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Dethklok are one of the most metal of metal bands to (削除) grace (削除ここまで) grave the face of our fair world. The band is so is metal that many metallic elements normally found only in the Periodic Table have become tarnished as a result of the bands success.

Early and Later Years[edit | edit source ]

A group of the bands (削除) 'mental' (削除ここまで) 'Metal' fans

The band formed in 1992 when frontman Nathan Explosion met up with Skwisgaar at the local metal hair convention. The two quickly hit it off based on their mutual inability to form a coherent sentence. The pair agreed that the convention was "not metal enough" and set off to find a cheap bar. Outside the convention, they were rudely interrupted by Pickles, who fell onto them after the bouncer kicked him out. Recognising Pickles from the most recent Drunk Olympics, Explosion brought him along.

The trio were interested in forming a band, but recognised that Skwisgaar's skills alone wouldn't be enough. They decided, over the thirteenth beer, to find themselves a bass player.

It was about this point that Murderface stabbed their table with an authentic Civil War knife. Skwisgaar, forgetting he was not, in fact, in a metal video, whipped out his guitar and attempted to shoot laser beams at Murderface. The resulting conflict can only be described as lukewarm. It somehow ended with Murderface and someone who got involved for no apparent reason, Toki Wartooth, becoming involved with the band.

With such a potent combination, it wasn't long before Dethklok became the biggest band in the world. Critics argue that this was largely because of the Murdercycle - who's going to argue with a band who owns a motorbike with four sidecars? Would you? I wouldn't.

Band members-ish[edit | edit source ]

Nathan Explosion[edit | edit source ]

Vocals, Windmill Headbanging. Granter of the rank of "Metal" or "Brutal". Requires constant liver transplants.

Skwisgaar Skwigelf[edit | edit source ]

Lead guitarist, taller than a tree. Born in Sweden, where it is said that the worst horse wins, which Skwisgaar confirmed is true. Along with the classic windmill headbanging technique, Skwisgaar often uses the classic back and forth technique. He often coordinates his headbanging along with Toki. Skwisgaar has a guitar made from the wood of Christ's cross, along with a guitar made out of an ant farm.

Toki Wartooth (not a bumblebee)[edit | edit source ]

Rhythm guitarist and token whiny Norwegian. When Toki gets annoyed with his more skilled brother in shred, he either turns into a black metal demon poser or trollops around with a clown. But for what he lacks in guitar skill, he makes up for with utter cuteness. He also has underwater friends. He claims not to be a bumblebee, however this is still yet to be confirmed. In Norway, the best horse is president.

William Murderface, Murderface, Murderface[edit | edit source ]

Harmonica, Trash Can, Bass, general mutilation, Acoustic, Reggae. Also has his own side band, Planet Piss and playing bass with his penis.

Pickles[edit | edit source ]

The Drummer Doodily doo ding dong doodily doodily doo. After someone claimed he wasn't an alcoholic, he immediately drank even more to prove them wrong. As a result, he's become a role model for young Australians everywhere.

Discography[edit | edit source ]

As you would expect from a band as metal as Dethklok, they have a number of songs. Unfortunately we are unable to list them due to a legal writ issued by layers representing Gold and Sliver who fear that Dethklok songs may affect their reputation.

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