A lifeboat is a small boat used to evacuate passengers from a ship that is on fire and/or sinking.
Women and Children First[edit | edit source ]
Traditionally, women and minors under the age of 16 were given priority to board lifeboats. Originally based on old-fashioned concepts of the male responsibility to protect the weak, the policy remains in effect on most ships merely as a courtesy. Modern ships like this one has sufficient lifeboat capacity for all passengers - women, children and men. There is no need to push or shove. A calm, orderly disembarkation will be faster for everyone.
Once you have finished with that unseemly panic, follow the other passengers to the life boat station.
Types of Lifeboats[edit | edit source ]
In general, there are two types of lifeboats:
- Whaleboats - wood or fiberglass boats designed to be lowered from the ship's decks
- Inflatable rafts - space-saving rubber life rafts expand to full size in emergency
Just pick one and get in. They both float and are preferable to this sinking ship.
Lifeboat Operation[edit | edit source ]
Passengers are expected to learn about lifeboat operations during drills held at the beginning of every voyage, and it's a little late to ask now. Some passengers can't seem to wait to get drunk. The lifeboat's oars are simply for backup, this boat is equipped with a gas-powered motor. Please do not stand in the boat. Without a low center of gravity, the boat is likely to capsize. Do not play with the flare gun. Put it down. Put it down, I said!
*BANG* Pssssssssst.[edit | edit source ]
This is the sound an inflatable life raft makes after a flare is shot through the rubber. Oh damn. All passengers should be wearing life vests!