User:Mr. Briggs Inc./Spirited Away

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Spirited Away (24季節6の下検分映画\Preview of 24 Season 6) is an action/drama/comedy/romance/real-time thriller movie that was animated by a Japanese studio on the little island of Nunavut. The movie was intended as a demonstration of how awesome 24 Season 6 would have been but director Kiefer Sutherland (whose confidence has been raised due to him gaining 50ドル million by doing 2 more seasons of 24) and Hazio Miazaki decided that they needed more money and it couldn't hurt so it was released overseas on September 12, 2001, 1 day after 9/11. The movie was released to critical praise and criticism and made a lonely 150,000ドル counting towards most of the chart (most of them were 24 fans).

Plot[edit | edit source ]

Warning: The following text might contain spoilers.
This makes the article more aerodynamic, and thus more maneuverable at high speeds. Take caution and carry a first-aid kit at all times if you don't know that the Planet of the Apes was Earth all along, Number Six escapes from The Village, Norman Bates is really the murderer, Oedipus fulfills the Oracle's prophesy by killing his dad and fucking his mom, Mary Magdalene, who was married to Jesus, is buried under the pyramid in the Louvre, and the holy grail is actually their descendants, Charlie Brown never talks to that red-headed girl, Camerlengo Ventresca is really Janus, and is completely insane, the Lord of the Flies is inside us all, Bertha Crow is the answer and Bertha Crow is the winner, and Soylent Green is PEOPLE!!!
Chihiro Ogino, The movie's protagonist.

The story begins with both her mother and father and her daughter reuniting after a shaky relationship, His father has been in the field for way too long (He works as a farmer) and her mother keeps working for him, It was decided that they'd reunite and to move to what screams and what's assumed as sunny Los Angeles County, The movie begins there with Chihiro being taken of a tour of her new town and her first destination is the school, Chihiro lies there like she's infected with a disease of the three (Pregnancy, Anthrax or Super AIDS). When the flowers of circumnavigation start to fall apart due to forced pressure. She suddenly wakes up to realize that those things may be dying, Mother suggests putting it in some "water". When they reach their neighborhood they reach a fork in the road and instead of asking for directions or reading any of the signs, the father decided to go left (Neighborhood is on the right) and after 10 minutes of driving his blood pressure, sugar and adrenaline start to go down. He realize that he needs to get it up or he dies so his car starts to speed up and reaches a speed of 95 mph. Chihiro's car passes some houses and some inanimate statues that have soul.

Her father doing 95 mph because he's low.

Suddenly an object gets in the way of the car and has to stop suddenly, Luckily the object only scratches the grill of the car, Once time passes for rendering the upcoming wall, A hole appears in the wall and to the parents seems like an entrance to the neighborhood (NOT!). In just approximately 30 seconds human sense is lost and they go in making their daughter follow in with them, On the other side they reach what's assumed to be an abondoned amusement park under the neighborhood but really it's another universe with actual sky and everything (These guys never seen an indoor amusement park with blue sky.) meanwhile when exploring they smell food this is where the main part of their "adventure" begins.

A screenshot which shows the before/after side of things.

They taste the food and then lose all decency of any kind. Not fearing futility, they eat everything in sight. This is where Chihiro is disregarded and let loose to browse the "amusement park" where she discovers a building that looks similar to a bathhouse but is assumed to be a bathhouse but is really a fully functioning CTU unit/bathhouse. She then meets a boy who is the same age as her who tells her that "you're too late". He then reveals a knife. Fearing death, basic human instincts set in as she runs for her life but when mysterious people who are transparent start appearing, she realize she has to get her parents and get out of there. But unbeknownst to her, Her parents has already been transformed into pigs, (you can really see the resemblance) realizing all hope is lost she begins to panic like crazy. She returns to the point of origin but it has been filled in water. Nearby, a boat begins to appear and she tries to wake up by putting water on her face. She realizes she's becoming invisible then another boy who's 6 years older than she is (do the math people) gives her food and tells her to come with him. Meanwhile on the boat, everything is going fine and then we turn to a guy with a MP3 player, within a few seconds the boat explodes taking 253 people (estimated toll) with it and widespread panic starts to begin.

An image of the tour through Uncyclopedia.

Chihiro and the boy reach an area populated a people, must be a bridge. Anyways the boy makes Chihiro invisible for the time being so that they can cross safely but when an amorphous talking frog approaches them, He has no choice but to take her on a tour of Uncyclopedia (Yeah, it's not worth it and the free euroipod you get at the end of the trip really isn't worthwhile.). When their tour ends he tells the girl to go downstairs and find a door to a right. It is revealed a little bit later that it's a trap due to his grin. Chihiro finds the stairs and after a few delicate tries begins running down the stairs unexpectedly and luckily the building grows 20ft of wall unexpectedly (coincidence, nah.). She finds the door to the right and goes through it, this is where he meets the boilerman where he does his best to turn down Chihiro but she's persistent, this is where he introduces his workers which weren't there. This therefore ruined the scene where she drops the coal into the fire and this is where footage from 24 season 6 comes in and where the first gunfight comes in.

An excerpt of the (削除) stolen (削除ここまで) popular fight scene.

She shoots at him but he runs out of bullets. An epic fistfight comes in where both of them come down then Chihiro grabs a wrench and hits swings at him, he dodges it and then beats her unmercifully, but she gets back up with the use of the chain. This is where she proceeds to block every attack made with the pipe then begins to wrap his neck around the pipe. She then kills him by lifting the chain and choking him in the progress, he collapses.

A woman unknown to her comes in and sees that the boilerman is taking a nap, the boilerman tells her in his sleep that she wants to work, she disagrees with him, but he sleeptalks her into it and she takes her to the main witch (director) who runs this place.

This movie is rated PG-13 by the MPAA.

After some expert stealth and bribery she finally reaches her destination. Inside a dark place, suddenly all her fear return in a cowardly way and results in her being told she's too scared for to do the job. Once inside the office, she begs for the job. During the first two minutes of begging, the woman smokes relentlessly in protest of the MPAA's rating of the film. After 3 more minutes of arguing, Chihiro squealing wakes up the witch's 12 month old 33 lb baby and during the waking she gets the job but with a price. She signs her name away to which she is given a new name, Zune (not Sen, Zune, it's more humiliating.) Meanwhile she is being taken to an apartment of sorts where she lives with 6 unique woman, It takes a while to find a uniform that fits but she finds one and during that time Chihiro, (Oops, I mean Zune) gets sick while waiting, she tells her to lay down, she does and an entire day passes by.

The epic return of Jack Bauer, Well for a while actually.

Chihiro is taken down the pen where she sees the situation being assessed, over in a table, Seems like Conan O' Brian and Jamie O' Brian are working it out and we see Namsserp Olim flirting with Conan. Conan disses Namsserp and Namsserp is needlessly looking for another woman to flirt with. Zune starts to work by cleaning the floors, handing out assessment reports and getting the crew 5 decafs, 3 green teas and 2 espressos, a txt message reveals that another green tea is needed.

The pen where something is cooking up with Conan O' Brian and James O' Brian.

Meanwhile an offer has been made that requires the life of Jack Bauer in order to reveal the mastermind behind the attacks, a plane approaches and 12 soldiers run up to the plane and the door opens to reveal Jack Bauer with a beard, broken and in cuffs. Two minutes after Bauer is off the plane his head is shot off by a sniper. The Chinese note states that since Bauer is dead we need another person to come to China or we'll blow up your "CTU". Luckily one of the 24 writers was on the lot (the bald one), and they were given to the Chinese. This will have unfortunate circumstances when Jack Bauer gets interrogated for falsely handing over one of our "agents". The director lady has only 6 hours to think of someone to give for info.

Chihiro is having a good time.
This happens 6 years, 6 days and 3 hours after the incident

Meanwhile Zune meets the boy again in the outside, it's decided that she had such a great time that he wanted to have that time again. Their time together begins with him showing her her parents in pig form, her father is laying out the assessment for what's going to happen and her mother is just a great pig in an unknown form we don't know yet. Once done with that we see them outside in a hedge where he shows her an unknown nametag she didn't know she had, (it came with the flowers even though there was no nametag on there). She remembers her name is Chihiro and begins to eat food and cry while eating the food. After an afternoon and an assumed home base, he leaves and while the girl has her name back, she also still has her job. And after a few minutes of peace, she is called into the director's office to be told that she is being sacrificed for information, Chihiro refuses (finally I can stop using the name Zune) but the director lady says that she'll be dying for something. She accepts and gets put into an SUV where she is taken to an area where the exchange is about to happen Two guys (one of which is Fayed) take Chihiro and put her in the SUV. James redirects a satellite to the location of the exchange where Fayed's l33t crew has aleready intercepted the satellite. They redirect the satellite but not without conquensences. Well for one, they ruined an opportunity to make Muslim peace and they also ruined an opportunity to stop the Iraq War. She is driven to a location that is unknown.

Mmmm... Neck.

Once inside Chihiro is strapped into a chair, and a heart monitor is strapped to her, and at the last moment, she tells them that they are sacrificing the wrong person and that she'll die for nothing. They begin to interrogate her and after many, many unsuccessful attempts, they pop out for tea. As soon as they do this, she straps off her heart monitor and fakes her own death.


A few seconds later she is gone but is revealed to be hiding under the grates. After wiping the blood from her face she escapes and hotwires a car, then she drives to CTU and after successfully getting there, she tells them that Fayed is the mastermind. After trying to convince the president which fails and she has to drive to Hamri Al-Assad's house to save him which is successful as he has killed the agent who revealed his location. They get out just in time as the choppers destroy the house and after getting him back to CTU they realize that she was right, Hamri Al-Assad gets sent to Washington a few minutes after being saved.

The bathtub scene that sets everything apart.

This happens 1 day later, The bombs are still out there and she is doing all the work she can on a rainy day when a mysterious creature appears all transparent and he has a mask. She feels compelled for him and gives him his keycard with sets CTU up for the final blow but she doesn't know that. In the pen she is tasked with cleaning the tub for dirty people even though this is CTU, it has one but on the bright side the lady from which she help infiltrated CTU is helping her, she ask Chihiro to get a bathtoken from the automated vending machine. She has a pleasant conversation both by voice, VoIP, video, and during a lucky break she gets the bathtoken and thanks the vending machine and then runs. The vending machine wishes he was H&K 45 Compact Gun, Jack Bauer would love him.


Chihiro return with the bathtoken and proceeds to make the bathwater come out and in an entire blast cleans the tub to bits, Meanwhile the mysterious monster is almost done reprogramming the keycard and during the few seconds, he changes the identity and he's now given full access, it is also during this time that his name is revealed to be No-Face. After the reprogramming of the Keycard is complete, No-Face drives over to CTU where he gets in easily after validating his identity, he then takes his briefcase and takes it to the ventilation room where he logs in and shuts down the ventilation system so that he can place the Sentox nerve gas canister in the fans and has set the detonator. Meanwhile some random girl notices that the ventilation system is down and goes to check it out, as she enters she gets eaten by No-Face. Meanwhile they've found the location of another nuke, They send an assault team after the nuke, their status is now unknown. Meanwhile No-Face makes his way out of the building (this was 14 minutes after it was set). Chihiro noticed the timer and ordered a "Code 6" evacuation, and this was 1 minute after the gas had been set off and very few people got out alive. Conan O' Brian was luckily able to find sealable areas so they went to each area and sealed it off from the Sentox. During that time many people were struggling to get out, but one in particular was important to Chihiro. Her father in pig form saw Conan and struggled to go to her but was killed by the Sentox, Chihiro looks on in silence.

The train which she takes to Swallow's Cove.

After a few minutes, CTU is in disrepair, 80% of their staff is killed and Code 6 is still on, Chihiro goes into a nervous breakdown following the death of her father. Luckily a licensed psychiatrist, (don't ask me how he got here.) was able to help Chihiro through her time of need. Meanwhile Conan was trying to find a way to get the remaining locations of nukes and in the director's office, the director lady was looking for the locations of the nukes, Conan says he's working on it

CTU in total disrepair after what No-Face did.

Chihiro is still on a breakdown and is not ready yet. An argument sparks the psychiatrist and Conan into pleading with Chihiro to get back to work and after a few minutes corrosion begins to eat away at the seals. Conan is unable to get the ventilation system to work as the program is restricting access, the crew asks Chihiro to restore access to the ventilation system as she is the only one small enough. She then cuts a seal off it and climbs up to a vented room and makes a temporary airlock. She then proceeds to the ventilation room and cuts off a seal to the ventilation room, she then leaves and waits for the gas to get out. She breathes in and returns to the sealed area, Conan then figures out that this was installed as a security measure after a recent breach, Conan says "the dumbasses didn't file it properly". Unfortunally with the seals at 80% corrosion and no one near enough to reach the ventilation room, The writers add someone at the last minute and place him in a sealed area near the ventilation room. We head to a sealed area known as holding and see Random Fat Guy and Security Guard sealed in. The guys from the other sealed room call the people in Holding and tell them that they have to get to ventiliation room and shut off the program before corrosion eats away the seals. He thinks that this might be a trick so that he doesn't have to take the sacrifice but then decided he needs a moment to think about it, Random Fat Guy is having a flashforward.

Charles Logan's Ranch, A famous location as shown in Spirited Away.

We see Random Fat Guy in a room, Smoking 7 kinds of drugs including Marijuana, Crack, McDonalds, and Kentuckistan Fried Chicken , We also see him doing one of the most inhumane things ever, Kitten Huffing. He goes to his daughters room where she feels pity for him for letting him go to wreck. During that time the police break in, arrest him, and take him to a correctional facility, After 3 years inside a correctional facility and after making an imaginary friend, he turns his life around and boards a certain airline with a certain flight number 815. The status of him is unknown as the flashforward ends here.

Chihiro meeting with someone who looks like Jack Bauer

After the flashforward, Random Fat Guy figured that he'd die anyway by his current lifestyle so he agrees, Random Fat Guy opens the door causing the entire room to become comtaminated. Anyway the composer had this epic music on hand that made the entire scene look epic. He reaches the ventilation room and exits out of the program allowing Conan to do his thing. After which Chihiro tells them that their families will be notified and that she's so sorry, Security Guard doesn't say anything as he was only here as a cardboard cutout. After 15 minutes she proceeds to see the boilerman and tells him that she wants to leave, he agrees and gives her 4 tickets to go. She then goes to the station and gets on the train to Swallow's Cove.

Chihiro actually kicking the terrorist out of the train, Mere seconds after the button is pressed.

While on the train she passes some notable landmarks that are soon-to-be-featured in 24 (Like Charles Logan's Ranch where Charles Logan is actually under house arrest at the time of this writing.). After a few minutes of traveling she notices a terrorist sitting at the end of the car, You can notice that it's a terrorist due to the fact that he has a middle-eastern look to him and he has a bulge in his shirt, Chihiro slowly goes to the terrorist and sucessfully reaches him and after a few seconds he reveals a trigger. A minor fistfight breaks out (Apparently it was so big it cause the passengers to freak out.) and after the fistfight it is revealed that he is a suicide bomber. A final stand is made to stop the suicide bomber but it fails as he says his patented catchphrase (Olu Ab-Wata) but Chihiro manages to kick the suicide bomber out just before he pressed the button, The explosion destroys a piece of the railroad, Therefore ruining the economy. Moments later another train goes into the water and destroys 1/4 of the track that the explosion already caused forcing the railroad to shutdown. She manages to reach Swallow's Cove and after hours of looking she meets the directors lady's twin which is overall nicer but looks nothing like her, in fact she looks like Jack Bauer which must be assumed that she is. ShHe tells him about their history, how they're similar and how she's the nice one and her sister isn't, he then tells Chihiro to remember something about the boy she met. After 3 days she remembers being saved by this boy, that, or an afterthought. Anyway the boy who is in love goes to the director lady and asks him to be set free (the reason would be that he just found out he can't procreate) and she agrees on one condition that if Chihiro can find her true parents they can both leave, but if she can't, she'll be stuck here forever and the boy owes the witch an euroipod, the boy agrees and they agree to meet on the Official Phillip Bauer Oil Platform where coincidentally the last nuke is located.

Official Phillip Bauer Oil Platform after the bet.

Chihiro is reminded to be at the oil platform and is transported there by Jack Bauer or what we assume. He also gives her a gun for luck, Once there the offer takes place directly on the platform where he is shown approximately 24 pigs. Luckily she assumes that none of them are her parents and the director lady's contract blew up and a black helicopter comes to pick her up. Seconds later Raptors come and blow up the oil rig destroying the director lady and the third nuke in a spectacular fashion. The boy leads to where she began and asks to go to the other side where her parent has woken up and Chihiro asks what's why the boy won't come. He replies "CTU needs a new director, also religion", Chihiro goes to the other side and discovers her mother who has completely forgotten about her father as he does not exist. She goes out and then looks back for a second, then she gets in the car, the mother asks if she is scared, and she says no because she has a gun.

She thought she was home, she thought she was back then Day 6 began...

Characters[edit | edit source ]

Chihiro Ogino[edit | edit source ]

Chihiro Ogino (私はジャックでない\I'm not Jack Bauer) is a 6 year old girl and the main protagonist in this movie, She may look like she's been through trouble, She's been there, She may look like she's been through say a necular explosion. She's been through that, in fact she forgotten after her father went on the field too long so now she's reverted back to her basic human instincts which is being a normal girl, pouting and hating new places cause they're different, just now when they're piecing back their relationship. During the movie Chihrio learns the value of hard work, romance and the sense of death since her father dies in the movie.

The Boy[edit | edit source ]

Take as much as you want.

The Boy (愛興味\Love Interest) is Chihiro's love interest and all around lover in reverse, He loves her and can't seem to tell it. Well he tells it by taking her out giving her a nametag and a possible hitting of Home Base. The Boy is rumored to have saved her as a spirit in a river but it's speculation. The Boy requests that Chihiro be released after he figured out he can't procreate.

Director Lady[edit | edit source ]

The Director Lady (私は彼女の名前について考えることができない\I can't think of a name for her) is the Director of CTU San Francisco and the brilliant mastermind behind the entire thing according to the raptors. She's the one who gives the job to Chihiro in the first place and takes her name and she also is married to an actual Zune and gave birth to a baby who were in a mystical world and was not a giant and weighed only 35lb at 12 months. She has helped this city through some tough crisis's like stopping Nukes, preventing an economy boom and last but not least, stopping the assassination of a presidental candidate "Palmer of David". She has done it with the help of her crew and at the price of keeping them here forever and enjoys working them to death.

No-Face[edit | edit source ]

No-Face about to kill an innocent random woman.

No-Face (神秘的で透明な創造物\Mysterious Transparent Creature) is the one responsible for infiltrating CTU and crippling it from the ground up using Sentox nerve gas and a reprogrammed keycard. The creature made contact with Chihiro hoping to earn her trust and sympathy but instead led CTU to total hell. It should be noted that Chihrio saw the Keycard and the Timer.

Conan O' Brian[edit | edit source ]

Conan O' Brian is CTU's expert hacker who like Chloe can hack a computer that's behind 18 firewalls, password protected, actively monitored, turned off and unplugged and thought his name suggests that he's a celebrity. He is an actual walking talking celebrity with hacking skills. He explains he has a clone, That's why his humor's beginning to suck.

Minor Characters[edit | edit source ]

These are characters that were to minor to make the list.

  • Jamie O' Brian (Conan's girlfriend/hacker friend)
  • Boilerman (Runs the boiler downstairs in a vented room)
  • The Girl (A worker at CTU who helps her infiltrate CTU, sleeps with her and even cleans the tub with her)
  • Fayed Terrorist #1 (Blows up the boat in the near beginning of the movie)
  • Jack Bauer (Gets killed when he firsts appears)
  • 24 Writer (Bald Guy)
  • Random CTU Worker #1 (Gets killed by No-Face)
  • Ticket Taker (Only takes the tickets)
  • Vice President Daniels (He calls the raptors to the oil platform)
  • And a lot of people who aren't important...

Diffrences between the English and Japanese version[edit | edit source ]

A screencap from an original copy of Spirited Away.

Trying to find the differences between them is like trying to find an original copy of the original Spirited Away movie (FAT CHANCE!), It's just too hard, well it's because the original basis of the movie was that they found a few original pieces of the plot to a movie called "精神" that told the story of heroism and bravery, Kiefer Sutherland decided to add some pizzaz to the movie and therefore added a few writers from Season 5 and Season 6 to write the script, The original copy of the movie is said to have the original plot that was recently found on Wikipedia but very few copies exist and those that exist are fossilized and therefore irrecoverable unless found.

Awards[edit | edit source ]

Spirited Away earned a number of awards from unofficial award ceremonies (one of which is real) including...

Kiefer Sutherland winning the razzy.
  • Razzie Award
  • Steve Balmer's Fucking Killed Approval
  • Vandal Approved
  • Sockpuppet Approved
  • DVDuesday Pass
  • Stupid People's Choice Award
  • Complete and Utter Failure Award presented by G4
  • Worst Plot Award
  • Avoid Like the Plague Seal of Approval
  • Simon Cowell's Disapproval
  • The Official Kippery Rigsby Award

Kiefer Sutherland had this to say while receiving his Razzie.

"I'd just like to say WAIT... THERE'S NO TIME!!!"

~ Kiefer Sutherland on Spirited Away

and he went to home to do "knitting" and "sewing".

Deleted Items[edit | edit source ]

Vice President Daniels.

Many stuff was deleted from the movie in an attempt to save on money which make the story understandable and the movie good and arguably most of the stuff deleted was good. Examples of the deleted items was a lot of footage of Vice President Daniels cut out though some mentions exist in the movie and he is the one who approves of the raptor strike on the Official Phillip Bauer Oil Platform.

A deleted scene where Kiefer does Karate.

Another notable scene was the big ballroom dance that would be similar to the Beauty and the Beast dance scene set to music from the Chips Ahoy! commercial but it was cut entirely from the movie and made into a separate show called So You Think You Can Dance featuring Simon Cowell (Not OTA of course.) and Nigel Lythgoe.

Some notable parts were cut out of the movie including the baby and supposedly a Hulk like transformation into cute creatures and also No-Face joins with them. Kiefer Sutherland comments on this.

The scraped ballroom scene in So You Think You Can Dance.

"The Mouse and The Bird is not going to be on the sixth season of 24, This show is about bombs, action and me!!!"

~ Kiefer Sutherland on a deleted scene

"Who wouldn't want a mouse on 24, We need some uniqueness on that show anyways."

~ Oscar Wilde on 24

Some notable plot deletions involve a lot of backstory and a character called Haku who was supposed to turn into a dragon, he was removed for lack of interest. A deleted scene included Jack Bauer getting shot but survived and another deleted scene involve both Hamri Al-Assad and Chihiro Ogino dying in the blast.

Criticism[edit | edit source ]

An early production shot of Spirted Away that criticized for being the quality of a flash toon.

The movie has mostly been shunned by society and Wikipedia itself. The movie is criticized for cutting scenes from 24 Season 5 and Season 6 into it's movie and the movie itself having a weak plot and the movie also was criticized for a controvortial reference to Uncyclopedia which offended everyone including the makers of the movie. The movie was also criticized for being too short and offering us a dissapoing look into the next season of 24 but that's not the worst shock. 6 years later We get the same stuff from the movie plus a disappointing ending and I guess the Magic Eight Ball was right. There was also some early production shots made that generated negative buzz. The original premise was to be a prequel of 24 but it soon changed it's story and hired Japanese animators and Hizao Miazaki to co-produce the movie. Only 4 of the early production shots were made in existence.

See Also[edit | edit source ]

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