Muhammad Ali Jinnah

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"He was jeaulous of me because i got to bang lady mountbatten"

~ Nehru on Jinnah

"If you had given her to me there would have been no pakistan"

~ Jinnah on Nehru

"Damn! This one is also named Muhhammad"

~ Oscar Wilde on Muslim Names

" Ahh Derka derk, Sherp Jihad, MUHAMMAD!!!, sherpa DERK DERKA sherpa, Muhammad Jihad, sherpa"

~ Terrorist on Muhammad
For those without comedic tastes, the self-proclaimed experts at Wikipedia have an article about Muhammad Ali Jinnah .
Mahatma Gandhi trying to convince Jinnah that he will teach Him Kamasutra positions if he forgets about a separate Pakistan

Muhhamad Ali Jinnah was the founder of Pakistan And the co-founder of Pakistani Playboy Magazine.That makes him the founder of All problems in the world today i.e.Obama winning the Nobel Price And Pamela Anderson Having Boobbs bigger than her Brain.He also served as the Leader of the Taliban which was then known as the Moslem Leaugue.He was Pakistan's First Terrorist General.He is Officially known in Pakistan as the Quaid - Eye-Azam (Urdu for Don't oggle at my Mom's Ass).His Birthday is celebrated as a national Holiday in Pakistan which means generally there is 200% increase in the bomb attack on that day in the world.He rose to promenence among muslims in the sub sontinent by propounding the idea that Hindu And sikhs are Fucking Muslimahs when Muslim Men are out on Jihad.This idea resulted in all muslims demanding an separate Moslem state in the subcontinent so that muslimahs will not be allowed to sexually satisfy themselves.Though unknown to many muslims in pakistan he is also the founder of Pakistan edition of Playboy.Asif Ali Zardari is the current editor of it.

Early Life[edit | edit source ]

Jinnah was Born To a Virgin She Camel in the deserts of Arabia on December 25, 1876 exactly 1876 years after a similar incident occured where a virgin named Mary gave Birth to Jesus.Though Christians claim Jesus's Father was God.Pakistanis still Don't Known who is the father of Jinnah.Various theories circulate in pakistan regarding his birth.One theory Suggests a Sexually frustrated Genie or Jinn in Arabic Banged a She Camel And hence Jinnah(Jinn + Ah(sexual moan) was Born.Nevertheless Jinnah was born in a very affluent Camel Family family.After His Birth He straight away went To India And started practicisng Law.He successfully Defended some of well known people in that time including Oscar Wilde For his Homosexual Charges.

Founding of the Moslem League[edit | edit source ]

Though Jinnah was A successful Lawyer in British India.He developed A great Sense of resenment against Hindus And Sikhs.He was Jealous of the Fact that Hindus knew all the positions of the Kamasutra and they didn't teach him.His Resentment escalated even further when Nehru used his Kamasutra tricks To lay Lady Edwina Mounbatten(The British Whore) since he had an eye on her for a long time.In retaliation he left the Indian Fuckers Congress and formed the Moslem League Advocating an indpendent Muslim State where Hindus cannot try their Kamasutra tricks on Sexually Frustrated Muslimahs when Muslim are out on Jihad.All Muslims of pakistan joined the league and raised their slogan Muslimah Pussy for Muslim Dicks.We want our Pakistan.Thus The tension between Hindu/Sikhs and muslims escalated.

Fourteen Points[edit | edit source ]

Fourteen Points is the reason cited by Jinnah on why Pakistan should be carved out from British India. They are follows:

We want Pakistan because...
  1. Muslimahs are being banged when we are on jihad.
  2. Hindus don't teach us Kamasutra tricks.
  3. They Speak better english than us.
  4. They are making us slaves.
  5. Their babes look better than us.
  6. They have uncircumcised dicks.
  7. They are allowed to drink alcohol.
  8. They don't have to sport a beard.
  9. They are not forced to pray 5 times a day.
  10. Their women don't wear tents.
  11. They access unlimited pornography carved on their temples.
  12. They make more money than us.
  13. They are all born doctors and software engineers.
  14. Their Maths is better tahn us.
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