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Hallbugs Academy Awards

Welcome to the 2008 Hallbugs Academy Award Vote! AAAAAAAAA!

3900 BC, Gert5 begins to eat some soup in South-Timese Egypt. An Uncyclopedia passes by and kidnaps Gert5 into it's mindless soaked up pages. Somehow, the Hallbugs Academy Award Vote begins for no remote reason. 2007 AD, the future might be here, 2007 last year, HallBugs has Zim ulator Victoriou's Secret and people explode for a whole year. Now, XXX, 2008 is here, and Gert5 is first in nominations. Y

Here you can vote the Uncyclopedian of your choice who has been funny, satirical and helpful. And smarter than a n00bcookie.


Requirements[edit | edit source ]

  • You can nominate for yourself, but you cannot vote for yourself. Even if it's one of those Self Nom+For moments.
  • The nominee's account must be older than 3 months.
  • The nominee should have 5 articles, 5 images and at least 500 contributions, which those facts will shift a n00b into a basic user.
  • The nominee does not need to have any audio recordings done, as most people do not have a sound-recording device, however, it may give extra pints.
  • Nominations are taken from 8th March to 30th August, which is the pre-finals, semi-finals will hapen during 1st September to 1st January with 5 contestants, after that, the finals will happen from 1st January to 1st March with 3 contestants, leaving only 8 days until the next HB.

How it works[edit | edit source ]

2007[edit | edit source ]

  • The contest works as most vote-based contests. The people can vote For and Against.
  • The contest stays up until September 31st 2007 (YAY! This thing is popular)
  • The maximum of contestants is 10. Any 11 will (削除) have the first one removed (削除ここまで) be erased permanently
  • NEW! In case there's a tie, um...

2008[edit | edit source ]

  • Nominations are taken from 8th March to 30th August, which is the pre-finals, semi-finals will hapen during 1st September to 1st January with 5 contestants, after that, the finals will happen from 1st January to 1st March with 3 contestants, leaving only 8 days until the next HB.
  • And for those who are curry us, the name HallBugs has no past, just like "Oscars".

Awards[edit | edit source ]

The winner will get

  • A HallBug to pet
  • A HallBugs userbox
  • To instantly become a Admin and/or a 'Crat [or not]
  • 2500 Yoinxx and/or 1900 Valjuta
  • The ability to install and use the fudge button on their userpage
  • Appreciation from Gert5, Sophia and God (Oscar Wilde not marked)
  • All of the winner's dreams to come true (Mongolia only)
  • The name of the winner to be on this page forevuh.
  • 2007-only Gift: A glow-in-the-dark skeleton
  • 2008-only Gift: A simulation toy of WTC 2002

Previous Winners[edit | edit source ]

Zim_ulator · YesTimeToEdit

Promotion[edit | edit source ]

Add this to your user page by using {{User:Gert5/hallbugs/nomuser}}. That will add this to get votes up:

Hallbugs Nominee
This user is nominated for the HallBugs 2007 Academy Award. You can go vote for him/her at User:Gert5/hallbugs.

Quick Poll[edit | edit source ]

Which one of these should Hallbugs get?
Please vote below. Results will be shown when you have voted.
You are not entitled to view results of this poll before you have voted.
There were 0 votes since the poll was created on 19:18, 6 January 2013.
poll-id 3D4BD6FC82E02CB94BD0F763887AEB02

Archive[edit | edit source ]

NOMINATE BEYOND THIS LINE![edit | edit source ]


"You can't stop it there!"

I nominate SPIKE The Dog, if I am eligible to do so. I still don't actually understand what the hell this is all about, but if it amuses or irritates SPIKE, I win. Cheers! Zimbuddha.jpg Rev. Zim_ulator (Talk) I am the dirt under your rollers 16:26, July 17, 2010 (UTC)

Crap by Gert5 (broken)

Bank of YoinxxHallBugsMiscussion

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