User:LEGO guy

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"In Soviet Russia, Jesus Christ Believes in YOU!"

~ Russian Reversal on Christianity.

"Why is he called LEGO guy?"

~ Oscar Wilde on LEGO guy

Hya there, I'm LEGO guy. If any complaints, leave them with me, THERE IS A JESUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All atheists can kiss my ass.

My family:

Crazyfatkid.gif My little brother.

Domokunyellownbackground.jpg My older brother.

Broom2.jpg My mom.

Farmer.jpg My dad.

Don't ask how my mom and dad met, it was freaky!!!!!!!!

Jesus Rocks[edit | edit source ]

You, why do you stare at me?

If you read the Bible (and I know no one here does), you know Jesus is awesome. He calmed a sea, he healed a cripple and retard, he even ticked off people. He kicked ass.

LEGO Rocks[edit | edit source ]

The brick, ready to eat a grue.

LEGO hood, the bad assed LEGO guy

The unsuspecting grue, moments before being pounced on.

Adam WestBiggie CheeseBilly MaysBlossom, Bubbles and ButtercupBlue BeetleBob KnightBruce CampbellBruce LeeCharles BronsonChow Yun-fatChristopher WalkenChuck NorrisClint EastwoodDirty HarryDolemiteMr. GarrisonThe Green HornetJackie ChanJet LiJoe CamelJack DempseyJames BevelJimmy BlackmanJimmy MozzarellaJuggernautKnight RiderMacGyverManny PacquiaoMartin Luther King, Jr.Michael BiehnMike TysonThe Milwaukee Cheese BanditMohandas GandhiMr. TNotorious B.I.G.PopeyeQin Shi HuangQuentin TarantinoRamboRed FormanRick AstleySean ConnerySamuel L. JacksonShaftScott AukermanSteven SeagalTony JaaWesley SnipesWonder WomanYogi BearYour Dad

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