In the early years, when dinosaurs were technological beings, they didn't know what they would say when they fell asleep, so they studied what other creatures did when they fell asleep, they finally found an answer when the smoke the giant bee, it went zzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzz but was abreviated as zzz. It was engraved in the bones of their dead.
Human Discovery of zzz[edit | edit source ]
97 trillion years later, The first humans walked the earth. 1 trillion years later, they began digging. They found dinosaurs, 1 trillion years later a comic artist featured zzz in his comic strip after he learned how to read.
The rest of the humans discoverey of zzz[edit | edit source ]
Many researchers studied the ancient comic strip made 4 lines up. 1 Trillion years later, an asteroid hit Earth and everyone died. .9 trillion years before that, Scientists discovered what zzz meant and they zzzzzzzz the day away zzzzzzzzz.
The fight for zzz[edit | edit source ]
.1 trillion years later, the race of the bees declared war on the human race since there was a copyright symbol after zzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzz and zzz. Since the bees were the only inheriters of the dinosaurs technology except for the Toucan, the war was very deadly, and many thousands of people fought for the trademark of zzz resulting in major stinging and a long lasting grudge which is the cause of Colony Collapse Disorder as the bees refuse to tolerance the human stink around their hives. According to them we smell of rotten cabbage and sewer fish.
The end of the war[edit | edit source ]
.7 trillion years later it turns out the copyright symbol was actually just a smudge at the end, so they had a peace treaty and allowed the uncreative human species to use zzz in their low graphic comic strips. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
Peace at last[edit | edit source ]
.1 trillion years later, the asteroid hit and everybody died thus forming the word "apocolypse"
See also[edit | edit source ]