Random page

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Seriously, you were looking for a random page? Well, all the pages on Illogicopedia are random, aren't they? So just go to a random page and it WILL be random.

"This page is random."

~ Captain Obvious on this page

A fish of angry bananas regurgitates along, trying for sneezes. The bananas float a toothbrush with their tries. Then, HUMIDITY!

Look, I'm gesturing you a courageous flower. Do you or do you not begin to repeat after your railway?

Rail weigh? Rail weigh fifty pounds.

  • "Convert that to dollars, please."

Dollars? Rail weigh a hundred dollars. But then, it cost twenty-three kilograms.

I tell you a tail... of a mouse.[edit | edit source ]

'Tis a long tail indeed. I must be careful not to step on this tail I will tell.

Welcome to Colorado[edit | edit source ]

Color-auto? Automatic coloring machine.


Not so, my friend, not so.

Look! A salty idea![edit | edit source ]

Where? Where? Where? AAAAAAAAA!

So enniweigh...[edit | edit source ]

Buy the way! It costs only ten Kuwaiti dinars!

Whatcha this.

Ka-Ka too. Liggaliggaliggwoo!

  v  t  e
The Wikisphere
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