User:DJ Irreverent/...

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  1. Yeah --Sir DJ ~ Irreverent OZ! Noobaward.jpg Wotm.jpg Unbooks mousepad.PNG GUN.png 12:38, 29 July 2008 (UTC)


Humour: 7.8 Intro - Good intro, like the first line a lot. Second line is a bit British-y but the last sentence is pretty darn good.

Witty infobox, like the Mr. Bean one a lot. ‘’It takes 0km for the Mini to break down.’’ – Very good. Favourite food one was too random, OXO cube one was pretty abstract.

Technical specs - Second paragraph is pretty good if a bit random. Love the slug sentence, very funny. Next lines are a bit random, first one is funny (who the hell is John Prescott though, doesn’t really matter to the article...) second one is even more random but it can slide. Real laugh out loud for the Drive train bit. Next sentence isn’t as good, kinda takes the shine off the hilarity of the first bit.

Models – First sentence is very British, quite like the last bit though. The factory bit is good but the Parkinson section is losable. Like the Kate Moss bit, the others are pretty good – the cheddar bit isn’t that funny.

Modern Minis – First paragraph is quite nice, particularly the analogy with the Erics – very good. Public opinion part is also quite funny... I mean who doesn’t like Mr. Bean? Last bit detracts from it though, the joke is out of place.

Motorsport – Not as funny as other sections, still liked the table bit though.

Use in polite conservation – That either went way over my head... probably funny if you get it.

Threats to existence – First section is very random... funny... but random. Has little to do with Minis though. Counterfeit section is pretty good, particularly the first one on the list. Like the quirky mad cheese part a lot. The other two are also pretty funny. The test is decent, pictures are appropriate but nothing overly spectacular.

Appearance on Top Gear – Like the Hammond quote, very realistic :P. First sentence is nothing spectacular. Tracklisting is sick but funny - "You Don't Need A Big One To Be Happy!" – like the irony.

Like the Legacy bit to, more wit.

Special offers – Made me smile, I like the Clarkson bit

Concept: 7.1 Concept isn't very satiric, however I don't think there is much else you could do with it. Has lots of zany randomness though which i tend to like. I'm fairly sure taking the piss out of something using wit and word play is funny but not particularly unique, still it was a change from conversational articles.
Prose and formatting: 7 Prose was, on the whole, good (a long way better than mine :P) but some parts lacked flow because of the disjointed sentence structure. The short, witty sentences were pretty funny but I still feel the article could have done with a few longer paragraphs of solid, satiric prose.
Images: 7.6 Images were on the whole funny and tied in well with the article. Captions were also pretty good.
Miscellaneous: 7.375 av'd bleh bleh bleh bleh
Final Score: 36.875 A pretty good, zany article. May have been a bit to random and, I feel, could do with a tiny bit more content. Still pretty good.

Humour: 7 Intro - [7.8] - Like the intro a lot, how it juxtaposes the seriousness of his job.

Early Life - [7] - Started off well, the Nebraska joke was good... and the other one. Once the Mayor part was brought in it began to drop slightly.

College Years - [5.5] - Well that was random, the beer jokes didn’t really make me laugh and it seemed to not hold much importance in the flow of the article.

California - [6] - I liked the "too skeletal" part and the "silicon tanker" – both made me laugh. The story was alright but nothing overly amazing.

The "Angel o' Death" Gig - [8] - Really, really, really liked this part, makes fun of what "death" actually does, would have liked more parts like this in the article. Loved the little plays on words.

Later Years and... Death? - [7.3] - Pretty good, I liked the conundrum of how death could... die.

Concept: 6.8 The concept of death being a person is nothing new and this is pretty much as I would expect an article about this to be. Still this idea could be built upon more I feel.
Prose and formatting: 6.8 Prose and formatting were pretty good, there were a few mistakes but those were typos more than anything else. Formatting was nothing very special but what you'd expect in a pretty normal article.
Images: 7 The first 2 images were nothing overly special, however I liked the last one a lot and it's caption.
Miscellaneous: 6.9 av'd
Final Score: 34.5 A fairly funny article, pretty much what I expected for this article. Still it has its good moments.

Humour: 8 Intro - [8.4] - Absolutely loved it

In town - [8.2] - Pretty good

Sweet sweeping roads - [7.8] - Good

Mountain paths - [7.5] - Good except for the "don't walk off" part, a bit too British centric though.

Regulations - [7.1] - Drags on a bit here, still funny.

Disputes - [7.6] - Pretty darn funny, the tiny atom bomb part was a bit too random though, feels like it needs a different ending.

Concept: 8 A nice concept and well worked on. From experience I see.
Prose and formatting: 7.8 Prose was good and carried the concept well, no mistakes I could see.
Images: 7.2 Only 2 images, both were relevant and had decent captions.
Miscellaneous: 7.8 avd
Final Score: 38.8 Quite a nice article and pretty original to.

Humour: 6.9 Had funny bits but these were covered in superfluous information. The Brokeback mountain part was rather sigh-worthy but there were some very good bits in other places.
Concept: 6.7 Life of Heath Ledger, not that amazing or unique.
Prose and formatting: 7.2 Good prose, no niggling mistakes.
Images: 7 Images were decent but nothing overly special.
Miscellaneous: 6.9
Final Score: 34.7 Good article, but some parts get bogged down in cliche while others are excellent.

Humour: 8.7 Hilarious, the jokes are well placed and it keeps a good tone throughout. Love how self-referential it is. No cruft, just to the point hilarity.
Concept: 9.2 Wonderful concept, love the idea of an angry letter. I also like how it makes fun of the difference between cultures but doesn't mock either.
Prose and formatting: 8.2 Formatting is great, prose is good and helps carry the idea.
Images: 7.8 Pictures were good but I feel they could have been slightly more humorous
Miscellaneous: 8.4 avvvvv
Final Score: 42.3 Wonderful concept and the tone and writing carries the humour expertly.

Humour: 7.8 Funny, but gets a bit off topic in places. Still has a fair amount of good chuckles though.
Concept: 7 Concept was pretty good but wasn't built upon that much.
Prose and formatting: 7 Prose was good, even though it didn't really carry the concept that well. Tiny bit too conversational but the article was very nicely formatted.
Images: 7.5 Images were funny and had good captions. The last flowchart didn't really fit though.
Miscellaneous: 7.3 av
Final Score: 36.6

Humour: 8.1 Has lots of funny bits, lots of laughs.
Concept: 6.5 Has been done before, SIRS is a fairly good example. Rides on cliche but is still rather funny.
Prose and formatting: 8 Prose is good and easy to read.
Images: 7.7 Images are used and captioned well. None are that inherently funny but UU has put in great captions.
Miscellaneous: 7.4 avd
Final Score: 37.7 Nice article, if a bit cliche.

Humour: Kind of doesn't exist.
Prose and formatting:
Final Score: Expression error: Missing operand for +.

Humour: 7.7 Had funny bits, a bit too British-centric though I feel as I didn't get some parts.
Concept: 6.8 Just a kinda "poke fun at the BBC", still it was pretty funny.
Prose and formatting: 7.2 Prose was on the whole good, if in places it did go off track a bit.
Images: 7.4 Images were good but nothing spectacular.
Miscellaneous: 7.3 av
Final Score: 36.4 Pretty good article
Reviewer: User:Sycamore/BBC

  1. User:15Mickey20/Sania Mirza
  2. User:Heerenveen/Driving in Bucharest
  3. User:Under user/HowTo:Be A Supervillain
  4. User:Hindleyite/Mini
  5. User:Sycamore/BBC
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