, much, that, he, looks, like, a, child, he, was, never, able, to, revert, back, to, his, normal, age, appearance, and, maintains, this, look, today,.there, is, only, one, cure, for, the, syndrome, is, to, rub, a, fat, greasy, ugly, buffalo, all, over, your, chest, and, dip, your, self, in, acid,.

Shatnerese[edit | edit source ]

Shatnerese, is a, written, and spoken, language, used by, those, afflicted, with,.,.,. William Shatner Syndrome,.

The language, like the, disease, is part, of, the Germanic languages, would, be considered, English, based, but, due to, the, unusual, articulation, and, pronunciation, of words, and, unnecessary, use, of, excessive commas, and, pauses, it has, been, classified, as, its, own language,.

Shatnerese, first, came under, prominent, usage, by, the, shat, man, himself, William Shatner, while, portraying, the role, of, Captain, James, T,.,Kirk on, the, television, show,.,.,. Star, Trek,.

Other people, who, are, known, to, speak, Shatnerse, are, Christopher, Walken and, West, Adam and, Gary, Coleman

Shatnerse, is, attributed to, overacting, as, well, as, age-prevention,. Although, William, Shatner, is, a mean, 75, years, old, he, looks, like, he, could be, in, his, late, forties, or, early, fifties,. This, seems, to be, a, positive, side, effect, of, the syndrome, but, one, must, decide, whether, it is, worth, it, to, stay, young, looking, but, to, have, to, talk, like, your, brain, is a,.,.,. Commadore 64 processor,.

Although, Shaternese, is, a, new language, and, is, spoken, by, only, a few people, it is, because, these, are, well known, and, famous, people, that, it is, most, likely, to remain, prominent, in, society, much like,.,.,. Scientology,.


See Also[edit | edit source ]

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