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BILBO LAND IS TEH PWN![edit | edit source ]
I joined the Folding@home team , because I have nothing better to do with my computer.
The Magical Eight-Days Gestating Bear Award
The Magical Eight-Days Gestating Bear
wishes to thank you for voting "si" on bear in VFH.
Hooray for you! Hooray for magical bears!
QUOTES[edit | edit source ]
"I'd fuck Bilbobaggins With a rabid monkey OOOOOOHHH YEEEEAAAAHHH!!! PUSH IT GOOOOD!!!!!"
~ Oscar Wilde on Bilbobaggins
"Yes - definitely."
~ Magic 8-Ball on Bilbobaggins
"Most of the evils of life rise from Bilbobaggins."
~ Blaise Pascal on Bilbobaggins
did you know...
- ... that it takes a great amount of sexual commitment to get a computer turned on, but once your computer is properly aroused, it can offer you some of the greatest sexual thrills you may ever experience?
Many are called, few are chosen. Fewer still get to do the choosing.
"Unfairly but truthfully, our party has been tagged as being against things. Anti-immigrant, for example. And we're not a party of anti-immigrants. Quite the opposite. We're a party that welcomes people."
~ Gorge W. Bush on justice