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Cow Moo Cult!
The Decree for the Reformation May 2008
The Decree for the Reformation May 2008
The Decree for the Reformation is a list of changes radicalo changes, written by YTTE. It is the first piece of law in CMC history, ever.
The Decree for the Reformation orders the following changes:
- A new CMC parliament, dividing into three courts. The Upper Court being restricted to the CMC Aristocracy and CMC Courtiers; the Lower Court open to all CMC members and the Open Court being a place for everyone. In this new parliament votes and discussion should be held.
- A new CMC honour ("courtier") to be bestowed upon members who deserve to have a voice in the Parliament.
- The replacement of the old Lay Council.
- A constitution introduced sometime in the future.
- A system where laws can be thought up, voted upon, passed or failed and then submitted to a log.
- For the CMC on Uncyclopedia to secretly become it's own state and
(削除) then take over the world (削除ここまで).
The Decree for the Reformation centres around the new parliamentarian system and gets rid of the old "Lay Council" which was open to all CMC members. It also intends a "constitution" of some sort to be written for the CMC some time in the future.
The Parliament system should follow these "Ground Laws":
- Electing new Courtiers. The Upper Court will elect new courtiers after a general discussion. A majority of two or more votes wins. If the vote is deadlocked the matter should be referred to the CowCouncil. Votes are always made individually for each proposed candidate. There should never be more members of the Upper Court than there are of the Lower Court.
- Voting. When a matter is brought up in the Lower of Upper Court then a vote can be called. Anyone may initiate this vote. A majority of two or more wins. A matter of promotion, punishment, expulsion or any other non-public matter can only be voted on in the Upper Court. Unless the CowCouncil decides otherwise all other issues should be voted on in both courts. If the issue passes through the Lower Court then it starts off with +2 in the Upper Court's vote. If a proposal fails in the Upper Court then it has been defeated, even if it wins in the Lower Court. Defeated proposals should be changed or altered before being re-submitted. If a proposal is defeated in the Lower Court then the CowCouncil should decided whether to vote upon the issue in the Upper Court. If the vote is then brought to the Upper Court it starts off on -1.
- Punishment and promotions. These issues should be voted upon only by Upper Court.