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Make your votes clear, keep comments about the article short or add them to the talk page to avoid massive clutter. Voting goes until midnight 21st of July (UTC). Two articles per year will be featured over the period of ten days (22nd to 31 of July).
2005[edit | edit source ]
Cabbage [edit | edit source ]
AAAAAAAAA! [edit | edit source ]
Certificate of Hitlertude [edit | edit source ]
Phonics [edit | edit source ]
Kitten Huffing [edit | edit source ]
Euroipods [edit | edit source ]
Nobody cares [edit | edit source ]
World War I (video game) [edit | edit source ]
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2006[edit | edit source ]
Alternative medicine [edit | edit source ]
Fire Hydrant [edit | edit source ]
Bouncy Castle [edit | edit source ]
Coffee parody [edit | edit source ]
Fisher Price: A Retrospective [edit | edit source ]
MP3 Player [edit | edit source ]
Celebrity_Manufacture [edit | edit source ]
The Putz Who Stole Hanukkah [edit | edit source ]
Lost in Translation [edit | edit source ]
Uncyclopedia is the worst [edit | edit source ]
UnBooks:Pulp Novel, the case of the dashing dame [edit | edit source ]
The Swedish Orienteering And Firing A Rat From A Cannon Championships [edit | edit source ]
IMDb [edit | edit source ]
Hardwick Fundlebuggy's Prison Journal [edit | edit source ]
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2007[edit | edit source ]
Adolf Hitler [edit | edit source ]
Volcano [edit | edit source ]
Colonel [edit | edit source ]
Mental illness [edit | edit source ]
You Are Dead [edit | edit source ]
UnBooks:Tarquin Middleton: My Battle with Depression. [edit | edit source ]
UnBooks:The Anarchist Cookbook [edit | edit source ]
Long walks on the beach [edit | edit source ]
Books never written [edit | edit source ]
UnBooks:Only Business [edit | edit source ]
Heat death of the universe [edit | edit source ]
Really big tree [edit | edit source ]
Shortcut [edit | edit source ]
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2008[edit | edit source ]
Hot indiscriminate sex [edit | edit source ]
Bacon and Cheese Sandwich of 1905 [edit | edit source ]
Perestroika [edit | edit source ]
All of the Above [edit | edit source ]
Fish Puns [edit | edit source ]
America is the best!!! [edit | edit source ]
Traditional Values [edit | edit source ]
UnBooks:The True Story of: Jimmy and the aliens; based on a true story [edit | edit source ]
UnBooks:The Night I Slept with Björk [edit | edit source ]
John Scherer [edit | edit source ]
UnScripts:Average Cop [edit | edit source ]
UnMysteries:A Tissue Of Lies [edit | edit source ]
UnBooks:Surgical Phone [edit | edit source ]
Sania Mirza [edit | edit source ]
Dishwasher [edit | edit source ]
Turing Duck Test [edit | edit source ]
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