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Hello, I am a moustachioed gentleman explorer. With warmest regards, F
"M, .mM" IMIm ,mIM" ,MI:"IM,mIMm "IMmm, ,IM::::IM::IM, ,m" "IMMIMMIMm::IM:::::IM""==mm ,mIM" __ ,mIM::::::MIM:::::::IM::::mIMIM" ,mMIMIMIIMIMM::::::::mM::::::::IMIMIMIMMM" IMM:::::::::IMM::::::M::::::::IIM:::::::MM, "IMM::::::::::MM:::M:::::::IM:::::::::::IM, "IMm::::::::IMMM:::::::IM:::::::::::::IM, "Mm:::::::::IM::::::MM::::::::::::::::IM, IM:::::::::IM::::::MM::::::::::::::::::IM, MM::::::::IM:::::::IM::::::::::::::::::IM "IM::::::::IM:::::::IM:::::::::::::::::IM;. "IM::::::::MM::::::::IM::::::::::mmmIMMMMMMMm,. IM::::::::IM:::::::IM::::mIMIMM"""". .. "IMMMM "IM::::::::IM::::::mIMIMM"". . . . . .,mM" "M IMm:::::::IM::::IIMM" . . . . . ..,mMM" "IMMIMIMMIMM::IMM" . . . ._.,mMMMMM" ,IM". . ."IMIM". . . .,mMMMMMMMM" ,IM . . . .,IMM". . . ,mMMMMMMMMM" IM. . . .,mIIMM,. . ..mMMMMMMMMMM" ,M"..,mIMMIMMIMMIMmmmMMMMMMMMMMMM" IM.,IMI""" ""IIMMMMMMMMMMM ;IMIM" ""IMMMMMMM "" "IMMMMM "IMMM "IMM, "IMM "MM, IMM, ______ __ ______ "IMM__ .mIMMIMMIMMIMMIMM, .,mIMMIMMIMM, ,mIMM, IMM""" ,mIM". . . . "IM,..M, ,IMMM' . . . "IMM.\ "M, IMM ,IM". . . . / :;IM \ M, .mIM' . . . / .:"IM.\ MM "MM, ,M". . . / .;mIMIMIM,\ M ,IM'. . . / . .:;,IMIMIMMM IMM ,M". . / .:mIM"' "IM,:M ,IM'. . . / . .:;,mIM" `"IMM IMM IM. . / .mM" "IMI ,IM . . / . .:;,mIM" "IMMMMM MM,. / ,mM "M' IM'. . / . .;,mIM" "IIMMM ,IMIM,.,IM" IM . . / . .,mIM" IMMMMMMM' """ `IM,. / ;,mIM" IIMMM "IMI, /,mIM" __IMMM "IMMMM" """IMM "" IMM IMM__ IMM""" IMM IMM __IMM """IMM IMM IMM IMM__ IMM""" IMM IMM
"Wikipedia Celebrates 750 Years Of American Independence"
Rumors and Legendry[edit | edit source ]
Don't Panic!ParticularlyEvil is actually h2g2 Researcher U42.
UnNews Logo Potato.png
This user is a reporter for UnNews because they couldn't get a job at a real newspaper.
This user is an announcer for UnNews because no reputable broadcaster would hire them.
This user's primary source of artwork is MS Paint.
UnNews Logo Potato.png
This user is a reporter for UnNews because they couldn't get a job at a real newspaper.
This user is an announcer for UnNews because no reputable broadcaster would hire them.
This User is a zookeeper at the UnBestiary. Don't mind the smell.
This user's future is so bright, they've gotta wear shades.
Nuvola apps important.svg
This user hates you and everyone you care about.
Nuvola apps important.svg
This user is against sexuality; probably because it is not a pervert like you.