Hey. This is TuoDecaps' user page. I find stoicity to be the best policy.
This user possess the newbie rank of Mud Grunt, is a Cult Peasant and have Cow Moo power over all non-cult members.
If you attempt to taste this , you will most rhythmically become Bat Fuck Insane yourself.
Or the submitter will taste your guillotine.
My Limited Contributions[edit | edit source ]
Burt Ward (Rewrite is on the way)
HowTo:Be annoying as hell on Xbox Live (Technical issues need to be worked out, otherwise mostly done.)
Coming Soon (Hopefully)[edit | edit source ]
Scooby Doo Elitism (Based on a rant I went on while playing Halo one day.)
This one time.[edit | edit source ]
I once ran halfway to the Wal-Mart a mile away from my house! But then I had a heart attack from the stress and had to ride the ambulance to the hospital! But once I told them I didn't have any insurance they dumped me out of the vehicle immediately, in front of Wal-Mart! This pleased me at first until I recalled that I was having a fatal heart attack. So, being in that predicament I pulled my Dagger Of Time only to realize that I had only one sand charge left! Boy was my face red! So I used the dagger but it malfunctioned! I was sent to a galaxy far, far away where I met up with some rebel scum who were defying the Frog Emperor and his Asthmatic partner Captain Black Mask! Needless to say I blew up the Large Circular Object Of Celestial Destruction but that bastard George Lukeas Skywalker took all the credit! He even claimed that Captain Black Mask was his father! What a liar! So I stormed off to my ship and drove to the planet of OhmygoditssofuckinghotImeanwhatthehelltwosuns? Where I prayed to Morgan Freeman to take me home. Morgan Freeman allowed this and I was sent back to my galaxy where I was of course still having a heart attack. I died in a ditch two minutes later.