ASCII art is an activity for those who are awesomely bored, stoned like no other, or want to be known for some sort of ability that impresses people other than their own reflection in a mirror. Piano playing, baseball, soccer, and many other things are really pointless and have no real fans. ASCII, on the other hand, deserves to die and burn in hell to the applause of millions, and that's why it's so good!
Sam Johnson[edit | edit source ]
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Jester by: Sam Johnson
Sam Johnson (1825-1906) proved himself as an expert artist. He created mice out of simple things his whole life. Twigs, feathers, and uncooked grains were his favorite media, until he created a mouse on a keyboard. Did Pable Picasso ever do that? No, sir, he did not.
Cat O' Nine Tails[edit | edit source ]
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Cat O' 9 Tails by: Sam Johnson
One of Sam's more complex works, he designed this for over a year before finally rendering it. During this time his wife would visit him in his basement workroom, where he then lived, and bring him food from the fields, which she and their three daughters worked.
Phil Hughes[edit | edit source ]
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Magnum by: Phil Hughes
Phil Hughes (1979-waiting) has a passion for guns and Barney. The two have been the source for most of his artwork. And his fantasies.
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Barney by: Phil Hughes
Jack Watson[edit | edit source ]
Jack Watson is a nature freak. All he does are pics on animals and plants. He may be crazy.
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Panda by: Jack Watson.
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Eagle by: Jack Watson
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Puppy Dog by: Jack Watson
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Duckie by: Jack Watson
Fossa hungry. Fossa eat.[edit | edit source ]
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Fossa Pedo. Fossa Bear. by Fossa hungry. Fossa eat.
Fossa like.
Making Your Own Art[edit | edit source ]
Making ASCII art is not an easy task. Do what I did. Make some Art.
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