Procrastination is what you are doing right now. Get back to work.
It is a form of human behavior in which an individual displays a deferment or avoidance of an action or task to a later time. Those who procrastinate may often experience
The author will finish it later. Or maybe not. You know, they're kinda lazy lately. Go away!
Note: If this page is unedited for 7 days we will set your grandma on fire and run her over with a tricycle.
Construction.svgArticle to be written later.
Update: Maybe tomorrow.
July 15, 2005: Thinking about doing some work on the article. OMG! Reno 911! is on! BRB.
August 9, 2005: Not a good day. Bad start to the article already. Going back to bed.
September 24, 2005: Procrastination is... is... aw, screw it... too much typing.
January 1, 2006: People like to procrastinate. It is fun. Procrastination is a really, really long word. Hard to spell. Pokra... prok... oh never mind.
January 10, 2006: I have a plan to stop procrastinating but have not enacted it yet.
January 21, 2006: Not on the front page anymore, so I'll get back to this later.
January 9, 2007: Tomorrow I'll sort up this page, clean all the crap and write a beautiful and informative article about procrastination. Today I'm busy enough coming up with an excuse for not doing it tomorrow.
May 10, 2007: I'm going to be busy with outside stuff, you know, laying in the grass.
July 21, 2007: You know. Maybe if I leave it alone, it will go away.
July 8, 2013: Wow, it's been a long time. Maybe I should just finish? Nah... I'll just go watch some porn.
October 20, 2017: Alright its time to start working on this thi- Wait the Pyro update is out? Shit I gotta test this out
August 2, 2019: I can't believe I forgot about this page I need to get writing it, let me just check on the steam community market real qui- Wait why are tf2 crates 5 dollars?
Unknown, 2020: With this lockdown I can probably finish up all my projects and get some work done. Wait the FUCK Half life Alyx just got announced BRB
September 13, 2021: Not today. What about later?
February 30, 2053: The difficulties of having my house surrounded by water after the rest of the icecaps melted a few weeks ago has prevented me from adding anything constructive to the article. That, and there has been a Simpsons marathon on TV.
February 12, 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. (Heat Death of the universe) : I'll finish it next cycle
November 25, 2019: I used a time machine to get more time. Not sure when i will work on it tho.... um.. maybe yesterday.
November 27/02/23: I am wasting my life watching bullshit videos and editing this bullshit wiki. I used to actually want to make something out of myself.