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  Thekillerfruitcake has attained 4 stars .   ...OR HAS HE?! Yes, yes he has. :P 

Star1.png Star1.png Star1.png Star1.png*


This is things I did[edit | edit source ]

[画像:Uncyc doodle.png] For those obsessed with facts and reality, Thekillerfruitcake also has a user page on Uncyclopedia.
  1. Sport
  2. CORM
  3. Finite Loop
  4. Fork
  5. Mind
  6. Law
  7. Tubgirl
  8. Meatspin
  9. Y0UR M0M ISSS A C00W! (did half)
  10. LOOK WHAT JENNIFER DID! (rewrite)
  11. An article that is made by striking every key on the keyboard only once (except for Backspace, Tab and the F(number)s, which are always sabatoging me from the back (lol, back) )
  12. Jews
  13. Awesome
  14. An Article that is an infinite loop with its own talk page... BELIEVE IT!!!
  15. List
  16. Serpeniver
  17. Yoon
  18. (削除) User:D. G. Neree (削除ここまで) Some user
  19. Jet
  20. Cold War
  21. The Walrus
  22. Gin and Juice
  23. Line
  24. Page full of goatse
  25. Yeah
  26. Fool on the Hill
  27. Deviled Eggs (honorable mention in Illogic Pickle, and shit)
  28. Stream of consciousness (featured, and shit)
  29. Armenian Genocide
  30. Dogbird (expansion)
  31. Rape (rewrite)
  32. Shakespeare
  33. The Stand
  34. Lacigolli
  35. Deus ex machina
  36. Deus ex Machina (rewrite)
  37. Jwnei (rewrite)
  38. Net Authority
  39. Noodles
  40. Retard
  41. Dig Dug
  42. Boom (rewrite)
  43. Wu Tang Clan
  44. Fugue
  45. Debating (honorable mention in Illogic Pickle, and shit)
  46. Angela Millington
  47. Grapefruit
  48. Bestiality
  49. Techno
  50. Walt Disney (featured, and shit)
  51. Orgasm
  52. Washington Parallelogram (Epic'd!)
  53. Pantheism
  54. The Happy Tree Friends (rewrite)
  55. Hitmonchan
  56. Pondy pondy pondy (rewrite)
  57. Vidja game
  58. The page with no name
  59. Tim Allen
  60. Ice-9
  61. Cat's Cradle
  62. She
  63. Weird
  64. HowTo:Write an Epic for the Illogic Pickle (yet another Pickle Honorable Mention, and shit) (Also featured)
  65. A page with exactly 1337 characters and no categories
  66. Francisco Goya
  67. Bon Jovi
  68. Stratosphere
  69. Koopa (rewrite)
  71. Elephant nuts (requested)
  72. Chocolate bananas (requested)
  73. Jammawammahoo (requested)
  74. Wikilinks (requested)
  75. AHHHHHHHHHHHH (rewrite)
  76. Mexico (requested)
  77. I like pie (requested)
  78. Dwight Yoakam (requested)
  79. The Mahavishnu Orchestra (Winner! of that Halloween contest thing)
  80. Air (requested)
  81. The American Civil War‎

Articles created on my quest to completely de-redlink Pokémon [edit | edit source ]

  1. Digimon theft and slight altercation
  2. Racist
  3. Japanese Gamer
  4. Fourchan
  5. Conspiracy
  6. An orgy in full flow
  7. Spying on
  8. Other more creative game designers
  9. An email
  10. Suspiciously
  11. Inbox
  12. No good punk
  13. Sajiri Tyatoshi (or something like that)
  14. Drew the blinds
  15. Firewall
  16. Nintendo back-hander
  17. Declaring
  18. Childish games

Thing(s) my friend(s) did on my account[edit | edit source ]


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