Hitler and the Gestapo
Hitler and the Gestapo is the name of the famous smash metal band created by Adolf "Judenfrei" Hitler. Adolf Hitler is actually Winston Churchill's son.
Gestapo is a German state secret police during the Nazi regime, organized in 1933 and notorious for its brutal methods and operations. The Gestapo actually came from Hermann Göring in April 1933. But the SS Leader Heinrich Himmler really was known for the use of the Gestapo. The Gestapo came from Geheime Staats Polizei which was shortened by using the first two or three letters (Geheime Staats Polizei). They worked as secret police getting the Jews rounded up to go to Death Camps or Concentration Camps. Concentration Camps are where most strong, young, and useful Jews would go to be put to work. Death Camps are where Jews went to be put to death. They were used to search people's homes to see if any Jews were in hiding. They also planned execution in the Holocaust. The Gestapo was important because they kept everything in line with the Jews. They were Anti-Semitist because if they weren't they wouldn't have been in the profession they were in. They worked for their head General and followed Hitler's orders. And they were a factor in the Holocaust because if it wasn't for them, Jews wouldn't have been taken away from their homes, shops, and families.
Early Years[edit | edit source ]
Gestapo was created by Hitler to help and serve the people of Germany but also to protect Jews against those who wanted them harmed. So they rounded them up and put them in lovely camps with all their hearts' desires and gave them showers. They were also involved with helping black people in Africa, protecting them and educating them because as is the gestapo motto "All men are created equal". The Gestapo is secretly run by the Jews themselves, who murder innocent Serbians dressed up as Jews. Really.
The Gladzeig[edit | edit source ]
This was what Hitler described as his Good Time, or Gutenzeit. He scoured the bands of the Third Reich for good music talent, and eventually put together the top lineup of the Gestapo:
Adolf "Judenfrei" Hitler- Lead Guitar, Vocals
Heinrich "Double-S" Himmler- Backup Guitar
Rudolf "Peacemaker" Hess- Bass Guitar
Joe "Crimethink" Goebbels- Keyboards, Vocals
Hermann "Divebomb" Goering- Electric Violin
Erich "Bizmark" Raeder- Drums
This powerful lineup had been painstakingly assembled from previous bands such as Reichstag, World War, and Stormtroop. The new band showed various aspects of the old, combined with a new feel that nothing in Weimar had been able to match.
Glory Days[edit | edit source ]
The Gestapo started off with a bang, releasing their first Album, Conscription, in 1935. The powerful new music stunned the world, sending Third Reich stock rocketing while critically injuring that of its main competitor, NatLeag. Enjoying stunning success, the band didn't stop there, releasing their first single only a short while later. The new single, Anschluss, followed quickly by other top hits such as Break the Bank, CzechMix, and Kristallnacht, took the world by storm, thrusting the Gestapo into the limelight and beginning a dominant era.
Wehrmacht World Tour 1939[edit | edit source ]
The Gestapo got the most fame, though, from their smash-hit world tour, Wehrmacht Storm. Writing a large amount of all-new music specifically for the tour, the Gestapo crossed every major city in Europe during the tour. Berlin, Vienna, Prague, Warsaw, Rotterdam, Luxembourg, Amsterdam, Paris, Rome, Athens- nothing escaped their notice. The powerful new song, Blitzkrieg, took Poland in particular by surprise, and resulted in negotiation of getting Polish groups signed up with the Third Reich. There was initially a London concert planned, but the city council threw them out shortly after an incident involving violinist Goering.
Nazi Point[edit | edit source ]
The world was stunned when, in early 1941, bass guitarist Hess left the band and began negotiating a deal with Big Fat Nazi Records. Hitler was reportedly shaken, but the band was in the middle of their smash tour and as a result had to hire on the run. Luckily, they found a great backup and player in the form of Benny "Duce" Mussolini, who had just ended his long-standing record deal with NatLeag and was looking for employment. The group then went on to what was supposed to be the biggest gig they had ever played- Moscow. It was here that they began to be divided. Hitler wanted to head south and perform a side gig in Kiev, while the rest of the band wanted to head straight on to the Moscow concert. Hitler eventually got his way, but it resulted in the band's downfall.
The Big Battle[edit | edit source ]
When the group reached Moscow, they found a rival band, the Red Men, already occupying the stage. What resulted was the biggest battle of the bands since the Kaiser-Doughboy concert of 1917. The music broke windows for a mile around in Moscow, but the Red Men's biggest song, "Winter Walking", overpowered the Gestapo in decibles and power. The Battle of the Bands was lost.
Death Spiral[edit | edit source ]
From then on the Gestapo never caught a break. Duce quit the band shortly after the debacle at Moscow, and his replacement, "Death Angel" Mengele, was a controversial figure in the industry. The band continued for two more years, losing more and more money and crowds to the Red Men, their old rivals, Imperium, and eventually to latecomer but powerhouse Red, Black, and Blue. Hitler quit the band, and the industry altogether, in 1945, and about a week later "Bizmark" Raeder dissolved the Gestapo.
It was the end of an era.
Legacy[edit | edit source ]
Though the Gestapo never reformed, their legacy lives on. Albums from them such as Rocketeer, Atomic View, and their famous Blitzkrieg were taken and adapted by other, later bands. Though none cited the Gestapo as an influence, a result of their end-of-career downward spiral, the background is clear.
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