Uncyclopedia:Anniversaries/August 12

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August 12: Madonna Depreciation Day (Worldwide)

  • 1675 - The Vegetable Armistice is signed, ending the Great Tomato War.
  • 1840 - Martin Van Buren is somehow re-nominated for the Presidential election by the Democrats, despite being a pretentious douche and insisting on making lame genitalia jokes at passing squirrels.
  • 1908 - First Model T Ford built. It faces stiff competition from the pirate-made Model R (pictured).
  • 1960 - Echo I, the first communications satellite, launched.
  • 1960 - Echo I, the first communications satellite, launched.
  • 1964 - English novelist Ian Fleming passes away when he is mistakenly served a vodka martini stirred, not shaken.
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