User:Toasty Da Mosty

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Toasty Da MostyTM is an evil incarnation(according to c-rapers)created by pure evilness to correct our evil ways by telling the "truth" scientists today are still unable translate what ToastyTM means by this utterly new and confusing word it probably means that "the grues are coming, the grues are coming".

Humanity has had an enormous amounts of futile attemps (lots and lots of FAIL!) to overthrow him but has not yet even touched him due to the following reasons:[edit | edit source ]

1. The C fighters(Chuck Norris n' the Z team see Dragonball Z) being paid 5ドル and a krillin FAIL for every person they kill.

2. Ownership over a Nuke sword (See list of melee weapons that don't exist, but should)


4. Created the blue screen of death camps.

5. ....

6. Has the world record for ownership of over 9000 (9000.1 to be exact) 55 Gal. cans of whoop-ass.

7. A vast army of Mudkipz

Things that Toasty will destroy on sight[edit | edit source ]

Jack Thompson


clothing lines

Hanna Montana

Axis of evil-doers



Things that amuse or pleases Toasty[edit | edit source ]

Idiots being... well idiots

Video games



Newgrounds +Youtube videos

Videos that expose the idiocy of Twlight(movie)

this sites' articles on beer, WW2, Drunk driving, Twilight (book) and grues.

Also-*crash* . .. ... Transmission interupted.

[[1]] click this to see how stupid twlight is

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