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Who is BombsAway?[edit | edit source ]

That is, no doubt, the question you find yourself asking when you stumble drunkenly into this page. It's not an easy answer, for he is so many things. He is as charming a retarded Komodo dragon. He is as handsome as that deformed hunchback guy from 300. He is as brilliant as the drunken homeless man that lives behind the 7-11 and shouts at children, accusing them of kidnapping his family whenever they try to buy anything. He likes to profess athiesm as a "non-prophet" organization. He sometimes cries himself to sleep.

Thank goodness the internet is so forgiving and anonymous. Right, my e-girlfriend in Korea, "bigdick4545"?

Bombs' Joy and Pride[edit | edit source ]

This user plays guitar , because it attracts more groupies , and gets more solos than the bass .
This user hates religion , and is a sinner through and through!


This user steals userboxes from random people's user pages.
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