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pock·et [pok-it] –noun
1. a shaped piece of fabric attached inside or outside a garment and forming a pouch used esp. for carrying small articles.
the·sau·rus [thi-sawr-uhs] –noun, plural -sau·rus·es, -sau·ri [-sawr-ahy]
1. a dictionary of synonyms and antonyms.

"What an asshole."

~ pocketthesaurus on himself

Stuffs[edit | edit source ]

Pocketthesaurus is the secret alias of a Double-O Agent.[1]

Writes  : Stuff/Right handed
Bats  : Afraid of rabies/Right handed
Pitches  : Sales and tents
Likes  : Long moon-lit walks on the beach with dogs, candle-lit 
 dinners in asbestos-filled restaurants, Star Wars, music, and stuff
Dislikes : Racists, homophobes, pro-lifers, whiny girls, filling things like this out

More stuffs[edit | edit source ]

  • Likes stuff.
  • Likes sleeping.
  • Likes sleeping alone.
  • Likes sleeping with women.
  • Likes sleeping alone with women.
  • Likes sleeping under trees while dreaming of a better world, a world where men don't have to live in constant fear of God, the Devil or, to a lesser extent, Bob.
  • Likes eating.
  • Likes eating food.
  • Likes it because it tastes good.

The Good Stuffs[edit | edit source ]

pocketthesaurus has made some entries, written some fake news, and added wonderment to already-written entries.

Articles I've Written[edit | edit source ]

Things I've explained HowTo Do[edit | edit source ]

UnNews-worthy Things I've Authored[edit | edit source ]

Things I've Made Major (or minor) Contributions To[edit | edit source ]

Footnote stuffs[edit | edit source ]

  1. Actually agent 011, but an honorary Double-O. Also an honorary doctor. And an honorary judge. And an honorary mayor. And a godfather . Also, he has the key to the city of Las Francisco. And the keys to the hearts of many women. Also, he is full of himself.
  2. Most experts agree that it's a relig-elicious experience.
  3. Relocated due to (削除) not ever being finished (削除ここまで) my laziness.
  4. Because April 16th is only 156 days away. - pocketthesaurus on October 12th, 2007
  5. True story! I heard it from my cousin, Jimmy, who was told about it from his drummer, Bob, who had heard it from his girlfriend's best-friend, Janine, who heard it from her dad's father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roomate!
  6. I found it. And I'm holding it for ransom!
  7. I went to school with that guy.
  8. They waste so much ammo!
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