Forum:The Uncyclopedian Blogosphere

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Forums: Index > Village Dump > The Uncyclopedian Blogosphere
Note: This topic has been unedited for 6013 days. It is considered archived - the discussion is over. Do not add to unless it really needs a response.

Hello there everyone - I'm just stopping by. Sorry, but I've been tremendously busy with college lately, and I'm writing this about an hour before I have to leave ... again ... to do something ... again.

I don't know how many Uncyclopedians are also bloggers just at the moment, but I know in the not-too-distant past we had a lot of them: Journal bloggers, humor bloggers, long and short fiction bloggers. To any of those bloggers who are still around or planning on making a comeback, I wanted to let you know that I made a blog in an attempt to list all the Uncyclopedian blogs in one place. I know I probably missed a lot. (If I did, please don't let me know on this forum, because I'm not checking Uncyclopedia that often. Instead, use the e-mail address you see on the blog I'm referring to.)

On this blog, you'll notice the second half of the page is a list of blogs (all I could remember at the moment). They're listed by date of last update, so the most recent post is first.

So what's the point, you say? I made this blog of Uncyclopedia quotes in an attempt to bridge the gap between the Uncyclopedia wiki and the Uncyclopedia blogosphere. I know I'm not the only one who likes to write longer, more involved fiction than the occasional article, and the blogosphere has proven a great place to do that. To bloggers, this is an opportunity to whore your blog, and to non-bloggers, I suggest you take a look at the Uncyclopedian blogs out there, because there's some really good shit on them.

In short: Whore this thing wherever you can. Not only will it provide a central hub for Uncyclopedia blogs, but it'll get your blog a lot more attention, too. A bunch of bloggers whoring one blog is going to get that blog more attention than if they all whored their blogs individually. It's more efficient, too, because we can all check back on that page to see who's updated their blog, instead of going through every single damn blog we can remember.

Well, gotta go fire up Fnoodle - that's my car's name - and get back to college. See ya!  Sir Skullthumper, MD (criticize  writings  critchat) 16:47 Aug 31, 2008

Oh, and yes, the quotes are stolen from here. Thanks Cajek!  Sir Skullthumper, MD (criticize  writings  critchat) 16:51 Aug 31, 2008

How'd you get the list of blogs to appear there? Could we get the Illogiblog to link up somehow? -- Hindleyite Converse?pedia 17:09, 31 August 2008 (UTC)
Symbol for vote.svg Added. A link back would be nice too.  Sir Skullthumper, MD (criticize  writings  critchat) 23:20 Sep 01, 2008


Blogs eh?, Carla Bruni eh? No clothes eh? Monica Bellucci joining in eh?... — Sir Sycamore (talk) 17:41, 31 August 2008 (UTC)
well, I have a geocities website that I use to vent my anger at various people, things, commercials, etc. it is at I haven't updated it in a while, but I am considering doing so today or tomorrow (gotta blast those damn olive garden commercials). --Mgr. Sir Sonic80 19:01, 31 August 2008 (UTC)
Symbol for vote.svg Added, but stuck at the bottom. The widget I'm using needs an RSS feed to determine when you updated last. Until you get one, you're stuck at the bottom of the list, unfortunately.  Sir Skullthumper, MD (criticize  writings  critchat) 23:20 Sep 01, 2008
What the hell is a blog? Is that like a wiki? Is it on the internets? Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 20:50, 31 August 2008 (UTC)
No, no modus, a blog is the feeling you get after repeatedly bashing your head against a brick wall. (Shamelessly linking to a 14 month old UnNews Article made by someone else FTW!) --Mgr. Sir Sonic80 21:31, 31 August 2008 (UTC)

In other languages

Spanish---Asteroid B612 B612.jpg (aka Rataube) - Ñ 15:44, 1 September 2008 (UTC)

Unnecessary header

Feel free to whore this blog in your sigs. The more links, the better pagerank, and the more attention... there's a lot of writing that goes on, done by Uncyclopedians, that isn't on Uncyclopedia, and I feel this is a good way to draw attention to it.  Sir Skullthumper, MD (criticize  writings  critchat) 23:21 Sep 01, 2008

And what do I get for advertising compensation? - Rougethebat.gif Admiral Enzo Aquarius -Dial the Gate SonicLivesPicture.png 23:24, 1 September 2008 (UTC)
Australia.  Sir Skullthumper, MD (criticize  writings  critchat) 23:45 Sep 01, 2008
Do I get New Zealand and Tazmania with that? - Rougethebat.gif Admiral Enzo Aquarius -Dial the Gate SonicLivesPicture.png 00:43, 2 September 2008 (UTC)
Dammit, I was gonna give a shiny, new Australia to my girlfriend... Chocolate Rain 05:11, 2 September 2008 (UTC)
Soundtrack is out, by the way. I'm burning it to a disk and fucking blasting it on my way to college tomorrow morning.  Sir Skullthumper, MD (criticize  writings  critchat) 05:14 Sep 02, 2008
Yeah, I was planning on doing that exact same thing on the bus tomorrow (cuz, you know, freshman in high school can't drive....) Chocolate Rain 05:17, 2 September 2008 (UTC)
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